Regulations Ch 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 26, 29 & 30 Flashcards
Procedure for Complaints received related to places of public amusement & entertainment such as theaters, sports arenas, concert halls, dance halls, & cabarets
Immediately telephone Admin BC and have them investigate with the APPROPRIATE fire company and inform the DC of actions taken, 1st by telephone & then ins a written report. DC has the discretion to conduct an investigation if req’d
Ch 12 12.1.6
Complaint for conditions involving possible violation of law vs structural/occupancy hazards dangerous to life
Violation of law= Prompt inspection
Danger to life= Immediate inspection
In ALL cases of complaints within admin district, report forwarded & proper entries recorded in Co Jrl by OOD
Ch 12 12.16.6
If fireworks are discovered _
Summons served & BFI notified & PD for confiscation & disposal. A small qty shall be retained by company officer for evidence. Receipts shall be obtained from Police Official called to scene
Ch 12 12.1.9
How many members are required to perform BI
An Officer & not less than 3 FF’s exclusive of Chauffeur
Ch 12 12.2.2.
Eng companies shall carry not less than _ lengths of 1 3/4” (rolled/folded).
In addition each Eng shall ensure an extra length of _” hose w/nozzle folded/rolled stored on rig for burst length & short stretch
3 lengths;
1 3/4”
Ch 13 13.2.8
Rig problems & Mechanic determines Unit cannot respond, OOD must promptly notify _
If Unit does not return to service within 2 hours of original notification OOD must notify
Dispatcher, BC & DC
Ch 13 13.3.7
When a Unit’s electronic siren is OOS, OOD must notify
If a Unit’s electronic siren is OOS, can the Unit remain I/S
Unit must have another operating audible device, such as an air horn & emergency lights (both req’d). If NO audible signal or emergency lights- Spare shall be requested
Ch 13 13.3.8
What is done if a Unit gets a flat tire
OOS & Fleet Maintenance notified. No attempt made to re-inflate a tire gone flat. However, inflation to a tire to reach the required pressure is acceptable if loss of pressure did not result from a flat tire
Ch 13 13.3.9
Hose on rig shall be removed, cleaned, & repacked _
In spring & fall each year in accordance w/Division Commanders
Hose shall be TESTED annually
Ch 13 13.3.24
Inside front cover of journal shall be affixed an _
Accurate & current company roster
Ch 15 15.2.1
Company Journal shall be retained for _ years vs Company Office Journal _ years
20 years; 10 years
Ch 15 15.2.1
Can OOD accept any type of subpoena or summons for service upon another member
No: Member shall deliver to OOD who will fax to Bureau of Legal Affairs
Ch 16 16.2.2
Loss of ID card OOD shall:
Record in company journal, Instruct FF to report loss to PD, Make a diligent search & if after 7 days- failure to find forward a report to Bureau of Personnel. An additional report shall be forwarded w/recommendations for disciplinary actions
Ch 16 16.2.6
Company Commanders shall maintain a list of all CFR certified members along w/expiration dates & re-certification class dates _
In Office Record Journal prominently posted in Company Office & bulletin board in kitchen area
Ch 16 16.4.1
What 3 leaves shall be deducted from Annual leave allowance
Emergency leave extensions (unless reimbursement duty is approved & performed w/in 90 days),
Special Leaves w/pay,
& Leaves for legal appearances NOT involving City business
Ch 17.1.7
Does Emergency Leave get deducted from Annual Leave allowance
The 1st scheduled tour of any emergency leave shall not be deducted, however, tours of duty granted as an extension shall be deducted (Repayment may be made w/in 90 days)
Ch 17.1.7
OOD shall supervise checking of water level in all steam boilers _
Water column in boiler must be kept at a height of _ of glass gauge for safe operation of boiler
Immediately after roll calls at 0900 & 1800 (tourly)
Ch 19 19.1.5
Quantity of diesel fuel & heating fuel in storage tanks shall be determined _
Visitors shall not be permitted to remain in quarters after
Immediately after 0900 roll call
2200 hours
Ch 19 19.1.6
When Private Contractors Commence repairs or other work in company quarters- who makes the entry in Co Jrl?
