B29 - Peritonenum, serous duplicatures in the abdominal and pelvic cavities Flashcards
Structures to mention
- Peritoneum parietale (On the walls of the above cavities)
- Peritoneum viscerale (Covering the organs)
- Cavum peritonei (The potential space containing peritoneal fluid between the parietal and visceral peritoneum)
- Foramen omentale [epiploicum] (Opening from the greater peritoneal sac to the vestibulum bursae omentalis)
Bursa omentalis (Lesser peritoneal sac, potential space enclosed by the two omenta, the stomach and the liver)
- Vestibulum bursae omentalis (Enclosed by omentum minus, stomach and liver)
- Recessus dorsalis omentalis (Minor diverticulum of the vestibule between right crus of the diaphragm and liver, and between esophagus and vena cava caudalis)
- Aditus ad recessum caudalem (Bounded by plica gastropancreatica, plica hepatopancreatica, curvatura ventriculi minor and duodenum)
- Recessus caudalis omentalis (Enclosed by the omentum majus)
- Recessus lienalis (The left extremety of the bursa omentalis. Enclosed by the ligg. Gastrophrenicum, gastrolienale and phrenicolienale)
- Recessus supraomentalis (Ru) (Peritoneal cavity dorsal to the omentum majus)
Omentum majus [Epiploön] (Peritoneal sac between intestines and ventral abdominal wall. Encloses the recessus caudalis omentalis)
- Paries superficialis (Part of the omentum majus from curvatura ventriculi major to the caudal reflection)
- Paries profundus (Deep wall. From its dorsal attachment to the caudal reflection)
- Lig. gastrophrenicum (Extends from diaphragm → fundus of the stomach)
- Lig. gastrolienale (Between stomach → spleen)
- Lig. lienorenale (eq) (Between diaphragm → spleen)
- Velum omentale (ca) (Connects paries profundus of omentum majus with the left surface of mesocolon descendens)
- Mesoduodenum
Mesenterium (Attached to jejenum and ileum)
- Radix mesenterii (Dorsal attachment. Containing a. mesenterica cranialis)
- Mesojejunum
- Mesoileum
- Mesocolon ascendens
- Mesocolon transversum
- Mesocolon descendens
- Mesocolon sigmoideum (bo)
- Mesorectum
Omentum minus (Connects curvatura ventriculi minor and pars cranialis duodeni to fascies visceralis of liver)
- Lig. hepatogastricum (From liver → stomach)
- Lig. hepatoduodenale (From liver → pars cranialis duodeni. Contains v. Portae, a. Hepatica, and ductus choledochus. Forms ventral boundary of for. omentale)
- Lig. falciforme hepatis
Lig. coronarium hepatis (Attaches to diaphragm. Surrounding area nuda and sulcus venae cavae, and connecting ligg. Triangularia and falciforme)
- Lig. triangulare dextrum (Right lobe of liver → diaphragm)
- Lig. triangulare sinistrum (Left lobe of liver → diaphragm)
- Lig. hepatorenale (Between processus caudatus → right kidney)
- Plica duodenocolica (Fold of peritoneum between duodenum ascendens → colon descendens)
- Plica ileocaecalis (Between antimesiteric surface of the ileum and cecum)
- Plica caecocolica (eq) (Between tenia libera lateralis of the right ventral colon → tenia lateralis ceci)
Excavatio rectogenitalis (Recess of peritoneal cavity between rectum and plica genitalis (male), uterus and ligg. lata (female))
- Fossa pararectalis (Lateral to rectum and mesorectum)
- Excavatio vesicogenitalis (Between bladder and plica genitalis (male), uterus and ligg. lata (female))
- Excavatio pubovesicalis (Peritoneal recess. Ventral to bladder and ligg. vesicae lateralia)
- Spatium retroperitoneale (Between peritoneum → body wall)
Name the serous cavities present in the trunk
General knowledge
There are 4 serosal cavities
Cavum pleurae
- Left and right
- Formed by pleura
Cavum pericardii
- Formed by pericardium serosum
Cavum peritonei
- Fromed by peritoneum
Peritoneum parietale
- Covers the inner surface of the walls of the abdominal, pelvic and scrotal cavities
Peritoneum viscerale
- Covers the organs of the abdominal, pelvic and scrotal cavities
Connecting peritoneum
- Consists of double sheets of peritoneum extending between organs or connecting them to peritoneum parietale
- These peritoneal folds are called:
- Mesenteries (From abdominal wall → jejunum and ileum)
- Omenta
- Ligaments (From a wall → organ, or from organ → organ
Cavum peritonei communicates with the pleural cavity through the three openings in the diaphragm:
- Hiatus aorticus (for aorta and v. azygous)
- Hiatus esophageus (for esophagus and tr. vagus)
- For. venae cavae (for v. cava caudalis)
Define retroperitoneum
Organs that lie agianst the walls of the abdominal or pelvic cavities and that are covered only on one surface by peritoneum are said to be retroperitoneal
Define intraperitoneal
- Intraperitoneal structures includes:
- GI-tract (ø caudal part of rectum and anus)
- Liver
- Pancreas
- Spleen
- Urogenital tract (ø kidney and parts of the uterus)
Openings in peritoneum
Cavum peritonei communicates with the pleural cavity through the three openings in the diaphragm:
- Hiatus aorticus (for aorta and v. azygous)
- Hiatus esophageus (for esophagus and tr. vagus)
- For. venae cavae (for v. cava caudalis)
- Male: completely closed
