B6 - Aorta abdominalis, v. cava caudalis Flashcards
Aorta abdominalis
- Name the branches
- Draw
- Begins after passing through hiatus aorticus of the diaphragm
- The aorta lies to to left of vena cava caudalis and contacts the thoracic duct and the inner lumbar muscles dorsally
A. phrenica caudalis (ø eq) → tr. phrenicoabdominalis (ca)
- Ca: A. abdominalis cranialis
- Ca: A. prhenica caudalis???
- usually arises in company with a. abdominalis cranialis
Aa. lumbales
- Corresponds to number of lumbar vertebrae
- Pattern of branching resembels that of the a. intercostalis dorsalis
A. coeliaca
- A.gastrica sinistra
A. hepatica
- A. gastrica dextra
- A. gastroepiploica dextra (anastomoses with a. gastroepiploica sinistra)
A. lienalis
- A. gastroepiploica sinistra (anastomoses with a. gastroepiploica dextra)
A. mesenterica cranialis (given off between L4-L6, species dependent)
- A. pancreatoduodenalis caudalis
- Aa. jejunalis
- A. ileocolica
- A. renalis dextra (arises further cranial than a. renalis sinistra)
- A. renalis sinistra
- A. testicularis/ovarica (arises between L3-L5, species dependent)
- A. mesenterica caudalis
- _A. circumflexa ilium profunda_ (ca??)
- A. iliaca externa sin/dex → a. femoralis
A. iliaca interna sin/dext
- Supplies the pelvic organs
- A. sacralis mediana

Vena cava caudalis
- Collects blood from the hindlimbs and pelvic organs
- Arises from the caudal part of the sinus venosus of the right atrium
- Gose through foramen venaca cavae in centrum tendineum of the diaphragm
- Turns dorsal in the abdomen
- Runs between right crus of the liver
- Runs dorsally over the liver, and creates the sulcus venace cavae of the fascies diaphragmatica of the liver
- Biforcates into vv. iliacae communis caudal in the lumbar region
- It passes between the caudal and accessory lobes of the right lung
- V. phrenicae cranialis*** & ***v. abdominalis cranialis (ca)
- V. prenicae caudalis
- Vv. hepaticae
- Vv. lumbales
V. renalis
- Sus: v. abdominalis cranialis
- Ru, eq: r. suprarenalis
- Ca: v. renalis sinistra → v. testicularis ovarica sinistra
V. testicularis/ovarica
- Male: forms plexus pampiformis with arteries??
- Females: large major vein of the uterus
V. circumflexa ilium profunda
- Ca, ox, eq: duplicated
Brances that joins throught the vv. hepatica after passing through the liver (v. portae):
V. iliaca communis
- V. circumflexa ilium profunda (ø ca)
- V. iliolumbalis

Vena cava caudalis
Draw the terminal subdivision of the caudal vena cava, interspecies differences
- ventral view