FFP PD Ch 6 LW Construction Flashcards
Fires in traditional PD of ordinary/wood frame construction, early collapse is not a primary consideration. Collapse occurs in about _. However, if structural components exposed failure occurs within _
1 hour;
20 minutes
PD constructed w/LW materials: Fires extended from building contents to structural components, collapse occurs within _
5-10 minutes with little or NO warning
Primary Consideration in PD’s w/LW materials
Paramount Importance in PD’s w/LW construction
Positioning 1st HL for early extinguishment or control of contents fire that has NOT extended to structural components
LW construction: Areas unsupported by columns w/spans greater than _’ are generally indicators that LW construction present
greater than 25’
Most important factor to a safe & successful operation at LW construction fires
ID of presence of LW construction. Critical to notify IC
Info for e-CIDS can be obtained during _
BISP, Dept of Bldg (Structural Integrity Report), while responding, operating, & returning to qtrs, or any other outside activity
General Construction features of LW PD
1-3 stories in height w/flat or peaked roof. Built over crawl space & cellar constructed of 8” cement block. Attached & Semi-attached separated by fire wall that may extend through attic/cockloft
Heavier type of exterior finishing products (stone or brick veneer) may be enclosed to structure w/metal straps or wire mesh. They may fail _
As one complete unit when exposed to fire & high heat
Define Trussloft
Enclosed area between floors & ceilings where open truss construction is found
What is a danger of floor coverings using cement board, LW concrete, nylon pile carpet and tile
Retains heat under floor making it difficult to detect hot spots on floor above fire. Also gives false impression of support
Most common type of peaked roof found in LW construction
Open Web LW Wood Truss. Rafter (top chord of truss), roof decking, & ceiling joist (bottom chord of truss) can collapse as one complete unit into the structure
NYC Bldg Code requires LW constructed spaces between ceiling & floor above or ceiling & roof above be divided into approximately _
equal areas of 500 sq ft or less unless bldg equipped w/automatic sprinkler system
4 Most common types of LW systems in PD’s
LW parallel chord truss, Laminated Wood I-beams, Metal C-joists, & Composite Truss
LW Parallel Chord Wood Truss: Support system of 2X3” or 2X4” wooden web & chord members connected w/sheet metal gusset plates (gang nails) that only penetrate _
1/4-1/2” into wooden truss members. Weakest point of the systems
Another type of open-web joist uses finger points & glue to connect web & chords. The finger joists are approx _
3/4” deep w/No metal gusset plate. Fail rapidly with fire & high heat
Laminated Wood I-Beams- comprised of 1/2” Oriented Strand Board (OSB) or 3/8”-1/2” plywood web members, and 2X3” or 2x4” wood flanges. They may span lengths of _
Over 60’. Usually connected to load bearing walls w/sheet metal joist hangers
Wood I-Beams strength can be compromised by what pre-engineered features
Openings in web to accommodate utilities. Fire retardant spray on beam will dry out the wood over time making it brittle, further reducing its strength
Heavy fire & smoke condition on a floor or in cellar accompanied by little or no smoke condition on the floor or floors above may be an indication of
Concrete or gypsum floor poured over corrugated steel (Q-Decking) supported by C-Joists. The additional dead load may lead to early floor collapse
Composite truss is similar in design to _, but is comprised of 2 types of materials _
LW Parallel Wood Truss;
Wood & Steel. Commercially known as “Space Joist”
Once fire enters concealed space in PD w/LW construction, can members operate in fire area or area above fire
NOT until IC determines the risk of a planned coordinated interior attack. Especially true w/Open Web LW parallel chord & wood composite trusses
Can Backdraft occur in PD w/LW Construction
When heated gases build up in concealed spaces of trussloft & attic/cockloft, there’s a greater potential for backdraft to occur
What are some limitations w/TIC in PD w/LW construction
TIC cannot always detect intensity of fire below & may not detect heat/fire where double 5/8” plasterboard used
Primary Emphasis for fire in LW Bldg Under Construction
Exterior attack outside of the collapse zone, unless fire is minor or confined to small area
Presence of smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of a bldg may be an indication of _
Fire in a Trussloft
2nd HL position w/LW Construction
Back up 1st HL, address a potential life hazard or be directed by IC
3rd HL at PD w/LW Construction
Noz FF should use the _ method due to weakening floor system that may cause a collapse in PD’s w/LW construction
When 2nd HL is operating remote from 1st HL, 3rd HL must backup 1st HL
Leg forward method
1st Ladder Co when LW construction suspected
Make an inspection hole in ceiling from safe area to determine type of support system. This critical task must be done immediately upon arrival w/IC notified of results
If fire is in the cellar or 1st floor & conditions prevent visual ID of construction type, an exam can be made _
In a similar attached exposure
Before entering any room that was involved in fire, the Lad Co shall _
Make 1 or more inspection holes in ceiling before any add’l opening made. Results relayed to IC
Can roof cuts be made on roof of PD’s w/LW construction
Under NO circumstances shall roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof bldg of LW construction. Consider exterior attack if fire conditions are severe
What roof ops shall be performed at PD w/LW construction
If fire has NOT entered cockloft- check rear & sides of bldg, Vent top floor windows & skylights coordinated w/Lad Off, & Inspect HVAC duct vents for unusual heat. Leave roof when these ops completed
What roof ops may be performed if fire has extended to attic/cockloft
IC immediately notified & FF’s NOT permitted to operate on roof
Floor above considerations: Before proceeding to fl above, members should determine _
Location & Extent of fire, Presence of life hazard (known/suspected), & Position and progress of 1st & 2nd HL
2nd Lad Ops: when not already completed by 1st Lad, 2nd Lad operating on floors above shall _
Make inspection holes to determine type of construction & extent of fire in any concealed area. IC notified of results
Standard tactics at PD fires with LW construction are appropriate when _
Size up determines fire involves only contents & has NOT extended to structural components
Best time to gather info on specific type of support system in LW bldgs is during _
Construction phase
Whenever LW Construction discovered, Units shall
Follow BI Manual, Enter into e-CIDS, Conduct site familiarization drills during each phase of construction
In any building construction, the critical area subject to failure as a result of fire is the _
Point of connection
Incorrect information regarding fire ops:
A. LW PD under construction conduct site famil drills during each phase of construction
B. Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of LW construction
C. When LW construction is suspected 1st Lad shall make an inspection hole in the ceiling from a safe area in order to determine the type of support system and this shall be done immediately upon arrival, notifying the IC of the results
D. When fire is located in the cellar/1st floor & conditions prevent visual ID of the type of construction, an exam could be made in a similar attached exp & this inspection shall be assigned by the IC to 2nd Ladder Co
D) Shall be assigned by the IC to an AVAILABLE UNIT
A. The most important factor in a safe & successful operation at these types of buildings is the ID of the presence of LW construction.
