Communications Ch 8 Flashcards
How shall numbers be transmitted over Dept Radio
Digit by Digit. Only exception- Radio codes
What info given to dispatcher for a fatal/serious injury to On-duty member after “Mixer Off”
Notify dispatch of fatality/serious injury, but do NOT include name/unit of member & immediately follow by telephone notification w/full particulars. ASAP after- telephone FDOC
Radio Dispatch shall switch to “Mixer Off” for what 2 incidents
Names &/or units of injured members are being received, &/or info associated w/10-41
Your 1st call is NOT acknowledged to Dispatch within 30 seconds…what now?
Press handset & repeat call up to 3X’s. After 3X’s try a different mobile radio. After 3X’s more switch to Citywide
HT & cell phones shall not be used within _’ of vehicles transporting explosives or blasting ops in progress; What about apparatus, Post, & Marine Radio
Within 150’; 300’
“Stuck Button” on apparatus radio (how long before message cut off)
If depressed longer than 1 minute an audible signal will alert user that transmission has been automatically interrupted
Signal 10-8 is (used/not used) where unit is leaving quarters for non-emergency response
What is 10-8 Code 2
Not used
Unit on air outside its response area. When back in response area Dispatcher must be notified
What 3 things required for ADV 10-23 (NO POV)
What makes a 10-24
NO Plates, no Owner, and no Value, (all 3)
Car fire w/plates or any car w/value greater than salvage. Could have no plates & no value but has owner
Which 10-25 Codes dispatch Emergency Utility crews
Code 1 & 4 (however, 2 & 3 will dispatch a utility crew- just not an emergency crew)
What code is given for Compactor or Incinerator fire
10-27 as long as fire has not extended from compactor or shaft
10-34 Codes 1-3 “DUH”
Defective, Unwarranted (NOT defective- surge in pressure/working on system), Heat source not associated w/accidental fire
10-35 No Code “NO DUh”
10-35 Codes 1-4 “This Code Houses Cock”
NO code= Defective/Unwarranted alarm (low battery, alarm w/no cause)
Testing/servicing, Construction activities, (HATS) Household activities (Aerosol spray, Toast, Steam), Cigarette smoke
Which 10-35 code requires NYFIRS
What code given for helping someone w/keys locked in a car
10-35 Code 4
10-36 No code
What is 10-37 Code 4
Medical assignment where unit is 10-84 & has no patient contact AND EMS is on-scene
What code is given to an individual who is ambulatory with thermal burn injuries occurring as a result of heat from flame
10-45 in lieu of 10-37. Request BC to respond
What is 10-39
Wires down- what code given
FD units standing by at interagency incident such as suspicious package
10-40 Code 2
Suspicious fire in a Vacant apartment in an occupied building or store w/a dwelling above- what 10-41 sub code given
10-41 Code 1
Does 10-41 require a sub code to be given
A Vacant building has a suspicious fire but squatters/workmen are in structure. What code given
10-41- Code 1
Code 10-44
Victim burned at car fire- what code given
Request ambulance- specify reason & type when possible
10-45 (no sub code given- Med Group Supervisor/Branch Director determines)
Which color tags are life-threatening & which are delayed
Red/Orange (life threatening) Code 2,
Yellow- Delayed Non-life threatening Code 3
(NOTE: BF-19 req’d Code 1 & 2; No BF-19 Code 3 & 4)
What is the difference between 10-47 & 10-48
47: PD response for crowd control/traffic, security (advise dispatch of reason);
48: FD members harmed & PD needed
At a fire you have a missing, lost, trapped or seriously injured member & add’l resources are req’d…what signal given
10-66- gives next higher full alarm assignment, an additional FAST unit & CFR Eng (add’l if 1 previously assigned)
If a member is missing/lost/trapped/ or seriously injured as a result of a collapse- what signals given
10-60 & 10-66
10-70 Water Supply required transmitted for “FD HAS PB”
Frozen hydrant, Dead hydrant, unable to Hookup or Access hydrant, Standpipe pressure insufficient, Pressure at hydrant insufficient, & Breakdown of rig
What are 3 options for 2nd Eng Water Resource Unit to assist in obtaining positive water source
In-line pumping (3 1/2: from own rig to hydrant), Water relay, & Check standpipe system for open valves, broken pipes
When can IC cancel 10-70
Reliable & Uninterrupted flow of water supplied to nozzle at correct operating pressure
What info given w/10-75
Location, Height, Type of building (PD- Peak/Flat roof if can determine & if window bars present)
Smoke emanating from skin of Hi-Rise Class E
Smoke visible from outside of Hi-Rise FPMD
