AUC 269 + ADD Flashcards
Air Rescue Plan: Divided into 3 phases Alert-Assmble-Airlift. Describe each phase
Alert: NYPD Ops notified upon Doubtful 3rd Alarm for 10-76 & 77 in Hi-Rise bldg
Assemble: FD, PD helicopters, & ESU assemble at selected mobilization point
Airlift: Air Rescue Teams airlifted to vicinity of roof of fire bldg, pending IC decision to land FF’s on roof
Decision to Assemble rests w/IC. Assembly occurs: Fire located above _ floor of Hi-Rise, Fire has possession of _ or more floors, Interior access routes above the fire are blocked, & roof access limited to exterior of bldg
Above 10th; 2/more floors
HRRT shall be on Channel _ on HT
Can the Post Radio be used in the helicopter
No- but it’s taken to use on/within the structure
If hardwired communication are est. w/ICP, who shall assist w/communications for Air Rescue Ops
Can the HRRT vent interior stairs/shafts at Hi-Rise bldgs
HRRT member assists w/communications
No venting done, unless ordered by IC
Hi Rise Roof Kit tools
“BRASH 60” 1 Bolt cutter, 1 Rabbit, 2 Axes, 2 Search ropes,
2 Halligans, 6 60 min SCBA cylinders w/bag for tools
Mustang Survival MD 3085 Personal Floatation Devices must be donned by members prior to boarding any NYPD aircraft
Tools shall be stowed in helicopter as directed by_
If 2 helicopters are available which one does FD personnel enter to Airlift
NYPD Helicopter Crew Chief
Second helicopter. 1st Helicopter carries ESU to secure landing zone. If only 1 helicopter- it will return to Mobilization Point
Who directs members on & off aircraft
Upon receipt of _ alarm for fire associated w/10-76 or 77, the Dispatcher will contact NYPD Ops Unit for Air Rescue Plan Alert Phase
Helicopter Pilot, Crew Chief, or ESU personnel (Co-Pilot mentioned in 5.1)
Doubtful 3rd Alarm
Due to weight limitations, 2 airlifts will be necessary. The 1st airlift will include _ & 2nd _
After helicopter has landed on the roof, select an assembly point near _
1st Lift HRRC, Off & FE team;
2nd Lift: Chauf, OV, & Roof FF
A bulkhead or other roof projection away from the helispot & have members proceed to it
Board & Depart Bell 412 helicopter _
From the front w/in field vision of the pilot (“Ring the Front Bell”). Do Not approach tail section under any circumstances
How many members shall load the HRRK onto the helicopter
1 member will enter the cabin & stow the equipment as directed by helicopter crew chief
PFD must be inflated manually by member (before/after) exiting the aircraft
Only after exiting aircraft by pulling the activation tag (if no inflation must use oral inflation tube). Must be donned prior to boarding any NYPD aircraft
Upon orders to _, Dispatcher will notify 2 nearest available trained HRRT’s to respond to designated mobilization point
“Assemble” Primary & Secondary HRRT (Secondary remains at mobilization point & awaits orders if Primary team airlifts)
Approach & leave aircraft in a _ position
Semi-crouched position in single file. Do Not run (do Not raise anything above head)
Each designated HRRT will be issued _ MD 3085 Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) w/a carrying case. When is it donned?
7; Prior to boarding aircraft over their bunker gear
Decision to “Airlift” may only be made by _
IC who is a Staff Chief
PFD inspected _
Weekly & prior to & after each use