House-watchman shall enter Contractor’s name, Company contractor represents, & Nature of work done
CR Co Jrl: Civilian employees of Dept make entries in their own handwriting in Red when entering & leaving qtrs
Ch 19 19.1.11
3rd & 4th grade classes shall have one adult supervisor for each _ children
Classes 5th grade & over _
Classes below 3rd grade (2nd/under) _
15 children;
30 children
4 children
Ch 19 19.2.14
Scout troops: At least one adult for every _ children
If a firehouse dog bites a person notify
BC, EMS, NYC Health Dept immediately, DC
Ch 19 19.2.15
Can a National Flag be displayed at night
If properly illuminated during hours of darkness & if weather is inclement it must be an All-weather flag
Ch 19 19.5
When BITS enters qtrs shall any notification be made to any Superior Officer
Do BITS have to sign in the journal
No notification shall be made unless specifically directed to do so by DOI, BITS, or Testing Units Personnel
In lieu of signing in, they may use their employee ID # for entry in journal
Ch 20 20.3.10
Are any areas off-limits for EEO Compliance inspection
What notification shall be made upon EEO’s arrival
No area is off limits
HW member shall notify OOD that his presence is req’d in HW area. No other notification made
Ch 20 20.3.10
EEO arrival: who signs the Company Journal?
What happens if Unit gets a run during EEO investigation
EEO staff will present FDNY ID & sign Co Jrl in Red Ink
If Single house or Double house & both units receive a run- EEO will terminate the inspection & leave the premise
Ch 20 20.3.10
All members below the rank of BC shall be scheduled for Retraining by Bureau of Training if for a continuous period of _ or more they have NOT worked in a line unit that performs FF duty
6 months/more (includes Full Duty Administrative positions, ML, LD, Military Leave, any other leave or any combo thereof)
Ch 22 22.3.8
What shall be done if an Officer needs to change the subject &/or time of drill
What is done if MUD is cancelled/interrupted due to inclement weather
Notify Admin Battalion
Indoor drill conducted
Ch 22 22.4.3
MUD drills shall be at least _ duration & conducted between _ hours
PTO in hydraulically operated AL & TL shall NOT be operated for instruction purposes for periods exceeding _
1 1/2 hours between 0630-2000 hours
30 minutes
Ch 22 22.5.2
When reported that a criminal offense has been committed by a member, the OOD shall immediately notify _
Ch 25 25.4.4
Charges must be prepared & forwarded w/endorsements to BITS w/in _ days after occurrence, unless delayed due to unusual circumstances
10 days
Ch 26 26.1.3
OOD must, when actions of members under their command are subject to charges, promptly telephone _
Ch 26 26.2.1
Hydrants w/Drain valves plugged shall be ID w/the letter _, maps, & hydrant cards to be marked accordingly
Hydrant inspection shall be performed between hours _; How many FF’s shall perform hydrant inspection
0930-1700 hours
An Officer & not less than 3 FF’s, exclusive of Chauffeurs
Ch 28 28.2.2
In the event a unit does not perform hydrant inspection according to the schedule- OOD shall notify
How shall hydrant discs be marked
BC, DC, & Dispatcher by phone (same as rig OOS)
Company number & individual disc # painted in black on one side of each disc
Ch 28 28.2.8
What’s the difference between a White, Yellow, & Blue disc
White: 2 sizes for 4 1/2 & 2 1/2” unserviceable hydrant & 3” OOS auxiliary fire protection system.