10-76 2nd Alarm
10-75 until verified fire, then 10-77
Fire visible from outside of Hi Rise FPMD
10-77 (assigns Hi Rise Noz Eng if none of initial 4 Eng companies have a HRN) & Vent Support Unit
Anytime you have a Haz Mat inicident- what code given
10-80 first; IC will transmit sub code after size up & evaluation
Signal 10-80 No Code “SIPS”
release of Small quantity, ID material & hazards, PPE adequate, Special equipment not needed
After hitting 10-84 a preliminary report must be followed w/in how many minutes
5 minutes
Units dispatched to non-structural incidents in large open areas such as parkways or RR tracks and the incident is not at reported location, when do you hit 10-84
10-84 transmitted immediately upon arrival at reported location & dispatcher notified further investigation taking place
What is done if it appears that Units encountered reported incidents before reaching the reported location (such as highway response)
10-84 & notify dispatcher so responding units aware of this location. IC shall still insure original location is not 2 separate incidents
10-86 vs 10-87
10-86: Fluroprotein in addition to that carried by units on the scene. If alcohol required it must be specified
10-87: Hi Expansion foam
Medical Emergency only. FD unit cancelled en-route due to EMS scene or downgraded by EMS to a segment that does not require a Fire Unit response
10-99 Transmitted for 3 reasons
FD unit operating at least 30 minutes, CPR in progress, Ambulance requested w/none available
Are FD issued HW scanner/radio sets permitted in Company Offices
No- 1 set issued to each firehouse except where there are 2 HW areas
When relocating in quarters of another unit, Officer shall notify Dispatcher 3 times
When in response district of unit covering, Returning to own quarters, & Back in their own response area
Off of land units are not required to submit a preliminary report when special called to “GOAR”
Grass, Outside fire, Automobile, Rubbish
Units leaving quarters for non-emergency response shall confirm their status by _
Using Apparatus radio. 10-8 shall not be used for this purpose
If a unit has a non-operative radio and there’s no mechanic on duty to effect repairs, OOD shall
Notify Battalion & Division. Call the Dispatcher requesting radio mechanic response for repairs to apparatus radio
When would a 10-41 Code 4 be transmitted
Suspicious fire in a Vacant structure or structure NOT intended for dwelling purposes ex- Vacant bldgs, Bldgs under construction/demo, Detached garages, sheds, or similar structures
What is the difference between 10-28 Code 1 & Code 2
1= Structural fire (on platform or trash can fire on platform); 2= Non-structural (off platform ex- train fire, rubbish on track)
T/F Name or Unit # of a member w/a minor injury may be transmitted over Dept radio after requesting “Mixer Off”
Signal 10-60
Major Emergency Incident w/potential for multiple casualties ex- Collapse of PD; Derailment of subway car
Signal 10-60 Code 1:
Major Emergency Response Enhanced Tech Rescue Resources req’d. Major emergency incident w/potential for multiple casualties, with need for Enhanced Tech Rescue Resources
Define Technical Rescue
Tunneling, Trenching, Shoring, Cutting of load bearing structural members, Complicated disentanglement/extrication, etc
10-60 Code 2
Major Emergency Response Enhanced tech rescue resources req’d- Large scale. Incidents of larger scale requiring an enhanced 2nd Alarm assignment. Ex- Collapse of 6 story MD, Explosion w/Severe collateral structural damage, Airplane crash (except LaGuardia & JFK)
Choose Incorrect non-operating rig radio:
A. OOD shall notify the BC & DC
B. In all cases of response, Off shall notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an operating apparatus radio
C. Dispatcher will ensure an add’l unit (nearest available Eng/Lad) with an operating apparatus radio is dispatched to the same alarm
D. Once repairs to an apparatus radio are complete, Off shall notify the BC, DC & Dispatcher
B) This is only done if a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the portable citywide radio from the Division
Updated DO 24 4/9/2013
You would be most correct to transmit the following for a derailment of a subway car. A. 10-60 B. 10-60 code 1 C. 10-60 code 2 D. 10-28 code 3
A "large scale major emergency response where enhanced technical rescue resources are required?" A. 10-60 B. 10-60 code 1 C. 10-60 code 2 D. 10-80 code 4
What shall the OOD do once a portable citywide radio is received from the Division due to a non-operating Apparatus radio?
