TB Search Flashcards
All ventilation must be coordinated by Off of interior search team. This Off must consider what 4 things for the need of horizontal ventilation?
Control of doors to fire area, Development stage of fire, Charged HL ready to move in, & If Interior search will be delayed/prevented from horizontal ventilation
While venting for extinguishment- which windows should be used as vent points
Opposite HL if possible to allow a flow path for steam, heat, & smoke to exit structure ahead of Nozzle Team
What is the Safety Team minimum requirements while 2 members are operating in an IDLH
At least 2 members outside IDLH readily available to assist interior team
Fires involving modern synthetic contents: Openings will provide enough air flow that may rapidly expand fire conditions causing conditions to become untenable in as little as _
1 1/2 minutes after entry (ventilation) made into apartment or area
When can Horizontal Ventilation begin
Once a charged HL is in position & operating on the fire, OR Approval is given by Lad Officer in an area or apartment
What must Outside teams now include in their size up
Report wind conditions & its effect on fire. These conditions must be relayed to Off & IC
Retail establishment: Search all areas w/particular attention given to _
Rear and main selling areas (Could be Rest or Sleep areas)
Can an Engine become involved in search & rescue without simultaneously stretching & positioning HL
Only in extreme cases
2nd Lad: Primary Search Responsibilities
- Floors above the fire
Secondary searches are completed (Before/After) extensive overhauling of fire area
Before: Must be performed by different unit than one that conducted primary. If delayed notify IC
1st Lad Priorities
Locate fire, Control door to fire apartment or any other vent points, Communicate fire location to Eng Off & IC, & Determine if conditions are tenable to support life, If tenable locate & contain fire & start search from this point. If not move in behind HL
Where does search for life in areas adjacent to or above fire area/floor begin
Immediately upon entering area followed by searching for extension for fire. Any extension report to IC
What must be done if there is fire wrapping around the door jamb as the door is being forced open?
HL must be charged & in place prior to door being forced open. Off should contact exterior team for their size up.
If after forcing a door, conditions are too severe to enter, what shall be done?
Probe area in vicinity of door with hand or tool before closing door. Once Eng ready to move in with charged line, move in behind Noz Team to start search for life
Determining factor whether door will remain open or closed while search is being conducted
If Eng has a charged HL and is ready to move in to fire/occupancy, member of Lad will chock open. If NO HL close door after search team enters
If the Eng does NOT have a charged HL & the Inside Team enters to search, what is done by Lad Off?
Before entering, communicate ID of fire apt to IC & Eng Off. A FF of Inside team must be positioned at door inside fire area to maintain door control until HL arrives
What tools is left outside of door being searched?
Leave the hydraulic FE tool
FF left at fire door shall be responsible for what 6 things?
Door control to limit flow paths, Prevent door from locking, Monitor conditions in immediate area, Monitor HT transmissions, Act as beacon for searching members, & Account for interior teams after all members have exited if evacuation needed
What tools is left outside of door being searched?
Leave the hydraulic FE tool
What is the approval tactic whenever a FF enters a window to search?
Notify Off 1st for permission, Completely remove all glass from windows, Probe for victims, check floor stability, Once in room isolate by closing door (give quick probe outside of door before closing it), & Once door closed perform a more detailed search
What if a FF cannot enter via a window due to fire conditions?
Probe floor area with hand or tool and try to seek alternate means of entry such as breaching a wall from an adjoining apt
What must be done prior to going to floor above the fire?
Officer must notify Officers on fire floor and receive Acknowledgement of this message prior to proceeding above. Once acknowledged get up and off stairs immediately
Upon reaching floor above fire, Off must consider _
Forcing door to an apartment other than one directly over fire to provide an area of refuge. Ensure that door is closed and unlocked so as to not create an additional flow path
If an Urgent is heard for burst length, what must members on floor above do?
If any indication of a delay in putting water on UNcontrolled fire all members above shall seek refuge by returning to fire floor or floor below
Is searching for fire extension a valid reason to remain above an uncontrolled fire?
NO: Operations on floor above can resume once water problems on fire floor are resolved
Narrow tapered legs (with wheels) indicates _
Areas Victims most likely found during Preliminary Searches
Within area of fire origin, Path leading from fire toward exit, In apartment directly above fire in NFP MD, Top floor in NFP MD, & Hallways & Stairways in FP MD
Which victim should be removed first _
The most severely exposed
T/F Water problems (burst length) should be transmitted as an Urgent. IC shall ensure members above the fire are aware of the problems on fire floor. If there is any indication of a delay in putting water on any amount of fire, all members operating above the fire should seek refuge by returning to fire floor or floor below
False- Uncontrolled Fire; NOT any amount of fire
As part of their size up, FFs of outside team must report wind conditions & ifs affect on fire & smoke conditions to: A. Their Off & IC B. Their Off only C. IC only D. 1st arriving Lad Off
Incorrect “secondary search”
A) Secondary search is a thorough & painstakingly complete search for life of all areas that required a primary
B) Secondary must also include entire outside perimeter of the bldg & all shafts, basements, cellars, elevators, roofs, etc.
C) Purpose of secondary is to ensure that no possible victims are overlooked. Time is not as important as accuracy.
D) Secondary completed before any ext overhauling of fire area is attempted
E) Secondary should be performed by a different Co than the Co which performed the primary search
E = A secondary search must be performed by a different company than the company which performed the primary search.
(T.B. Search, section 7.1 to 7.3)
A: Door should be closed after the search team enters to prevent the creation of a flow path from the fire area towards the door and eventually into the public hallway and stairwell. Lad Off must notify Eng Off & IC of the decision to close the door.
B: The opening of the entrance door is a ventilation point creating a flow path for the fire, heat and smoke.
C: Once the Eng reaches the apartment door with a charged hoseline, the door should not be opened until the IC acknowledges and approves.
D: The determining factor as to whether the door will remain open or closed is whether or not the Eng has a charged HL & is ready to advance into the fire area/occupancy.
C. 9.10.1 Once the engine company reaches the apartment door with a charged hoseline,the Engine Officer must notify the Ladder Company Officer of their readiness to enter the apartment and that the apartment door will be opened. The door should not be opened until the LADDER Company Officer acknowledges and approves.