A6 - Cervical vertebrae, their junctions, muscles moving the head Flashcards
Cervical vertebrae, their junctions, muscles moving the head
Give the general structures of a vertebrae
- Corpus vertebrae
- Caput vertebrae (extremitas cranialis)
- Fossa vertebrae (extremitas caudalis)
- Crista ventralis
- Arcus vertebrae
- Pediculus arcus vertebrae
- Lamina arcus vertebrae
- Foramen vertebrale
- Incisura vertebralis cranialis
- Incisura vertebralis caudalis
- Foramen intervertebrale
- Processus spinosus
- Processus transversus
- Processus articularis cranialis
- Processus articularis caudalis
Vertebrae cervicalis
Give the structure special for vertebrae cervicalis
Strucutre special for vertebrae cervicalis
Processus transversus
- Tuberculum ventrale
- Lamina ventralis
- Foramen transversarium
- Tuberculum dorsale
- Fovea costalis caudalis (C7)
Se egene notater for definisjoner
- Give the structures special for atlas
- Give the interspecies differences
- Draw atlas
1. Structures special for atlas:
- Massa lateralis
- Ala atlantis
- Incisura alaris
- For. vertebrale laterale
- Fossa atlantis
- Fovea articularis cranialis
- Fovea articularis caudalis
- Fovea dentis
- Arcus dorsalis
- Arcus ventralis
- Tuberculum dorsale
- Tuberculum ventrale
- Ø processus spinosus
- Ø corpus vertebrae
2. Interspecies differences:
Ala atlantis
- Lateral direction
- Eq: ventrolateral direction
- Foramen:
- For. vertebrale laterale
- For. transversarium (ø ru)
For. alare (ø ca)
- Ca: Incisura alare

- Give the structures special for axis
- Give the interspecies differences
- Draw axis
1. structures special for axis
- Dens
- Incisura vertebralis cranialis (ca)
- Incisura vertebralis lateralis (ø ca)
2. Interspecies differences
Spinous processes:
- Eq: Curved, the caudal part is divided → articular surface
- Ru: Rectangular, straight (convex dorsal border), not divided
- Ca: Ridge extends both cranially and caudally
- Sus: “Cut” in the dorsalcranial part, triangular
- Incisura vertebralis cranialis (ca)
- Incisura vertebralis lateralis (ø ca)

C3 - C5
- Give the structures special for C3-C5
1. Structures special for C3-C5
- Tuberculum dorsale
- Tuberculum ventrale
- Small proc. spinosus
- Eq: barly excisting
- For. transversus is divided into dorsal and ventral part
- Large cranial and caudal articular surface
- For. transversarium
- Give the structures special for C6
1. Structures special for C6
- Tuberculum dorsale
- Lamina ventralis: large
- Give the structures special for C7
1. Structures special for C7
- Ø for. transversarium
- Fovea costalis caudalis: articular surface for the 1st rib
- Proc. spinosus: high
Give the junctions between the cervical vertebrae
- Art. atlantooccipitalis
- Art. atlantoaxialis
- Between other cervical vertebrae
Art. atlantooccipitalis
- Two ellipsoidal joints
- Between cranial articulate fovea of the atlas and the 2 condyus occipitalis
- 2 joint capsules
- Movements: Flexion and extension
Ligg. lateralia
- From medial surface of paracondylar process to cranial parts of the roots of the ala atlantis
Membrana atlantooccipitalis ventralis
- Strengthen the joint capsule ventrally
Membrana atlantooccipitalis dorsalis
- Strengthen the joint capsule dorsally
Capsula articularis
- Membrana atlantooccipitalis ventralis (Ventral thickening of capsula articularis)
- Membrana atlantooccipitalis dorsalis (Connects arcus dorsalis of atlas → os occipitale)
- Lig. laterale (From ala atlantis → os occipitale)

Art. atlantoaxialis
- Pivoit joint
- Between the median dens of axis and fovea dentis of the atlas
- The caudal articular surface of the atlas artticulates with the cranial articular surface of the axis
- Have a common joint capsule
Membrana atlantoaxialie
- Strengthen the joint capsule dorsally btw the arches
Lig. interspinale
- Elastic
- From dorsal tubercle of the atlas to the spine of the axis
Lig. atlantoaxiale
- From ventral tubercle of the atlas, then bifucates to insert on either side of the ventral crest of axis
Lig. longitudinale dentis (eq, ru)
- Fans out from dens of axis to the basilar part + condyles of occipital bone
Ligg. alaria
- Originates from the dens
- Inserts on:
- Eq: Inner surface of the arch of the atlas
- Ca: Occipital condyles
- Sus: Ventral border of foramen magnum
Lig. transverasrium atlantis (ca, sus)
- From the dens, spans out on the atlas
- Capsula articularis
- Membrana atlantoaxialis dorsale (Connection between arcus dorsalis of atlas → arch of axis)
- Membrana tectoria (From dorsal surface of the body of axis → ventral border of for. magnum. Also attached inside atlas)
- Lig. transversum atlantis (ca, su) (From one side of atlas to the other, dorsal to dens)
- Lig. longitudinale dentis (eq, bo) (From dorsal surface of dens → arcus ventralis of atlas)
- Lig. apicis dentis (ø eq) (From apex of dens → pars basilaris of os occipitale)
- Ligg alaria (car, su) (From lateral border of dens → condylus occipitalis (car) or ventral border of for. magnum (su))
- Lig. atlantoaxiale ventrale (ru, eq) (From tuberculum ventrale of atlas → crista ventralis of axis)