- Female: opening at the abdominal end of each tuba uterina → communication with the external genitalia
- Define the pelvic peritoneal pouches
- Draw them
Processus vaginalis peritonei
Male: Canalis inguinalis permits a peritoneal invagination (tunica vaginalis) to reach the scrotum
- Ca: also in female
Male: Canalis inguinalis permits a peritoneal invagination (tunica vaginalis) to reach the scrotum
Excavatio rectogenitalis
- Most dorsal
- Male: Rectum → plica genitalis
- Female: Uterus → ligg. lata
Fossa pararectalis is an extension
- Lateral to rectum and mesorectum
Excavatio vesicogenitalis
- Male: Bladder → plica genitalis
- Female: Uterus → ligg. lata
Excavatio pubovesicalis
- Floor of pelvis → bladder and its ligaments

Abdominal cavity
Define the abdominal cavity
- Extends from arcus costalis and last rib → linea terminalis which surrounds the entrance of the pelvic cavity
- Caudal to diaphragm
- Wall of the cavity is formed by:
- Diaphragm
- Consists of:
- Skin
- Superficial and deep thoracolumbar fasciae
- Epaxial muscles (m. iliocostalis, m. longissimus, m.. multifidus)
- Hypaxial muscles
- Lumbar vertebrae (m. quadratus lumborum, m. iliopsoas, m. psoas minor)
- Iliac fascia
- Roof of abdominal cavity
- Consists of:
Lateral and ventral:
- Skin
- Superficial fasciae (enclose m. cutaneous trunci)
- Deep fasciae (herbivores = tunica flava)
- Abdominal muscles
- Internal fasciae = fascia transversus
- Continous with the pelvic cavity
Abdominal cavity
List the serous duplicates in the abdominal cavity
- Liver:
Lig. falciforme hepatis
- By omentum minus: peritoneal fold that passes from the umbilicus → diaphragm, also attached to the liver between lobus hepatis sinister medialis and lobus quadratus
Lig. teres hepatis
- Remnant of v. umbilicalis
- Liver → umbilicus
Lig. triangulare dextra/sinistra
- Right and left lobes of liver → diaphragm
Lig. coronarium
- Liver → diaphragm
- Surrounds area nuda and sulcus vena cava on the liver
Lig. hepatogastricum
- Liver → stomach
- The greater part of omentum minus
Lig. hepatoduodenale
- Liver → pars cranialis duodeni
- Contains:
- V. portae
- A. hepatica
- Ductus choleoductus
- Free right border of omentum munus
Lig. hepatorenale
- Processus caudatus of liver → right kidney
Lig. falciforme hepatis
- Spleen:
Lig. gastrolienale
- Part of omentum majus
- Stomach → spleen
Lig. phrenicolienalis
- Diaphragm → splee
Lig. lienorenalis (Eq?)
- Part of omentum majus
- Hilus renalis → left kidney
Lig. gastrolienale
- Intestines:
Plica duodenocolica
- Between antimesenteric surface of ileum and cecum
- Eq: attached to tenia dorsalis ceci
- Mesoduodenum
Mesentrium (attached to jejunum and ileum)
- Mesojejunum
- Mesoileum
- Mesocolon
Omentum majus
- Peritoneal sac between intestines and ventral abdominal wall
- Encloses the recessus caudalis omentalis
Omentum minus
- Connects curvatura ventriculi minor and pars cranialis duodeni → fascies visceralis of liver
Plica duodenocolica

Pelvic cavity
Define pelvic cavity
- Encircled by os pelvis
- Linea terminalis marks the pelvic inlet
- Cranial part of the pelvic cavity is lined by peritoneum
- Enclosed by:
- Dorsal: sacrum and first 3-4 caudal vertebrae
- Lateral: ileum
- Un: also formed by lig. sacrotuberale latum
- Ventral: os ilium, os ischium and os pubis
Abdominal peritoneum extends into the pelvic cavty
- Lines its cranial part
- Invest the pelvic organs and forms the ligaments associated with them
- Components of pelvic cavity:
- Rectum
- Canalis analis
- Portion of urinary bladder
- Urethra, pars pelvina
- Male: accessory genital glands
- female: genital organs, caudal part
Pelvic cavity
Pelvic inlet
Entrance in pelvic inlet is an osseus ovale ring: linea terminalis
Pelvic cavity
Pelvic outlet
- Formed by:
- Dorsal: 3rd-4th caudal vertebrae
- Lateral:
- Un: lig. sacroischiaticum, sacrotuberal part
- Ca: lig. sacrotuberale
- Ventral: tuber ischiadicum and the arch that connects them
- Pelvic outlet is smaller than pelvic inlet (ø ca)
- Size can be increased by moving the tail
- Important during parturition
Pelvic cavity
What marks the pelvic inlet?
Linea terminalis
Circular line from promontorium, across ala ossis sacri, along linea arcurata and pecten ossis pubis
Pelvic cavity
List the serous duplications of the pelvic cavity
- Lig. vesice lateralis (male: dorsal pelvic wall)
- Lig. vesicae medialis
- Female:
Lig. latum uteri
- Folds of peritoneum attatching the intraperitoneal female genital organs to the dorsolateral body wall
- Arise from wall of pelvic cavity and caudal part of abdominal cavity
- Part of lig. latum uteri
- Contains the ovarian vessels
- Suspends the ovaries
- Homologous to the mesorchium
- Part of lig. latum uteri
- Fold laterally detached from lig. latum uteri
- Contains tuba uterina
- Forms lateral wall of bursa ovarica
- Ca, su: completely surrounds the ovary
Lig. suspensorium ovarii (free border of mesovarium)
- Part of lig. latum uteri
- Attached to cornu uteri and corpus uteri
Lig. latum uteri
- Male:
Plica genitalis
- Ampulla ductus defernts
- Ureter
- Gl. vesicularis (ø ca)
- Separates excavatio rectogenitalis from excavatio vesicogenitalis
Plica genitalis