CFR Ch 3 & 5 Flashcards
Bio Exposures are divided into 2 categories: Casual & Non-casual. Explain each:
Casual: Without eye, mouth, mucous membrane, non-intact skin, & no injection with blood or other infectious material
Non-casual: At risk exposure with mouth, mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or injection w/blood or infectious material
Form completed for Bio Exposure _
MD-X3 (Fax to OMA & PCR)
Where is the original MD-X3 form filed
A _ disease is one that can be transmitted from 1 person to another
In UFS of unit where member was working when exposed. Copy goes to members
Communicable (contagious)
Infectious waste shall be placed into Red Bio hazard bags. If stored at qtrs place in an infectious waste container located _
In a light traffic area (remote) on the apparatus floor
Who shall contact Solid Waste Technologies to have Depot’s Red Bags picked up for proper disposal?
CFR-D Depot Off. If pick-up of Red bags missed- notify Resource Center (Do NOT place Red Bags outside qtrs for any reason)
Can tools, masks, or equipment be transported in red bags?
No: Red bags are for disposable infectious waste items only
Is home laundering of department issued PPE permitted?
It is NOT permitted
How many patients can be treated before disposable latex gloves need to be changed?
Change gloves after contact with each patient
Where are disposable body bags obtained?
From Deputy Chief (if NOT on scene IC shall call DC to scene)
Bio Hazard container shall be sealed & stored in a designated area for pick-up. Waste may not be stored for more than _
30 days
Appropriate mixture of bleach & water to disinfect _
One part bleach to 99 parts water (add Bleach 1st). Stronger mixture has NO advantage
Disinfecting mixtures shall be disposed of in the slop sink after _
What 3 things can be immersed into the slop sink to decon?
24 hours (solution prepared daily)
Boots, Helmet, & Motorola Radio
Grossly contaminated equipment/uniforms- Off will notify SOC for temporary replacement equipment & do what w/contaminated gear?
Place gear in Double clear bags with members Name, assigned Unit, & Nature of contamination
If a member’s coat, pants, &/or gloves are sent to SOC laundry for decon, Off will contact _ for replacement
Division & request replacement gear & appropriate size
PCR is a 3 part form. What are the three parts?
Part 1 Original- forward to OMA via bag end of tour,
Part II- Research copy retained at qtrs & must be secured by Off in Company files, &
Part III- Hospital Patient Record Copy. If completed given to EMS at scene (if not fwd w/original to OMA)
How many patients can be put on 1 PCR?
Separate PCR needed for each patient treated
Who fills out PCR?
CFR certified member assigned by Off. Off is responsible for accuracy, completeness, & legibility of PCR
When exchanging a blank data card used to shock a patient, at the CFR Depot what info should be documented on PCR
The serial number of the module
When a CFR Unit applies & turns on their AED during cardiac arrest resuscitation attempt (37-2) what shall be immediately faxed to OMA
Immediately fax the original part I of PCR & forward to OMA on return to qtrs.
Bed Bugs feed on human blood. Do they spread disease
Although a nuisance, they are NOT known to spread disease Ch 3 add
Are mistakes allowed on PCR
Yes- to make corrections place a single line through words needing correcting & initials of member making correction above the single line
Procedure if notified bed bugs are present
Members shall don Blood Borne Pathogen PPE including gowns, shoe covers, & hair covers. Keep tools/equipment on hard surfaces (non-carpet floors). Wrap patient w/sheets or blankets Ch 3 add
If unable to obtain a patient’s name, can John/Jane Doe be used?
Which member’s name gets circled on the PCR
No- Write “Unknown.” Never leave blank
Member completing PCR
When the Rig is grossly contaminated w/numerous bed bugs is the unit placed OOS? What notifications are made?
Notify Battalion, Division, & Dispatch. Off shall generate a Work Order for Dept Exterminator Ch 3 add
Primary source for spread of bed bugs
Work Duty Uniforms/PPE Ch 3 add
Furniture believed to be infested shall not be disposed of until properly identified as bed bugs by _
OSHA Unit. Bedding that is infested shall be washed in washing machine using HOT water only Ch 3 add
Rabies virus can live _ outside the body in saliva & body fluids A. Several days B. Few hours C. Several weeks D. Indefinitely
B Ch 3 add
Can the rabies virus live inside the body of frozen animals
Rabies can survive for several days inside the body of a dead animal. Freezing temperatures extend survival period
Ch 3 add
All exposures to suspected rabid animals must be reported immediately to _
BHS. Ch 3 add
Note Any domestic or wild carnivorous animal can carry the rabies virus
T/F Use a shovel to pick up a dead animal. Small carcasses can be placed in red bio-hazard bags & securely tied for disposal or pick up. Suspected live rabid live animals should be referred to PD
True Ch 3 add
In case of contact with bleach immediately flush skin or eyes with running water for at lease _
At least 15 minutes Ch 3
All diseases below are caused by bloodborne pathogens except?
A. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
B. Tuberculosis (TB)
C. Hepatitis B (HBV)
D. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
B: TB is caused by airborne pathogens
Single most effective method of reducing disease transmission is _
Frequent, adequate hand washing Ch 3
Dept issued respirator should be worn when treating & transporting a patient with a cough which has lasted more than _
more than 48 hours or believed to have tuberculous Ch 3
FF states that he is unable to operate at CFRD responses because he is experiencing an allergic reaction to the disposable latex gloves. In this situation inform?
A. The covering lieutenant working that tour
B. The assigned lieutenant coming in for the night tour
C. The probationary FF should directly notify BHS
D. The captain
D Members believing that they are experiencing an allergy to disposable gloves shall notify their Commanding Officer as soon as possible. CFR-D ch 3, 13.5.2
Note: The Captain notifies BHS asap to have BHS evaluate the allergy claim.
“Non-casual” at risk exposure with the patient. Upon notification of the exposure incident, you should do all of the following except?
A:Direct the Firefighter to complete the MD-X3 form
B: Review the MD-X3 for accuracy and completeness
C: Fax the MD-X3 & PCR to the Medical Off on emergency duty through the Medical Leave Desk and fax OSHA
D: If unable to complete transmission of the MD-X3 via fax, place the MD-X3 and PCR in the bag and send to BHS
D. If unable to complete transmission of the MD-X3 via fax, CALL BHS. Ch 3 4.2.4
Prehospital reports: For vehicle ID, enter the number of the company that responds to the call preceded by a number which designates engines, ladders, squads, or rescues. Which of the following is incorrect? A: '5' for an engine company B: '7' for a ladder company C: '8' for a squad company D: '1' for a rescue company
D. ‘10’ for a rescue company
CFR-D ch 5, 4.1.4
Bleach packets, one gallon containers and hand soap have been issued to all field units for infection control purposes. Company Commanders shall maintain a sufficient amount on hand. Where would the Company Commander procure more of the above mentioned infection control supplies? A: CFR-D depot in the Battalion B: Tech Services C: BHS D: EMS station at nearest hospital
B. Reorders shall be directed to Technical Services using normal procedures.
CFR-D Manual Ch 3, 15.15.2
Red bag pick up did not occur due to CFR Depot Eng operating at a 2nd alarm. Whom should you notify to contact the vendor & expedite the pickup A. Admin Battalion B. FDNY OSHA Unit C. FDNY Resource Center D. UFA Borough Trustee
C Ch 3 12.16.3
Whenever a Medical Officer determines that a member has not been exposed or had a casual exposure to bloodborne or airborne pathogens, a written copy of that determination shall be forwarded to the Infection Control Unit for forwarding to the member within _ days A: 3 B: 7 C: 10 D: 30
C. Whenever a Medical Officer determines that the member has not been exposed or had a casual exposure to bloodborne or airborne pathogens, that Medical Officer shall assure that a written copy of the Medical Officer’s determination is delivered to the Infection Control Unit for forwarding to the member within 10 days.
CFR-D Manual Ch 3 5.1.3
Which of the following statements below is incorrect in regard to filling out the PCR Report at an EMS run?
A: All applicable information in each section shall be filled out using either a blue or black pen.
B: All “times” on the PCR are written in military time.
C: Members shall print clearly using only one character per box when documenting information on the PCR. Apostrophes, dashes, periods or slashes shall be used.
D: There are no check boxes on the PCR.
C. Members shall print clearly using only letters and numbers and only one character per box when documenting information on the PCR. No apostrophes, dashes, periods or slashes shall be used.
3.3 D. 3.4 Ch 5
Incorrect for Tuberculosis during Dept inspections
A. Visual inspection of a TB patients room will suffice
B. Proper respiratory & face protection (N95 respirator) should be used during walk through inspections
C. N95 respirator offers the greatest degree of protection for FF’s at TB incidents
D. TB cannot be transmitted through handling of pillows, bed sheets, or patients clothing
C SCBA affords greatest degree of protection
Ch 3 add 1 11.2
Rig & Qtrs infested w/bedbugs incorrect
A. Place rig OOS & notify BC, DC, & Dispatcher
B. Notify HELP line via phone to generate a work order for the Dept exterminator
C. Work duty uniforms & PPE that are believed to be infested shall be sent for decon as per dept procedures
D. Any bedding that is infested shall be properly disposed of
D Furniture believed to be infested shall NOT be disposed of until properly ID as bed bugs by OSHA Unit. Bedding that is infested shall be washed in the washing machine using HOT water only
Ch 3 add 5 2.3
Companies trained at the CFR-D level may be dispatched to designated segment one, two and three EMS assignments. Which is Segment 3 A: Major burns B: Difficulty breathing C: Unconscious D: Multiple trauma
A. CFR-D Manual ch 2, 3.1.3
B C D are all Segment 2
Bloodborne pathogens are found in blood, certain body fluids, as well as on materials, objects or surfaces that have had contact with blood and/or body fluids. CDC considers all of the following fluids to be potentially infectious for bloodborne pathogens except?
A: Feces
B: Semen
C: Amniotic fluid
D: Saliva in dental procedures (if mixed with blood)
A. Feces are NOT considered at-risk of transmitting bloodborne diseases unless visibly contaminated with blood. Ch 3, 7.3