Articulation of other cervical vertebrae
Short ligaments connecting adjacent vertebrae:
Ligg. flava
- Interarcuate ligaments
- Elastic sheets
- Connect the arches, covering the interarcuate space
Ligg. interspinalia
- Interspinous ligaments
- Connect the spinous processes, fill interspinous space
- Eq: Elastic in the cervical potion of the vertebral column
- Ca: Ligaments replaced with muscles
- Ru: All have elastic elements
Ligg. intertransversaria
- Intertransverse ligaments
- Connect the transverse processes
Long ligaments passing over several vertebrae
Lig. longitudinale dorsale
- Inside the vertebral canal, on the floor
- Attached to dorsal surface of of corpus vertebrae and discus intervertebralis
- Dens of axis → sacrum (ca: caudal vertebrae)
Lig. nuchae (Ø fe, sus)
- Axis (ca) → sacrum (as lig. supraspinale)
- Eq, ru: consists of two parts:
Funiculus nuchae
- Ca: proc. spinosus of axis
- Eq, ru: squamous occipital bone
- Lamina nuchae (ø ca)
Funiculus nuchae
- (Lig. longitudinale ventrale)

Muscles moving the head
Give the muscles moving the head
- M. sternocephalicus
- M. brachiocephalicus
- M: longissimus capitis
M. semispinalis
- M. biventer
- M. complexus
- M. omotransversarius
Specific activar of the head (between cervical vertebrae and os occipitale):
- M. rectus capitis dorsalis major
- M. rectus capitis dorsalis minor
- M. rectus capitis lateralis
- M. rectus capitis ventralis
- M. obliquus capitis caudalis
- M. longus capitis
- M. splenius
M. sternocephalicus
- Origin: Manubrium sterni
Divided into:
- M. sternomastoideus: Mastoid part of the os temporale
- M. sternooccipitalis: Christa nucha of the os occipitale
Divided into:
- Action: Draw the head and neck to the side
M. brachiocephalicus
From humerus to head and neck
- Divided into:
- M. cleidobrachialis
- Origin: Clavicle
- Insertion: Distal part of the crest of humerus
- M. cleidocephalicus
- M. cleidomastoideus
- Origin: Mastoid process of temporal bone
- Insertion: Iscription clavicularis
- M. cleidocervicalis
- Origin: The dorsal midline over the cranial half of the neck
- Insertion: Inscription clavicularis
- M. cleidomastoideus
- M. cleidobrachialis
- If forelimb is fixed: unilateral contraction of the muscle moves head into the lateral direction, bilateral contraction fixes head and neck (or bends downward)
- If limb is free (it’s in an elevated position), it will move forelimb cranially
M. longissimus capitis
- Origin: Continuation of the longus colli muscle, attach centrolaterally of cervical vertebrae
- Insertion: Base of skull
- Action: Depress head, incline cranial part of the neck
M. semispinalis
- Divided into:
- M. biventer
- M. complexus
- M. biventer: Proc. transversus of Th2-4
- M. complexus: Proc. articularis of C3-Th1
Insertion: Os occipitale on
- Crista nucae
- Protuberentia occipitalis externus
- Action: Extends, holds and ends the neck
M. omotransversarius
- Origin: The ventral part of the scapular spine
- Insertion: The caudal border of the wing of the atlas (eq: also the transverse proc. of the 2-4 cervicals aswell)
- Action: To advance the limb (draw the shoulder cranially) or flex the neck laterally
M. rectus capitis dorsalis major
- Origin: Processus spinosus of axis
- Insertion: Squama occipitalis
- Action: Flex the atlantooccipital joint dorsally (raises head)
M. rectus capitis dorsalis minor
- Origin: Tuberculum dorsale of atlas
- Insertion: Squamosa occipitalis
- Action: Flex/extend the atlantooccipital joint horisontally
M. rectus capitis lateralis
Origin: Atlas from:
- Arcus ventralis
- A**la atlantis
- Insertion: Processus paracondylaris of os occipitale
- Action: Flex/extend the atlantooccipital joint horisontally
M. rectus capitis ventralis
- Origin: Arcus ventralis of the atlas
- Insertion: Base of the skull
- Action: Flex the atlantooccipital joint ventrally
M. obliquus capitis cranialis
- Origin: Ala atlantis
- Insertion: Squama occipitalis
- Action: Flex joints of the head dorsally, incline head to the sides
M. obliquus capitis caudalis
- Origin: Processus spinosus of axis
- Insertion: Ala atlantis
- Unilaterally it rotates the head around dens of the axis
- Bilaterally it fixes the atlantoaxial joint
M. longus capitis
- Continuation of the longus colli muscle
- Attach centrolaterally of cervical vertebrae
- Insertion: Base of the skull
- Action: Depress the head, incline cranial part of the neck
M. splenius
- Thoracolumbar fascia
- Processus spinosus of Th1-3
- Christa nuchae
- Mastoid part of os temporale
- Action: Extends, holds and ends the neck