C24 - Urinary tract, blood supply and innervation Flashcards
Give the division of the urinary tract
- Upper urinary tract:
- Pelvis renalis
- Ureter
- Lower urinary tract:
- Urinary bladder
- Urethra
- In domestic mammals, the proximal ureter begins with a expansion of pelvis renalis, into which all the ductus papillaris open
Histology of the urinary system
- Transitional epithelium (= urothelium) lines the organs of the urinary system
- Consists of several layers of epithelial cells which can contract and expand in order to adapt to the degree of distension needed
Structures to mention
Pelvis renalis
- Recessus pelvis (ca)
- Calices renalis (bo, su)
- Recessus terminalis (eq)
- Pars abdominalis
- Pars pelvina
Vesica urinaria
- Apex vesicae [=Vertex vesicae]
- Corpus vesicae
- Cervix vesicae
- Facies dorsalis
- Facies ventralis
- Lig. vesicae medianum
Lig. vesicae laterale
- Lig. teres vesicae
- Trigonum vesicae
- Columna ureterica
- Ostium ureteris
- Plica ureterica
- Ostium urethrae internum
Urethra masculina
- Pars pelvina
- Pars preprostatica
- Pars prostatica
- Crista urethralis
- Colliculus seminalis
- Ostium ejaculatorium
- Pars penina
- Recessus urethralis (su, Ru)
- Processus urethrae (Ø su)
- Ostium urethrae externum
Urethra feminina
- Ostium urethrae externum
- Crista urethralis
Pelvis renalis
- The proximal ureter begins with a expansion named pelvis renalis (ø bo)
- All the ductus papillaris open into pelvis renalis
- Pelvis renalis collects the urine, which reaches it through the papillary foramina, and conveys it into the ureter
- Location: within sinus renalis
- But only fused with tissue around the papilla
Pelvis renalis (ø bo)
- Recessus pelvis (ca)
- Calices renales (bo, su)
- Recessus terminales (eq)
- The renal pelvis consists of a central cavity and 2 recesuss terminales
- Most of the ductus papillaris opens into recessus terminalis
- Moulded around crista renalis
- Extends ventrally and dorsally to form recessus pelvis
- Separated by pseudopapillae and interlobular vesses
- Ø pelvis renalis
Calices renales formed by terminal branches of uteter
- Uninte into 2 major channels, which converge from both poles of the kidney to form a single ureter
- Calices renalis embrace an equal number of papilla renalis which protrude into pelvis renalis
- Extends from the pelvis renalis to the urinary bladder
- Pelvis renalis → for. papilla → ureter
- Muscular tube
- Divided into:
- Pars abdominalis
Pars pelvina
- Enters the genital fold / lig. latum
- Enters the urinary ballder close to the cervix vesicae ostium urethris of the urinary bladder**
- The ureter enters the bladder wall in such an angle, which automatically closes the way of urine backstream to the kidney from the filling bladder
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic

Urinary bladder
- Female: the bladder is related dorsally to uterus and lig. latum
- Male: short genital fold. The bladder is in contact with rectum, and are therefore more easily palpated rectally
- The surface of the bladder is covered with peritoneum (ø cervix vesicae)
- The bladder bladder muscle (m. detrusor) is arranged in 3 layers:
- Outer longitudinal layer
- Middle circular layer
- Inner longitudinal layer
M. sphincter vesicae:
- Covers apex and cervix
- Keeps the bladder closed
- Smooth muscle
- Penetrates the muscular coat → producing two ridges (columna uretericae) on the inside → terminates at ostium urethris
- Enters the bladder wall in such an angle, which automatically closes the way of urine backstream to the kidney from the filling bladder
Trigonum vesicae:
- Formed by:
- 2 ostium ureteris
- Ostium urethrae internum
- The only fixed point of the bladder (no expansion)
- Formed by:
Ligaments of the bladder:
Lig. vesicae laterale
- Peritoneal fold
- Male: attached to dorsolateral wall
- Female: attached to lig. latum
Lig. teres vesicae
- Cranial free edges of lig. vesicae laterale
- Formed by a. umbilicalis
- Originates from a. iliaca interna → apex vesicae
Lig. vesicae medianum
- Median fold
- Between symphysis pelvis and linea alba → ventral surface of bladder
- Apex vesicae (Blind cranial end)
- Corpus vesicae (Dorsal wall of the bladder does not form a fundus vesicae in domestic mammals)
- Cervix vesicae (Neck)
- Facies dorsalis
- Facies ventralis
- Lig. vesicae medianum (A peritoneal fold attaching the ventral surface of the bladder to the symphysis pelvina and linea alba)
Lig. vesicae laterale (A peritoneal fold. Male: attached to dorsolateral pelvic wall. Female: attached to broad ligament)
- Lig. teres vesicae (Remnant of a. umbilicalis)
- Trigonum vesicae (Smooth area of mucous membrane between the ostium ureteris and ostium urethrae internum)
- Columna ureterica (Elevation of the mucosa produced by the ureter in its course in the wall of the bladder)
- Ostium ureteris (Opening of the ureter)
- Plica ureterica (Lateral boundary of the trigonum vesicae)
- Ostium urethrae internum (Internal urethral orifice)

Urethra feminina
- Beginsat cervix vesicae → caudal along the floor of the pelvis
- The uterine enters at the ostium urethrae internum and leaves through ostium urethrae externum
Ostium urethrae externum (On the floor of the genital tract at the junction of the vagina and vestibule)
- In vestibulum vaginae:
- Ru, sus: divierticulum suburethrae
- Ca: tuberculu urethrae
- In vestibulum vaginae:
- Location:
- Median in position
- Dorsa: cagina (????)
- Ventral: symphysis pelvis
- Ostium urethrae externum
- Crista urethralis

Urethra masculina
- Begins at the ostium urethra internum at the cervix vesicae
- Ends at the ostium urethrae externum at the tip of the penis
- Ø su: processus urethralis
Pars pelvina (Begins at the internal opening at the cervix vesicae)
- Pars preprostatica (Between bladder and prostata)
Pars prostatica
- Crista urethralis (Dorsal ridge from the junction of the plica ureterica to colliculus seminalis)
- Colliculus seminalis (Eminence on crista urethralis)
- Ostium ejaculatorium (Opening of the ductus ejaculatiorius on the colliculus seminalis)
Pars penina (Surrounds corpus spongiosum)
- Recessus urethralis (su, Ru) (Opens ventrally into the urethra)
- Processus urethrae (Ø su) (free distal part of the urethra)
- Ostium urethrae externum

Blood supply
- A. renalis → r. utericus (to pars abdominalis)
- A. vaginalis/prostatica → r. utericus
- A. umbilicalis → r. utericus
- A. umbilicalis → a. vesicae cranialis (craniodorsal aspect)
- A. epigastrica caudalis → a. vesicae mediae (Ca, su????)
- A. vaginalis/prostatica → a. vesicae caudalis (to cervix vesicae, main blood supply)
- A. vaginalis/prostatica → r. urethralis
- A. pudenda interna → a. urethralis
- A. vesicalis caudalis → r. urethralis (to initial portion)
- The urethral wall contains venous plexus in submucosa (erectile properties)
Autonomic fibers reches the bladder through:
N. hypogastricus
- Autonomus
- From plexus mesentericus caudalis, runs to plexus pelvinus
- Plexus vesicelis cranialis: with aa. vesicales cranialis in lig. vesice laterale to apex vesicae
- Plexus vesicalis caudalis: to corpus vesicae and cervix vesicae
Nn. pelvini
- From plexus pelvinus
N. hypogastricus
- Sensory fibers goes through n. pudenda: to m. urethralis
- Bladder:
- N. hypogastricus
- Nn. pelvini
- Urethra:
- N. pudendus