A17 - Hock joint and muscles acting on it Flashcards
Hock joint and muscles acting on it
Hock joint, art. tarsi
- Composite joint (involving more than 3 bones)
- Cochlear joint (monoaxial)
- Formed between:
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Tarsal bones (2 rows)
- Metatarsal bones
- Four levels of articulation:
- Art. tarsocruralis
Art. intertarsea proximalis
- art. talocalcaneocentralis
- Art. calcaneoquartalis
- Movement
- Car: lateral movement, rotation, flexion and extension
- Ru: flexion and extension
- Eq: almost no movement
Art. intertarsea distalis
- Formed by the central tarsal bones proximally and the small tarsal bones distally
- Art. tarsometatarsea
- They have a common joint capsule with separate synovial sacs
- Membrana fibrosa: of the joint capsule, extends from the distal end of the crus to the proximal part of the metatarsus, covering the whole tarsus
- Membrana synovialis: formes four synovial sacs for the four levels of afticulation
Ligaments of art. tarsi:
Lig. collaterale tarsi mediale
Lig. collaterale tarsi mediale longum
- Malleolus medialis of fibula → base of medial metatarsal bones (also attaching to the medial tarsal bones along its course)
Lig. collaterale tarsi mediale brevis
- Malleolus medialis of fibula → talus and calcaneus (car, ru: also to medial metatarsal bones)
Lig. collaterale tarsi mediale longum
Lig. collaterale tarsi laterale
Lig. collaterale tarsi laterale longum
- Malleolus lateralis of fibula → proximal end of lateral Mt
Lig. collaterale tarsi laterale breve
- Malleolus lateralis of fibula → calcaneus and talus
Lig. collaterale tarsi laterale longum
Art. tarsocruralis
- Diarthrosis
- Art. cochlearis
Formed by:
- Trochlea of talus
- Cochlea of tibia
- Malleolus of fibula (ru??)
- Fibula also articulates with calcaneus (ø eq)
- Joint capsule (eq):
- 1 dorsal
- 2 plantar
Art. intertareae
- Between bones of each row
- Amphiarthroses
- Art. talocalcanea is included in the grou
Art. talocalcaneocentralis
- Proximal intertarsal joint
- Ca: rotational and side to-side movement
- Eq: ampharthrosis
- Ru, sus: barrel or cylindric joint
Art. talocalcanea
- Lig. talocalcaneum planatare (ø bo)
- Lig. talocalcaneum laterale
Art. calcaneoquartalis
- Proximal intertarsal joint
- Ca: rotational and side to-side movement
- Eq: ampharthrosis
- Ru, sus: barrel or cylindric joint
Art. centrodistalis
- Distal intertarsal joint
- Ampharthrosis
Composed of:
- Distal row of tarsal bones (not the 4th)
- Central tarsal bone
- __Capsula articularis
Ligg. tarsi interossea
- Connects adjacent surfaces of T bones
Ligg. tarsi dorsalia
- Lig. talocentraodistometatarseum (eq)
Ligg. tarsi plantaria
Lig. plantare longum
- Tuber calcis → lateral on tarsal and metatarsal bones
Lig. plantare longum
Art. tarsometatarseae
- Amphiarthroses
- Joint capsule encloses a narrow cavity, includes proximal intermetatarseal joint
- Capsula articulares
- Ligg. tarsometatarsea dorsalia
- Ligg. tarsometatarsea plantaria
- Ligg. tarsometatarsea interossea

Hock joint, art. tarsi (eq)
NY og bedre enn den andre
- Includes the joints between:
- Tibia
Tarsal bones
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Os tarsi centrale
- Os tarsi 1+2
- Os tarsale 3
- Os tarsale 4+5
- Metatarsal bones
- Fibrosal layer runs from tibia to metatarsus
Synovial layer attaches at each level, forming 4 cavities:
- Tarsocrural cavity (communicates with the proximal intertarsal cavity)
- Proximal intertarsal cavity
- Distal intertarsal cavity (communicates with the tarsometatarsal cavity)
- Tarsometatarsal cavity
Art. tarsocruralis
- Tibiotarsal joint
- Tibia → talus (trochlea tali)
- Most spacious
- Joint capsule (eq):
- 1 dorsal recess
- 2 plantar recesses
Art. talocalcanea
- Talus → calcaneus
Art. talocalaneocentralis
- Talus → calcaneus → os tarsi centrale
Art. calcaneoquartalis
- Calcaneus → os tarsale quartum
Art. talocentralis
- Talus → os tarsi centrale
Art. centrodistalis
- Os tarsi centrale → os tarsi distale
- Art. tarsometatareae
Art. intertarseae
- Between tarsal bones
- Recessus: (art. tarsocruralis)
- 1 dorsal recess
- 2 plantar recesses
Long ligaments
- Lig. collaterale tarsi mediale longum (tibia → distal tarsal bones and metatarsal bones)
- Lig. collaterale tarsi mediale breve (tibia → calcaneus & talus)
- Lig. collaterale tarsi laterale longum (tibia → distal tarsal bones and metatarsal bones)
- Lig. collaterale tarsi laterale breve (tibia → calcaneus & talus)
- Lig. talocentrodistometatarseum (tuberculum tali → metatarsal bones on dorsal surface)
- Lig. plantare longum (distal part of calcaneus, covers the tarsal bones → metatarsal bones
Short ligaments
Between the tarsal bones
Figure: numbers indicate the type of articulation

Which muscles should be included in the topic?