Yellow: frozen hydrant
Blue: 3” Siamese aux fire protection NOT functioning as fully automatic &/or only part of system will operate effectively when supplied (NOT used on hydrants)
Ch 28 28.3.2
Hydrants found unserviceable at fire ops shall immediately cause for proper placement of discs. Off who orders disc placed shall forward a report to _
DC in whose administrative district hydrant/system located
Ch 28 28.3.3
Auxiliary fire protection equipment in Tunnels & on Bridges shall be inspected _
Semi-annually during months of April & October (BOAT) on Saturdays & Sundays est by Division Commander
Ch 28 28.5.1
Commanding Off shall prepare, sign, & forward all reports originating in their units except “MUDIFAC”
Ch 30 30.1.5
Meritorious acts, Unusual occurrences, Death of members, Immediate nature that should not be delayed, Fires, Accidents to members, Charges
How shall a LT sign for a Captain
Ch 30 30.1.5
Lt (signature) for Captain (print name). No rubber stamp signatures shall be used on any report to Headquarters. Names shall be clearly indicated under every signature
Reports of special importance shall be preceded by an immediate telephone communication to DC & BC on duty- “U-LADS”
Ch 30 30.1.6
Unusual occurrence at fire/emergency,
Loss of life/serious injury to members or civilians at fire or elsewhere,
Accidents to rig or placing company/rig OOS,
Depletion of unit of manual strength req’d for fire duty, Structural/occupancy hazards imminently dangerous to life/property
Monthly reports shall be dated _ & shall be in Dept Headquarters not later than _;
Quarterly reports shall be dated _ to reach their destination _
1st of the month; Third
1st day of JAJO; not later than third
Ch 30 30.2.4
Can FF’s enter female bathrooms and lockers in the firehouse
Other than for cleaning & maintenance as per orders & direction of Co Commander, male FF’s shall NOT enter or use any female only facilities
Ch 19 19.1.15
Ladder companies shall carry not less than _ lengths of 2 1/2” & not less than _ lengths of 1 3/4” rolled/folded w/fittings
3; 3
Ch 13 13.2.8
Hose shall be tested
Annually, note size, type, & year of issuance
Ch 13 13.3.28
Page layout for Company Journal
500-498 Records of Chief Visits,
497-495 All Training Sessions, &
494 Battalion Deport Mask Cylinder
Ch 15 15.2.1
Info in ENS & Form BP-19 is to be verified by individual members during _
Months of January & July
Ch 16 16.1.3
Co Cmdr shall comply with the NYC Health Code pertaining to the control & welfare of dogs housed in qtrs. Incorrect?
A. Dog is to be licensed and immunized in accordance with Department of Health guidelines
B. Dogs shall not leave qtrs unless escorted and restrained by a leash/chain not more than 6’ long
C. Dogs shall not ride on company apparatus
D. Dogs left in unoccupied quarters are never permitted to remain free of control & must be restrained
D Dogs left in unoccupied quarters when apparatus responds may be permitted to remain free of control provided that security of quarters is maintained
Choose correct in regard to wearing shorts? A. Fatal Fire Campaigns B. Hydrant Inspection C. Annual Education Day D. Drill at the Brooklyn Navy Yard
Update DO 46 7/2/2013: Members shall report in work duty shirts & long pants to Education Day
No Shorts- PEACH: Public education activities, Education day, AFID, Complaint investigation, Hydrant inspection
Regs 29.6.4
When shall firefighters of the FDNY wear long sleeve shirts as part of their work duty uniform? A. Sept 1- April 30 B. Sept 1- March 31 C. Oct 1- April 30 D. Oct 1- March 31
Ch 29 29.6.4
Capt shall, when detailed to companies, assume the duties & responsibilities of CO CMDR. However, changes involving company policy or administrative routine shall not be made unless approved by assigned _ or ordered by _
A) Company Commander /Battalion Commander.
B) Company Commander /Division Commander.
C) Lieutenant / Battalion Commander.
D) Covering Captain /Division Commander.
B (Regulations 10, 10.1.7)
Correct procedures for Investigating charges
A. OOD must, when actions of FFs under their cmd are subject to charges, promptly telephone BC on duty
B. BC must immediately investigate & notify DC of results. If necessary, DC may investigate further
C. FF arrested or under investigation of criminal offense, may not be questioned except at direction of IG
D. Charges & related reports must be examined & endorsed by OOD at respondent’s ADMIN Battalion & Deputy Chiefs
D Regs 26.2 Charges & related reports must be examined & endorsed by OOD & Battalion & DC whose JURISDICTION the respondent is working at the time of the alleged infraction.
