B17 - Teeth, blood supply and innervation, development Flashcards
Give the structures to mention of dentes
- Corpus dentis
- Corona dentis (Crown, civered by enamel and der´marcated from the root by the neck)
- Infundibulum dentis (Invagination of enamel on the occlusal surface of incisors (su, ru), premolars and molars (ru, eq))
- Cervix dentis (Neck of the tooth, constriction between crown and root)
- Radix dentis (Not covered by enamel)
- Apex radicis dentis
- Facies occlusalis (Meets the teeth of the opposite jaw)
- Facies vestibularis (Outer surface, directed towards the tongue)
- Facies lingualis (Inner surface, directed towards the tongue)
Facies contactus (Related to the adhacent teeth in the same dental arch)
- Facies mesialis
- Facies distalis
Cavum dentis [pulpare] (Cavity of the tooth that contains the pulp)
- Cavum coronale dentis
- Canalis radicis dentis
- Foramen apicis dentis (Orifice of the canalis radicis dentis)
Pulpa dentis (Pulp of the tooth)
- Pulpa coronalis (Pulp in the crown)
- Pulpa radicularis (Pulp in the root canal)
- Dentinum (Dentin, main substance of the tooth)
- Enamelum (Hard white substance covering the dentin in the crown or the body)
- Cementum (Bone-like substance that covers the root)
- Periodontium (Connective tisse that attaches the tooth and gingiva to the alveolus)
- Arcus dentalis superior (Arch formed by all of the upper teeth)
- Arcus dentalis inferior (Arch formed by all of the lower teeth)
- Diastema (Space between two adjacent teeth in the same dental arch, usually between incisors and premolars)
- Dentes incisivi (First 3 teeth on either side of the median plane)
- Dentes canini (ø ru) (Between incisors and premolars)
Dentes premolares (First 4 cheek teeth)
- Dens lupinus (eq) (Wolf tooth, 1st premolar)
- Dentes molares (Last 3 teeth in each jaw)
- Dens sectorius (ca) (Largest cutting tooth in each jaw, last upper premolar and 1st lower molar)
- Dentes decidui (Milk teeth)
- Dentes permanentes (Permanent teeth)
- Diphyodonty (Replacement of the teeth first erupted (milk teeth)
- Polyphyodonty (Multiple succession)
- Thecodont (Teeth are implanted in sockets set along the margin of the jaws)
- Hypsodont teeth (Herbivores: high crowned teeth)
- *Brachydont teeth** (Primates, carnivores: low crowned teeth)
Give the main groups of theeth
- Incisors
- Canine
- Premolar
- Molar
Dens lupinus (eq)
- First upper premolar
Dens sectorius (car)
- Last upper premolar
- First lower molar
Give the parts of the tooth
Body (corpus dentis)
- Applied to hypsodont teeth
- At hypsodont teeth the corona and radix cannot be distinguished
Crown (corona dentis)
- Encased in enamel
- Composed of:
- Cuspis coronae dentis (one of the main projections on the occlusal surface
- Apex cuspis
- Tuberculum coronae dentis (secondary projection of the crown, fe, bo: on the lingual surface of some incisors in fe, bo)
Root (radix dentis)
- Encased in cement
- Not covered by enamel
- Composed of:
- Apex radicis dentis
- Radix clinica (correlated by the gingiva and alveolus)
- Canalis radicis dentis (root canal)
- For. apicis dentis (orifice of the root canal)
- Pulpa dentis
- Pulpa coronalis
- Pulpa radicularis
Neck (cervix dentis)
- Enamel and cement meet
- Constriciton between the crown and root
What is the tooth composed of?
Dentin (Surrounds pulp cavity)
Pulp cavity (Central portion of tooth)
- Dental pulp (Within the pulp cavity)
Pulp cavity (Central portion of tooth)
- Covers the root
- Bone-like substance
- Covers the part of the tooth that is within the oral cavity, hard white substance
- Composed of:
- Plicae enameli (longitudinal flods, premolar and molar)
- Infundibulum dentis (invagination of enamel on the occlusal surface, su, eq: incisors, ru, eq: premolars and molars)
- Crista enameli (free occlusal edge of one of the enamel layers of a worn teeth)
- Connective tissue
- Attaches the tooth and the gingive to the alveolus
Where does the dental cavity open?
Opens at the apical foramen of the radix dentis
Give the teeth surfaces
- Occlusal surface (Meeting the teeth of the opposite jaw)
- Contact surface (To adjacent teeth, each tooth, except the last molar, has two contact surfaces)
- Vestibular surface (Outer surface, towards vestibulum oris)
- Lingual surface (Inner surface, towards the tongue)
- Apical foramen (Opening of the apex of the root)
- Facies mesialis (On the first incisors next to the median plane)
- Facies distalis (Opposite surface of facies mesialis)
Give the different types of teeth
Consists of:
- Corona dentis
- Radix dentis
- Collum dentis
Consists of:
- Corona dentis and collum dentis are not easily distinguished
Consists of:
- Corpus dentis
- Radix dentis
Give the number of teeth and location in:
- Eq
- Ru
- Sus
- Ca
- Fe
Interspecies differences
- Ca:
- Brachydont type
Dens sectorius
- Last upper premolar
- First lower molar
- P2, P3, P4: have two roots, tricuspid crowns
- Milk teeth (for the first three weeks of life there are no teeth)
- Eq:
- Hyposdontal type
Dens lupinus (eq)
- First upper premolar
- Falls out when young, not replaced
- Only in male
- Diastema: Between canine and cheek teeth
- Ru:
- Hyposdontal type
Dental pad
- Takes the places of the missing teeth (incisors and canines of upper jaw)
Draw a teeth
Blood supply
- A. carotis externa → a. maxillaris → a. alveolaris mandibularis → a. incisiva mandibularis
A. carotis externa → a. maxillaris → a. infraorbitalis → a. incisiva maxillaris
A. infraorbitalis branches:
- R. dentales
- R. gingivales
A. infraorbitalis branches:
N. infraorbitalis (ex. n. maxillaris (V2))
- Runs with canalis infraorbitalis
- Gives:
- R. alveolares inferiores caudales (→ molars and sinus maxillaris)
- R. alveolares inferiores medii (→ molars, premolars, gingiva and sinus maxillares)
- R. alveolares inferiores rostralis (→ canine and incisors)
N. alveolaris inferior (ex n. mandibularis (V3))
- Runs with canalis mandibularis → for. mandibularis**
- In for. mentale: n. mentales
- Ribbon-like thickening of epithelium
- Thickening extends as plates (dental lamina) into the underlying mesendyme
Buds deep from deep margin of each dental plate = enamel organs
- Ru: development of incisor is aborted by repression of enamel milk organs allready present
- Mesenchyme codenses against each bud → invaginates and filled with dental papilla
Enamel organ:
- Inner dental epithelia (over the concave surface, towards dental papilla)
- Outer dental epithelia (over covex surface)
- After 1st deposition of enamel, odontoblastes starts producing dentin in center, then spreads towards all directions
- Odentoblast remains as cover of the pulp
Dental lamina → extensive destruction
- Its free edge remains to produce a second crop of buds → enamel organs of permanent teeth