FFP MD's 6 LRFPMD Flashcards
LRFPMD Characteristics
3-7 stories (75’/less), Isolated/Attached, 1 Single stairway or 2 remote stairways (open/enclosed), Usually NO standpipe (handstretch), & Stairway windows (allows rope stretch for HL via exterior)
T/F: LRFPMD Emphasis will be placed on venting attack stair bulkhead after approval of IC, early in the operation
Who vents Attack Stairway at LRFPMD
1st & 2nd Roof FF’s
What HL shall be stretched for LRFPMD
1 3/4 or 2 1/2” hand stretch depending on hallway lengths (small & every door w/in 50’ of every stairway 1 3/4”)
What must 1st Lad Off notify to IC at LRFPMD
In LRFPMD w/2 stairways- once Attack Stairs selected all operations are to proceed from this stairway. The only exception is
If stairs are open/enclosed; If 2 stairways notify IC & Engine Officer of Attack Stairs
Roof FF using Evacuation Stairs to reach roof
When shall fire apartment door be chocked open in LRFPMD
1st OV & LCC tools at LRFPMD
Once charged HL is moving into apartment
OV: Halligan & Hook; LCC: Halligan & Axe
1st OV & LCC Duties at LRFPMD
Outside survey (split & approach opposite directions), VEIS w/lad if w/in reach, NO Outside ops- team up to fire fl & search hallway & fire apt (if 2nd Lad delayed- fl above). If isolated bldg w/1 stairway LCC shall provide roof access for Roof FF
1st Roof FF Tools & Duties
Halligan hook, Halligan, LSR, Life Belt.
To the roof to provide ventilation of Attack Stair Bulkhead when ordered by IC
Priority Order for Roof Access for Roof FF LRFPMD
Stairway in adjoining bldg,
Individual bldg w/2 sections protected by Fire doors- use adjoining section (ensure closed on fire fl & fl above),
Enclosed Evacuation stairs,
Special Situation: Isolated bldg w/1 open interior stairway to roof & NO access via AL/TL- What is done
Off must decide if roof vent is req’d. If stairway NOT IDLH & safety permits- Roof FF may take interior stairs provided fire apt door controlled & closed by Lad Off. If Stairway IDLH- Roof FF must Team up & wait for control of fire apt door. Remain on roof until Fire Under Control & safe to descend
Who brings 1st KO Curtain at LRFPMD
2nd Lad responsibilities at LRFPMD
2nd Lad FE Team; Exception Top floor fire= 2nd Roof FF KO Curtain to roof
All floors & stairs above fire floor. Force entry into fire apt directly over fire. If top floor fire- search fire floor w/1st Lad
2nd OV/LCC will have same tool assignment as 1st OV/LCC. What are their duties
Conduct outside survey (split up). If NO outside ops- proceed to floors above fire to assist in search. LSR evolution- be in position to assist on floor above fire
2nd Roof FF tools & duties
Same tools as 1st Roof. Exception: Top fl fire KO Curtain to roof in lieu of LSR & Life Belt
Duties: Proceed to Roof to assist 1st Roof FF w/ventilation of Attack Stair bulkhead, Check perimeter, Exterior vent, KO Curtain deployment & LSR ops
Roof Access for 2nd Roof:
Stairway in attached adjoining building,
Individual building w/2 separate sections protected by fire doors- use protected adjoining section (ensure fire doors closed on fire floor & above)
Enclosed Evacuation stairs,
Info to include for CIDS on LRFPMD
Roof access, Number & type of stairways (open/enclosed & if protected by fire doors), Apparatus access, Hydrant location, Search rope required, & 1 3/4” HL approved
Priority Order for LSR Rescue initiated by 1st Lad
Operated from roof (allows for roof vent in conjunction w/LSR rescue). If roof NOT possible 1st Roof FF should direct 2nd Roof FF to apartment directly above fire apartment using Evacuation stairs if 2 enclosed stairs. 1 Interior stairs- IC may direct members/unit to apt directly above fire apt
5th flr fire in a 6 story Low rise Fireproof MD. No outside ops are possible. Which is incorrect?
A. 1st due LCC takes a halligan & axe and proceeds to the fire floor after his outside survey
B. 1st due OV takes a halligan & halligan hook to the fire floor after his outside survey
C. 1st due Roof takes a halligan, halligan hook, LSR & life belt and proceeds to the floor above
D. 2nd due Roof takes a halligan, halligan hook, Life Saving Rope & life belt and proceeds to the roof
C. Proceeds to the roof
LRFPMDs & HRFPMDs have many differences. Incorrect info regarding ops at a 6-story low-rise Fireproof MD with two enclosed stairways and a small hallway?
A. Roof FF’s go to the roof via evacuation stairs
B. Ladder Off picks attack stairs after consulting with Eng Off and notifies IC
C. OV often can reach the 4th floor with a 35 foot portable
D. If no outside ops are needed the LCC and OV both report to the fire floor
B When there are two stairways the Ladder Officer notifies the IC and the Eng Off of the attack stairway. MD 7.3.1 A
**MD 6.2.1B Eng Officer is to communicate with the Lad Off to select the attack stairway
LSR rescue in LRFPMD correct
A. Only 1st Roof FF carries LSR & priority is to perform LSR rescue from roof
B. Only 2nd Roof carries LSR & priority area to perform LSR rescue operation is from fl above
C. Both 1st & 2nd Roof FF carry LSR & priority area to perform LSR rescue is from roof
D. Both 1st & 2nd Roof FF carry LSR & priority area to perform LSR is from fl above
1st Roof determines LSR operation not practical from roof level…choose incorrect
A. If 2nd Roof FF has not already reached the roof, 1st Roof FF should immediately direct that FF to the apt directly above the fire apt
B. 2nd Roof shall bring their assigned tools including LSR to apt directly above the fire apt
C. Bldgs w/2 enclosed stairs, the 2nd Roof may descend the attack stairway to apt directly above the fire apt
D. Open interior stair, IC may direct another unit to bring LSR (Sqd, Res, Eng) to apt directly above the fire apt
LRFPMDs- who accounts for all Elevators
Rescue & Squad
A. 1st Lad to arrive is responsible for recalling the elevators to gain control of and prevent occupant usage.
B. If no outside operations are possible, then the 2nd arriving OV/Chauffeur Team shall proceed to the floors above the fire to assist in the search.
C. 2nd Lad inside team is responsible for carrying the KO curtain to the apartment directly above the fire.
D. When ordered by the IC, the venting of the attack stairway in LRFPMDs will be accomplished by the 1st and 2nd arriving Roof firefighter positions.
A. Sect 6.3.1 - 1st Ladder Company to Arrive at HI RISE MDs is responsible for: Elevator recall to gain control of the elevators and to prevent occupant use. This is not listed as a responsibility of the 1st arriving ladder at a low rise MD.
Member responsible for bringing KO Curtain to roof fore a fire on the top floor of LRFPMD A. 2nd Roof FF B. 1st Roof FF C. 2nd OV FF D. 1st LCC