Flexors of the hock:
- M. tibialis cranialis
- M. peroneus tertius (ø car)
- M. peroneus longus (ø eq)
- M. peroneus brevis (ca)
- M. extensor digitorum longus
- M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- M. extensor digiti I. [hallucis] longus
Extensors of the hock:
- M. gastrocnemius
- M. soleus (ø ca)
- M. tibialis caudalis
- M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- M. flexor digitorum profundus
Tendo accessorius
- M. biceps femoris
- M. semitendinosus
- M. gracilis
Give the flexors of the hock
- M. tibialis cranialis
- M. peroneus tertius (ø car)
- M. peroneus longus (ø eq)
- M. peroneus brevis (ca)
- M. extensor digitorum longus
- M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- M. extensor digiti I. [hallucis] longus
All digital extensors flexes the hock
M. tibialis cranialis
- Condylus lateralis of tibia
- C**rita tibia
- Insertion: Medial on os tarsi I and Mt I-II
- Action: Flexes tarsus
M. peroneus tertius
Ø car, tendon in eq
- Origin: Fossa extensoria of the femur (in common with long digital extensor)
- Distal tarsal bones
- Proximal end of the metatarsus
Action: To flex the hock
- Eq: Part of the passive stay apparatus (!relationship between stifle and hock)
M. peroneus longus
Ø eq
- Condylus lateralis of tibia
- Caput fibularis
- Lateral collateral ligament of the stifle
- Insertion: First attaches to os tarsi 4+5 (on its plantar surface), then extends to all metatarsal bones’ plantar base
- Action: Flexes tarsus
M. peroneus brevis
- Origin: Laterally on distal third of fibula (and partly on tibia)
- Insertion: Base of Mt. 5
- Action: Flexes tarsus
M. extensor digitorum longus
- Origin: Fossa extensoria on condylus lateralis of femur
- Insertion: Processus extensorius of Ph3 of digits II-V.
- Extends stifle and joints of digits
- Flexes tarsus
M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- Origin: Proximal third of fibula
- Insertion: Unites with long digital extensor’s tendon to reach digit V. Ph3
- Extension and abduction of digit V.
- Flexes tarsus
M. extensor digiti I. [hallucis] longus
- Origin: Middle third of fibula
- Insertion: Radiates into fascia over metatarsophalangeal joint of digit II.
- Extends digit II. (and digit I. if it’s present)
- Flexes tarsus
Give the extensors of the hock
- M. gastrocnemius
- M. soleus (ø ca)
- M. tibialis caudalis
- M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- M. flexor digitorum profundus
Tendo accessorius
- M. biceps femoris
- M. semitendinosus
- M. gracilis
All digital flexors extends tarsus
M. gastrocnemius
- Origin: The medial and lateral tuberosita supracondylaris of the femur (inside their heads - caput mediale and laterale there are sesamoid bones)
- Insertion: Tendo calcanei communis → Tuber calcanei
- Extend the tarsus and hook
- Flex stifle
M. soleus
Ø ca
- Origin: Proximal part of fibula
- Insertion: Tendo calcanei communis → Tuber calcanei
- Action: Assist in extension of hock
M. tibialis caudalis
- Origin: Cauput fibula
- Insertion: Medially at tarsus it radiates into tarsal fascia
- Action: Extends tarsus
M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- Origin: Fossa supracondylaris of femur, partly fused with m. gastrocnemius caput lateralis
Insertion: Its plantar tendon (tendo plantaris) turns from medial to lateral direction around common calcaneal tendon, on the surface of tuber calcanei it makes a cap (galea calcanea), then finally attaches to Ph2 of digits II-V. on plantar surface
- In eq: tuberositas flexoria
- Flexes stifle
- Extends hock
- Flexes joints of digits II-V
M. flexor digitorum profundus
- Divided into:
- M. flexor digitorum lateralis
- M. flexor digitorum medialis
M. flexor digitorum lateralis:
- Proximal caudal half of fibula
- Proximal caudolateral border of tibia
- Interosseus membrane
- M. flexor digitorum medialis: Caudo-proximally from tibia
- Below tarsus, the two parts unite
M. flexor digitorum lateralis:
Inertion: Plantar surface of distal phalanx of digits II-V. on tuberculum flexorium
- Eq: facies flexoria
- Extends tarsus
- Flexes joints of digits II-V
Tendo accessorius
- From:
- M. biceps femoris
- M. semitendinosus
- M. gracils
M. biceps femoris
- Pars cranialis: Lig. sacrotuberale
- Pars caudalis: Tuber ischiadicum, caudal part
Insertion: By means of fascia lata and crural fascia to:
- Patella
- P**atellar ligament,
- Tuberositas tibiae
- Crista tibiae
- Tuber calcanei by tendo accessorius
- Extends hip and hock
- Cranial part extends stifle
- Caudal part flexes stifle
M. semitendinosus
- Origin: Tuber ischiadicum
- Crista tibiae
- Tuber calcanei by tendo accessorius
- Extends hip
- Flexes stifle
- Extends hock
M. gracilis
- Origin: Symphysis pelvis (by means of tendo symphysialis)
Insertion: Medially on:
- Crista tibiae
- Fascia cruris
- Tuber calcanei by tendo accessorius
- Adducts hindlimb
- Extends hip
- Flexes stifle
- Extends tarsus
Bones of the tarsus and metatarsus