FFP Ventilation Flashcards
Define Deflagration
An explosive event that occurs during a backdraft when O2 is introduced & mixed w/flammable gases for a fire burning in a confined space that consumed prior available O2
Flashover occurs: surfaces exposed to thermal radiation from fire gases in excess of _F reach ignition temperature simultaneously
1100 F (Results in fire involvement of entire compartment or enclosed space)
_ is defined as a fire in which heat release rate & fire growth are controlled by characteristics of fuel because there’s adequate O2 available for combustion
Fuel limited fire
Fully Developed Stage Occurs (before/after) flashover, resulting in floor to ceiling burning within the compartment
During _ Stage heat is transferred from fire & combustion products are pyrolyzing adjacent fuel sources. Rollover occurs
Define Pyrolysis
Transformation of materials into their basic compound when subjected to heat. Contents continue to off-gas & add to flammable fuel load as long as material subjected to elevated temperatures
Rollover indicates that fire conditions are rapidly deteriorating & _ may be imminent
Define Ventilation Induced Flashover
Initiated by intro of O2 into a pre-heated, fuel rich (smoke filled), O2 deficient area. More prevalent w/modern content fires.
What is a priority when entering a fire area via window
Close the door to that room/area in order to isolate area being searched from fire area
Ventilation for Extinguishment
Coincides w/Eng extinguishing fire. Replaces “Vent for Fire”
Vent for Search
Facilitates movement of a FF into an area to conduct a search for victims. Replaces “Vent for Life”
Progression of Modern Content Fire Development Curve
Incipient stage, Rapid Growth consuming O2 quickly, Earlier O2 limited Decay stage (Remains in Decay if NO O2 added to fire area). If O2 added- rapid 2nd growth stage followed by Ventilation Induced Flashover & transition into fully developed stage. Ends in 2nd decay stage
List some signs that indicate wind driven fire
Smoke & fire venting downward, horizontally, or pulsing from an opening in the bldg.
Any unusual Ventilation profile must be immediately relayed to _
Ladder Officer & IC
Why is it important for Lad Off to notify IC that the door has been controlled to the fire apt
Gives location of fire for Eng, Confirms interior conditions tenable, & Roof FF can now initiate Vertical Ventilation
What shall Lad Co do if they cannot isolate/locate the fire due to untenable conditions
Interior team shall re-group back at entrance door prior to re-opening door for HL advancement. Members shall advance behind the charged HL
T/F Once fire is venting out windows, it’s safe to vent remote from fire’s location
False- Uncoordinated ventilation can intensify fire conditions & has potential to create a ventilation induced flashover including areas remote from your location
All Horizontal Ventilation tactics for both Vent for Extinguishment & for Search shall include controlling door & window openings until _
Charged HL advancing within fire area & extinguishing the fire
The Ladder Co Off inside fire are shall ensure door control at _
Fire area entrance
What shall Lad Off do once he has established door control of fire area
Order initial vertical ventilation (bulkhead, scuttles, or skylights over stairwells & hallways)
When can Roof FF Vertically Vent
No vertical ventilation unless Roof FF directly communicates w/& receives approval from Lad Off. May perform WITHOUT direct communication upon hearing HT transmission that interior team has door control of fire, or charged HL advancing into fire apt
Horizontal Vent for Extinguishment tactic applies to _
The window in immediate fire area & only for the FF venting immediate fire area. Any additional horizontal vent must be communicated w/& coordinated by Lad Off in that area
A Known Life Hazard is defined as _
Victim can be seen by rescuer, Heard by rescuer, or FF has info from a credible source or person at scene indicating location of life hazard
A FF operating from the exterior of a fire bldg asks for permission to perform Vent for Search & receives permission to do so. After clearing the window & before entering what must be done
Reassess smoke & heat conditions to determine if area is tenable. If conditions prevent access immediately notify Lad Off. If tenable reach in & probe immediate area for potential victims
What is done if a victim is found
Immediately transmit 10-45 and include your location & planned exit route. If victim found prior to isolating the room, FF shall isolate room & proceed w/rescue effort
Place the progression of modern content fire behavior in the proper order (pg 3)
1. Early decay
2. 2nd decay
3. Ventilation limited
4. Incipient
5. Ventilation Induced flashover
transitioning to fully developed
6. A more rapid and intense 2nd
growth (if additional oxygen admitted)
A) 4, 5, 1, 6, 3, 2 B) 4, 1, 6, 5, 3, 2
C) 4, 3, 1, 6, 5, 2 D) 4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2
Horizontal ventilation tactics include controlling door and window openings until a charged hoseline is advancing into the fire apartment.
Do you agree or disagree with the
above statement? (FFP Vent 7.2)
A) Agree or D) Disagree
D= (Horizontal ventilation tactics include controlling door and window openings until a
charged hoseline is advancing within
the fire area and extinguishing the fire.)
Roof FF can only perform vertical ventilation after directly communicating with the Ladder Off inside the fire apartment or when a charged hoseline is within the fire area and extinguishing the fire.
Do you agree or disagree with the
above statement? (FFP Vent 10.2.1 Note)
A) Agree or D) Disagree
D= (The Roof FF may perform vertical ventilation
without direct communication upon hearing radio transmissions that the interior team has door control on the fire floor, or a charged hoseline is advancing into the fire apartment.)
T/F No vertical ventilation shall be performed unless Roof FF directly communicates w/& receives approval from Lad Off, regardless of radio transmissions stating that a charged HL is advancing into the bldg
True. Roof may perform vertical vent WITHOUT direct communication upon hearing radio transmissions that Inside Team has door control on fire floor or charged HL advancing into FIRE APARTMENT (Not bldg)
Roof FF may perform initial vertical vent of bulkhead _
A. Roof FF hears that the Inside Team has door control on the fire floor
B. Eng Off requests ventilation to relieve conditions in public hallway
C. Eng Off indicates that his HL is stretched, flaked out & just waiting for water
D. Lad Off approves of Vertical ventilation
A & D
T/F Upon entering a room from the exterior members should immediately begin a search & upon locating the door to the room they should close the door to isolate the room
False: Isolate room 1st by closing door, then search 12.6