Practical topic 37 Flashcards
Kidneys, canalis urinalis and their blood supply (prostate ductus deferens pars abdominalis et pars pelvina)
Arterial blod supply of the kidney
A. renalis
- Divides into A. interlobares at hilus renalis
- Divides again into A. arcuatae, curving over the medullary pyramis
- Gives off A. interlobulares
- Divides again into A. arcuatae, curving over the medullary pyramis
- Divides into A. interlobares at hilus renalis
- capillary plexus around renal tubules
Which vein drains blood from the kidneys?
v. renalis
- Divides into V. interlobares at hilus renalis
- Divides again into V. arcuatae, curving over the medullary pyramis
- Gives off A. interlobulares
- Divides again into V. arcuatae, curving over the medullary pyramis
- Divides into V. interlobares at hilus renalis
- Capillary plexus around renal tubules
Which vessel is the right kidney associated with?
- V. cava
- Lies further cranially than the left kidney
Which vessel is the left kidney associated with?
- Aorta abdominalis
- Lies more caudal than the right kidney
How is the right kidney connected to the caudate process of the liver?
By lig. hepatorenale
Give the parts of the ureter, and localization
- Pars abdominalis
- Lies on m. psoas major et minor
- Crosses the large terminal branches of the aorta and vena cava caudalis ventrally
- Pars pelvina
- Enters the genital fold/broad ligament
- Male: crosses dorsal surface of ductus deferens
- Female: crosses a. uterina
Which vessels are the ureter supplied by?
- Branches of a. renalis
- a. vesica cranialis
- a. vaginalis / a. prostatica
Parts of the urinary bladder
- Apex vesicae
- Corpus vesicae
- Cervix vesicae
- Leading to urethra
What is the apex and cervix vesicae surrounded by?
M. sphincter vesicae
Give the ligaments of the bladder, and their suspensions
Lig. vesicae medianum
- Small median fold between the pelvic floor and facies ventralis
Lig. vesicae laterale
- Left + right peritoneal fold attaches to the dorsolateral wall in males
Lig. teres vesicae
- Super tiny
- Cranial free edge of the lateral ligament
Give the invaginations
- Excevatio pubovesicalis
- Vesicogenitalis
- Rectogenitalis
Where does the urethra begin and end in males?
- Start: ostium urethra interna
- End: Ostium urethrae externum at the tip of the penis
Give the divisions of the pars urethra in males
Pars pelvina
Preprostatic part (only urine)
- Short, proximal part, extending from internal orifice to entrance of ductus deferens (ends at colliculus seminalis)
Prostatic part
- Transport urine and semen
- Colliculus seminalis - point where urinary and gential ducts join
Preprostatic part (only urine)
Pars penia/pars spongiosa
- Accessory genital glands group around this part
- Pars spongiosa: Within the penis
Give the blood supply of the ureter
- A. renalis → r. uretericus
- A. vaginalis / a. prosatica
Give the blood supply of the bladder
- A. umbillicus → a. vesicae cranialis
- A. epigastrica caudalis → a. vesicae mediae
- A vaginalis / a. prostatica → a. vesicae caudalis (to cervix)
Give the blood supply of the urethra
- A. vaginalis / a. prostatica → r. urethralis
- A. pudenda interna → a. urethralis
- A. vesicae caudalis → r. urethralis
What is the ductus deferens a continuation of?
Epididymis duct
What does the ductus deferens connect?
Epididymis with the pelvic part of the urethra
What does the spermatic cord consists of?
- A. testicularis
- V. testicularis
- Lymphatics
- Testicular plexus of nerves
- Bundles of SM (m. cremaster)
- Ductus deferens (in the mesoductus deferens)
What is the prostatae gland fused with?
Pelvic urethra
Give the parts of the prostatae gland
Capsula prostatae
- Encloses the prostatae gland
Corpus prostatae:
- Pars disseminate prostatae - forms glandular layer in the urethral wall
- Divided into lobus sinistra et dextra, by median groove
Give the blood supply of the prostatae gland
A. prostatica (ex. a. pudenda interna, ex. a. iliaca interna)
- Runs caudally along the pelvic peritoneum in the direction of the prostatae
- A. ductus deferentis
- R. urethralis
- Runs caudally along the pelvic peritoneum in the direction of the prostatae