Perform an operational check by requesting a 10-11 radio test count from their respective borough Dispatcher.
If an OOD is using a Portable Citywide radio in lieu of a non-operating apparatus radio, may it be carried/worn by the OOD.
No- it shall remain in the front cab of the rig to serve as a communication link from the unit to borough dispatcher
Once repairs to the apparatus radio are complete, the OOD shall notify _
BC, DC, & Dispatcher. Division will arrange for return of citywide radio
Manhole fire incorrect:
A. 10-25 code 1 Smoke has extended from a manhole, conduit or transformer into a building.
B. 10-25 code 2 Smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure.
C. 10-25 code 3 Smoke seeping from a manhole.
D. 10-25 code 4 Smoke condition from a transformer at any location. i.e. pole, vault, room
A. Fire has extended from a manhole, conduit or transformer into a building. Communications 8-8
B. Fire has blown one or more covers , or smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure.
C. Comm 8-8
D. Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location. i.e. pole, vault room etc.
Eng arrives at scene of an alarm where they determine a heat detector activated from steam caused an unnecessary alarm. Transmit:
A. 10-34 No Code B. 10-35 No Code
C. 10-35 Code 3 D. 10-35 Code 4
CFR run for 40 yr old female with minor burns to her right hand when she grasped a hot frying pan while cooking from the stove top and then turned off the flame to the stove. EMS determined non-serious injuries. Correct Code
A. 10-45 Code 4 B. 10-37 Code 2
C. 10-37 Code 3 D. 10-37 Code 4
Commercial bldg where the fire alarm activated for a steam leak from the heating unit, which code: A. 10-35 no code B. 10-35 code 1 C. 10-35 code 2 D. 10-35 code 3 E. 10-35 code 4 F. None of the above
F Code 3 is for Unnecessary alarm caused by Ordinary HOUSEHOLD activities; this is for a commercial bldg
10-31 used for: A. All calls for assistance other than med assgmts, not including a unit assigned to protect EMS by diverting traffic at highway incidents B. Good intention calls C. Calls handled by other agencies D. Any type of investigation E. Search & complaints F. Elevator emergencies & lock-outs
A. During a response, affected unit will use citywide radio in lieu of non-operating rig radio for all comm to Dispatch until rig radio is repaired
B. Citywide radio can be worn by Off or it can remain in front of cab to serve as comm link
C. If a response is received while awaiting arrival of citywide radio, Off shall notify Dispatch unit is responding w/o an operating apparatus radio
D. Dispatch will ensure an add’l unit (nearest available Eng or Lad) w/an operating rig radio is dispatched to same alarm
B Off cannot carry it
Correct Radio Codes
A. 10-1 Call your Qtrs or other unit by telephone
B. 10-3 Call Dispatcher by telephone
C. 10-8 Unit leaving Qtrs for non-emergency response
D. 10-9 Unit entering Midtown Tunnel
E. 10-11 Dispatcher counts from 1-11 for test purposes
F. 10-12 Chief requests preliminary from 2nd Eng
Incorrect 10-75 used as a notification for a fire/emergency A. State if it's for a fire or emergency B. Location of fire- What floor C. Height of Bldg- How many stories D. Type of Bldg- Construction Class
D Type of Bldg- What kind of Occupancy
Automatic alarm in a bakery. After investigating the alarm, the Off determine the cause of alarm was a plumber working on the automatic sprinkler system. The Off on scene would be correct to transmit a 10-18 for a? A: 10-35 Code 1 B: 10-35 Code 2 C: 10-34 Code1 D: 10-34 Code 2
We do not give a 10-35 for alarms involving sprinkler activations.
10-34 Code 2 should be transmitted for an “Unwarranted Sprinkler Alarm- Not Defective (surge in pressure, people working on the system, etc.)
Occupied elevator. After arriving you found an elevator car that was stuck on the 4th floor but unoccupied. You shut power to the elevator. What radio signal should the officer transmit? A: 10-31 B: 10-40 Code 2 C: 10-92 D: 10-91
A Elevator emergencies are listed as a reason to transmit a 10-31.
Communications Chapter 8