NOTE: FF could be on a detail out of admin cmd
Incorrect regarding service of charges
A. Trial notice must be served on respondent at least 10 days before time set for trial unless respondent waives such notice or applies, or has applied for, service retirement
B. OOD upon receipt of charges or trial notice, is responsible for service of document upon respondent, & must make entries in Co Jrl regarding service
C. If charges or trial notice cannot be served upon respondent personally w/in 72 hrs after receipt, or in cases of continued AWOL, Off must promptly notify BITS by written report
C Telephone BITS
All meritorious acts, voluntary duty, & unit citation reports should be fwd to Board of Merit not later than _ days from date of act
A. 45 B. 60 C. 30 D. 90
C Regs 23.5.1
Who is NOT responsible to examine and endorse charges and related reports of an alleged infraction?
A. Officer on duty
B. Company commander
C. BC under whose jurisdiction the respondent is working at the time of the alleged infraction.
D. DC under whose jurisdiction the respondent is working at the time of the alleged infraction.
B sect 26.2.3 Charges and related reports must be examined and endorsed by the officer on duty and the battalion and deputy chiefs under whose jurisdiction the respondent is working at the time of the alleged infraction.
Company commander is responsible for command discipline.
How often shall a public school grads K-12 be inspected;
Private schools _
Co Cmdr shall ensure any public school K-12 located within their admin district which has NOT been inspected by Bureau of Fire Prevention is thoroughly inspected by the Admin Unit;
Private schools: Inspected each school year
Ch 12 12.1.9
Operational Units will conduct familiarization drills at public schools K-12. After initial familiarization drill, the unit will continue to conduct such drills within _
Every 2 years from the most recent familiarization drill. If Admin Unit is requested by Bureau of Fire Prevention to conduct the annual inspection, then the familiarization drill will be conducted 2 years from inspection date
Ch 12 12.1.10
Can public school familiarization drills be conducted during BISP?
No, they should be conducted during MUD
Ch 12 12.1.10
FF who has been arrested or is under investigation for a criminal offense, may not be questioned, except at the direction of _
A. BITS B. IG C. Fire Marshal D. Bat Chief
A person approaches you & states that the theater across the street is overcrowded. Choose correct
A. If it’s your district, promptly inspect the complaint
B. Promptly inspect the complaint regardless of whose district it is
C. Inspect the theater on your next BI period
D. Immediately phone Admin Battalion
D Regs 12 12.1.6
Veterans on the following leaves or schedules at the time of either holiday shall not receive comp time except:
A) Vacation, bereavement, medical, military.
B) Emergency, special or regular.
C) Adjusted Tour.
D) Any other compensatory time requested by member for such time period.
E) Mutual
Ch 17.5.5
CO Cmdr shall arrange, each _ on the 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. tour, for the operation of all motors and pumps of special unit apparatus stored in quarters. A) Monday B) Tuesday C) Wednesday D) Thursday
A (Regulations chapter 13, section 13.2.13)
CO Cmdr shall cause a thorough _ inspection of aerial, tower and portable ladders. A) Daily B) Weekly C) Monthly D) Semi-Annual
C (Regulations chapter 13, section 13.2.14)
Complaints related to places of public amusement and entertainment such as theaters, sports arenas, convention halls, dance halls, cabarets or similar occupancies will be immediately telephoned to the admin _ Chief.
A) Battalion
B) Deputy
A (Regulations chapter 12, section 12.1.6)
Incorrect when fireworks are found?
A) Summons shall be served.
B) Bureau of Fire Investigation notified and the PD called to the scene for confiscation and disposal.
C) A small quantity shall be retained by the company officer for evidence.
D) Receipts shall be obtained from the police official on scene
E) The Bureau of Operations shall be notified of the incident, followed by a report with full particulars.
E Bureau of Fire Prevention
Regulations chapter 12, section 12.1.9
When a BC arrives at the scene of an operation where an ABC is the IC, the BC shall assume command of the operation & assign the ABC as needed. When the BC assumes command, a notification shall be made to the operating units via HT and to the dispatcher via dept radio that a transfer of command has occurred.