B. Collapse is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with LW materials.
C. Areas supported by columns with spans greater than 25’ are generally an indication that LW construction is present.
D. In PDs w/LW materials, when fire extends from the building’s contents to structural components, collapse may occur within 5 to 10 min
C. Areas UNSUPPORTED by columns with spans greater than 25’ are generally an indication that lightweight construction is present. Private Dwellings Chapter 6 (1.8)
While operating on the roof of a top floor fire in a flat roof private dwelling consisting of LW construction, the Roof FF may take all but which one of the following actions when there is no extension to the cockloft?
A. Check the rear and sides of the building
B. Vent the top floor windows, and skylights if present
C. Inspect HVAC ducts for unusual heat
D. Cut an inspection hole to check for possible extension to the cockloft
D Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction.
Private Dwellings Chapter 6 (4.3.8 and 4.3.10)
What is the primary consideration in private dwellings constructed with lightweight materials?
B. An exterior attack
C. Extinguish the fire as soon as possible
D. Collapse
The primary emphasis is an exterior attack unless the fire is minor or confined to a small area. Private Dwellings Ch 6, 4.1.7
Collapse is always the primary consideration in buildings constructed with lightweight materials. PD’s ch 6, 1.7
Which of following LW materials when used as beams to support floors would create truss loft A. Laminated wooden I-Beam B. LW Parallel chord wood truss C. Metal C joists D. Composite truss
3 story new type PD with smoke pushing at the 2nd fl line on the outside of the bldg indicates: A. Laminated wood I-beams B. Open web truss C. Metal C-joists D. Ordinary construction
B Trussloft
10-75 given for a fire in PD with LW construction. Medium fire condition with no window bars. In addition to 10-75 request extra _
A. Engine B. Ladder C. Eng & Lad
Indiscriminate removal of plasterboard on ceilings & walls during overhaul stage can cause instability in PD's of LW construction particularly: A. Laminated wood I-beams B. Open web truss C. Metal C-joist D. Ordinary construction
Fire in PD w/LW construction on 2nd fl knocked down & confined to contents only. Roof FF may
A. Not go to roof under any circumstances
B. Go to roof, only check rear & sides, vent top flr windows & skylights, & inspect HVAC duct vents for unusual heat. Then immediately leave roof
C. Go to roof to check rear & sides, vent top fl window & skylights, & inspect HVAC duct vents for unusual heat. Then contact Lad Off or ID as to whether they require you to remain on roof
While searching 1st flr of PD w/LW Construction, you hear reports from the 1st Lad, operating in the cellar, that there is a “heavy fire condition.” You notice very little smoke on the 1st floor. What is this an indication of?
A: A Trussloft between the cellar and 1st floor.
B: A concrete or gypsum floor poured over Q-decking supported by C-Joists.
C: Laminated wood beams used as the 1st floor supports.
D: Braced frame construction
Most common type of peaked roof found in PD using LW construction is _ A. Open web LW wood truss B. Closed web LW wood truss C. Wood I-beam D. Metal C-Joist
A Open Web LW Wood Truss
Heavy fire & smoke condition on a flr or cellar of PD with little or no smoke on fl/flrs above may indicate concrete or gypsum fl poured over corrugated steel (Q-decking) supported by _ A. LW parallel chord truss B. Laminated wood I-beams C. Metal C-joists D. Composite truss
C 3.4.3
Operating at a fire in a PD where LW construction is suspected, you would know that the exam of what voids shall be conducted as soon as conditions permit A. Wall B. Floor C. Ceiling D. All of the Above
C 4.1.2 If LW construction found notify IC immediately
Presence of smoke pushing at flr line on the outside of a PD may be an indication of fire in a _
A. Ceiling where fl is constructed of wood I-beams
B. Ceiling where the fl is constructed of metal C-joist
C. Ceiling where flr is constructed of LW parallel chord wood truss
Fire on top fl of a bldg where the roof is constructed of LW materials & clear indication that fire has not entered cockloft, roof ops shall be limited to _
A. Checking rear & sides of bldg
B. Venting top fl windows after coordinating w/IC only, & skylights if present
C. Inspecting HVAC duct vents for unusual heat
D. All of the above
A C 4.3.10