Practical topic 29 Flashcards
Diaphragm, odd branches of the aorta abdominalis, ggl. coeliacum, ggl. mesentericum craniale, ggl. mesentericum caudale
What is the action of the diaphragm?
- Inspiration
- Helps to increase abdominal pressure
Give the layers of the diaphragm
- Pleura + fascia endothoracica
- M. phrenicus
- Fascia transversa abdominalis + peritoneum
give the parts of m. phrenicus
- Have its muscular origin (corona muscularis) from different sites
- Sternal part
- Costal part
- Lumbar part
- Left crura
- Right crura
- All these parts meet in centrum tendineum
- Has an opening for vena cava caudalis = foramen venae cavae
What is the cranialmost part of diaphragm’s curve?
Culpula diaphragmatica
What is lumbal and costal part connected by?
Arcus lumbocostalis
Beside there is a triangular region where m. phrenicus is absent = Trigonum lumbocostale
- Where is crus dexter and crus sinister arising from?
- What are they forming together?
- 3-4th lumbar vertebrae
- Hiatus aorticus (opening for aorta)
What surrounds the oesophagus?
Right crus = Hiatus oesophageus
It extends more ventrally compared to left crus
Give the main odd branches of the abdominal aorta
- A. coeliaca
- A. mesenterica cranialis
- A. mesenterica caudalis
A. coeliaca
- What does it supply?
- Give the branches
- supplies:
- Liver
- Spleen
- Pancreas
- Cranial part of duodenum
- Branches:
A. lienalis
- Continues as a. gastroepiploica sinistra (left)
A. gastrica sinistra (anastomose with a. gastrica dextra (right))
- R. oesophageus, Rr. gastrici
A. hepatica
- A. gastrica dextra
A. gastroduodenalis
- A. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis
- A. gastroepiploica dextra
A. lienalis
A. mesenterica cranialis
- What does it supply?
- Give the branches
- Supplies most of the intestines
- Branches:
- A. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis
- Aa. jejunalis
- R. collateralis
- A. ilie
A. ileocolica
- R. colicus (colon ascendens)
- A. caecalis (caecum)
- R. ilei mesenterialis (ileum)
- A. colica dextra (distal part of colon descendens)
- A. colica media (two vessels to colon transversus)
A. mesenterica caudalis
- What does it supply?
- Give the branches
- Supplies abdominal parts of the alimentary canal. Terminal parts of the large intestines
- Branches:
- A. colica sinistra
- A. rectalis cranialis (anastomoses with middle and caudal a. rectalis)
Ggl. coeliaca
- Receives n. sphlanchnius major
- Lies on A. coeliaca
Gg. mesentericum cranialie
- Receive n. sphlanchnius major
- Lies on a. mesenterica craniale
Ggl. mesentericum caudalis
- Lie on a. mesenterica caudalis
- N. hypogastrica (left and right) run caudally, near the ureter in the mesocolon and enter pelvic canal
Diaphragm, viewed from the abdomen with ventral at the top

- Centrum tendineum
- Pars costalis
- Pars sternalis
- Crus dexter (right)
- Crus sinister (left)
- Foramen venae cavae (with venae cavae)
- Foramen venae cavae (with v. hepatica)
- Hiatus oespohageus
- Hiatus aorticus
- * Lig. falciforme