A) Agree or D) Disagree
A (Regulations chapter 7, section 7.2.2)
A. Bulletin boards shall only be used for official Dept business or important info of relating to approved Dept organizations
B. Visitors shall not be permitted to remain in qtrs after 2200 hrs
C. Comm Off shall contact cable companies to block out stations receiving sexually explicit programming
D. If Off is not sure if material is discriminatory, they shall promptly consult with next level of command
Ch 19 19.2.2
Incorrect Company commander’s duties?
A: Company Commanders shall, once each month, thoroughly examine the apparatus entrance doors to determine their condition and, when necessary, lubricate with a light oil.
B: Co Commanders shall be responsible for providing privacy of bathroom facilities for members of both sexes.
C: Co Cmdr shall maintain a current list of locker assignments & ensure that lockers assigned to members have their name & assigned locker # affixed to the front.
D: Co Cmdr shall, upon notice being received of proposed demolition work adjacent to adjoining quarters, forward a report to the Chief of Operations with full particulars.
D. 19.1.3 - Company commanders shall, upon notice being received of proposed demolition work adjacent to adjoining quarters, forward a report to the Fire Commissioner with full particulars.
Regs 19
Commanding officers shall file and retain all official records, reports and communications originating in or received in their units. Company commanders should know that the company fire record journals shall be retained for? A: 1 year B: 5 years C: 10 years D: 20 years
C Regs 15.3.5
T/F Required reinspections will be performed at the beginning of BI period. 10-8 shall be used when leaving qtrs on BISP
True Regs Ch 12 12.2.2
What is done if rig is out of qtrs and the cross links of snow chains break or become loose?
Except while responding to fires/emergencies, Off shall cause rig to stop immediately & have condition corrected by removing loose or broken-links w/bolt cutters. Chains shall be repaired upon RETURN to Qtrs
Ch 13 13.3.13
Reports received shall be filed at point of final receipt, & copies of all reports forwarded retained at points of origination for _
At least 1 year
Ch 15 15.3.7.
In order receive an Adjusted Tour, a FF must perform _ service in the current calendar year under the 2 Platoon 25 Group Chart
More than 6 months
Ch 17 17.8
Visitors in Qtrs shall not be permitted to remain in Qtrs after _; Any type of sales promotions or private business activity shall be prohibited unless permitted by _
After 2200 hrs
Chief of Department
Ch 19 19.2.1
Premium channels, which provide sexually explicit material will not be permitted to be received on any cable box at a Dept facility. _ shall contact cable television companies & have them block out any stations received on the basic package which shows sexually explicit programming
Commanding Officers
Ch 19 19.2.2
Privately owned automobiles or vehicles shall not be stored in qtrs without approval of _
Fire Commissioner
Ch 19 19.2.3
FFs 6th Grade with less than _ days of service may perform HW only between the hours of 0900-2400 provided they are monitored by the OOD or by an experienced members
Less than 90 days (Ch 20 20.1.1)
Co Cmdr shall be responsible for semi-annual inspection of hydrants in fall Sept through Nov & spring April through July. During Spring inspect _% of total hydrants
20% in Spring consideration to hydrants with history of freezing, defective drainage, plugged drains, ground water shown to be a problem, priority hydrants, hydrant at PG locations, & protecting large commercial occupancies, complex bldgs, or vulnerable populations (school, hospital)
Ch 28 28.1.4 28.2.2
Company Commanders shall upon completion of Semi-Annual hydrant inspection forward a report to _
Division Water Supply Project Officer
Ch 28 28.2.12
No Shorts- “PEACH”
Public education activities, Education day, AFID, Complaint investigation, Hydrant inspection Units called to Bureau of Training & Satellite Training Locations (Brooklyn Navy Yard) may wear shorts Regs 29.6.4
If Workplace Violence occurs, is an Unusual Occurrence report req’d
No. Workplace Violence Incident Report shall be forwarded in accordance to guidelines outlined in PA/ID 1-2001 with add’l copy forwarded to Chief of Operations
Ch 30 30.8.4 & .6
Unusual Occurrence: When req’d, a letterhead report containing a detailed description of the incident shall be forwarded to _
Chief of Operations via the Chain of Command
Ch 30 30.8.4