A12 - Pastern and coffin joints and their muscles in the forelimb Flashcards
Pastern and coffin joints and their muscles in the forelimb
Patern joint
Give the general features
Saddle joint (diaxial)
- Movement: flexion - extension (minimal rotation and side movements)
- Proximal interphalageal joint
- Between: Ph1 → Ph2
Pastern joint
Capsulae articulares
- Recessus dorsales
- Recessus palmares
Ligg. collateralia
- Two collateral ligaments of each joint
Ligg. palmaria
- Ru, su: on the 3rd and 4th digits
- Eq: 4 palmar ligaments:
- Axial
- Abaxial
- Lateral
- Medial
Scutum medium is composed of:
- Lig. axiale
- Straight sesamoidean ligamet
- Palmar surface of the flexor surface of Ph2
Coffin joint
Give the general features
Saddle joint (diaxial)
- Movement: flexion - extension (minimal side movements)
Complex joint
- Also include distal sesamoid bones
- Between:
- Distal end of Ph2
- Ph3
- Articular surface of distal sesamoid bone/navicular bone
- Retinaculum flexorum
Bursa podotrochlearis
- Os sesamoidea distale → m. flexor digitorum profundus, tendon
Coffin join
Capsulae articulares
- Recessus dorsales
- Recessus caudales
Ligg. collateralia
- 2 collateral ligaments of each joint capsule
Ligg. dorsalia
- 2 elastic dorsal ligaments of each joint
Ligg. sesamoidea collateralia (eq, bo)
- Os sesamoideum distale → Ph2
- Lig. sesamoideum distale impar (eq)
- Os sesamoideum distale → Ph
Lig. interdigitale proximale (bo, su)
- Between proximal phalanges of digit III and IV
Lig. chondrocompedalia (un)
- Cartilage ungularis → Ph1
Lig. chondrocoronalia (un)
- Cartilage ungularis → Ph2
Ligg. chondrosesamoidea (Un)
- Cartilago ungularis → os sesamoideum distale
Ligg. chondroungularia collateralia (Un)
- Cartilago ungularis → processus palmaris of the same side (medial or lateral)
Ligg. chondroungularia cruciata (Un)
- Extends from cartilago ungularis of one side to that of the other side and to the opposite processus palmaris
Ligaments of the distal sesamoid bone / navicular bone:
- Ligg. sesamoideum collateralia (eq, bo)
- Lig. sesamoideum distale impar (eq)
Ligaments of the hoof cartilage:
- Ligg. chondrocompedalia
- Ligg. chondrocoronalia
- Ligg. chondroungularia collateralia
- Ligg. chondrosesamoidea
- Ligg. chondroungularia cruciata
Draw the phalangeal joints of the horse and the bovine

Retinaculum flexorium
- Transverse fibers on the palmar aspext at the level of the carpal joint
- Retinaculum extensorium: corresponding structure on dorsal side
- On the palmar side, the sheat comprice:
Lig. anulare palmare
- Surrounding flexor tendons
Fetlock plate
- Cartilage plate attached to Ph1, unites flexor tendons to Ph1
Ligg. annularia digit
- Sheet forming a “sock” around flexor tendons
Lig. anulare palmare
Give the muscles of the forelimb phalanges
Digital extensors of the forelimb (craniolateral):
- M. extensor digitorum communis
- M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- M. extensor digiti I. et II. [pollicis et indicis] (ca)
- M. abductor digiti I. [pollicis] longus
Digital flexors of the forelimb (mediocaudally):
- M. flexor digitorum superficialis
M. flexor digitorum produndus
- Caput humerale
- Caput radiale
- Caput ulnare
- Mm. interflexorii (ø eq)
- M. interossei
- Mm. lumbricales
- M. flexor digitalis brevis
M. extensor digitorum communis
- Origin: Epicondylus lateralis of humerus
- Insertion: Processus extensorius of Ph3 of the digits
- Action: Extend the joints of the digits and the carpus
- The tendon crosses the dorsal surface of carpus to divide for processus extensorius of distal phalanx of:
- Ca, sus: digits 2 – 4
- Eq: Undivided, only digit 3
- Ru: digits 3 and 4
M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- Epicondylus lateralis of humerus
- Lateral collateral ligament
Insertion: Dog:
- Goes to digits III-V., at the level of first digit it unites with tendons from m. extensor digitorum communis and m. interosseous
- Inserts on Ph3, processus extensorius
- Action: Dog: Extend the carpus and joints of digits 3, 4 and 5
- Tendon of insertion splits in
- Dog: 3 → goes to digits 3,4 and 5
- Cat: 4 → 2nd to 5th digits
- Eq: 1 → 3rd digit, attached on proximal phalanx
- Ru: 1 → 4th digit, attached on 2nd phalanx
- Sus: 2 → 4th and 5th digit
M. extensor digiti I. et II. [pollicis et indicis]
- Origin: Middle third of ulna (laterally)
- Pollicis: Mc 1, head
- Indicis: unites with m. extensor digitorum communis, together inserts on Ph3 of digit 2
- Extends digits 1-2
- Indicis adducts dew claw
M. abductor digiti I. [pollicis] longus
- Adjacent lateral surface of radius and ulna
- From interosseous membrane
Insertion: Mc, base (medially)
- Ca: Mc 1
- Eq, su : Mc 2
- Ru: Mc 3
- Ca: extends and abducts digit 1
- Other animals: extend the carpal joint
M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- Origin: Epicondylus medialis of humerus
Insertion: Ph2, palmar surface
- Dog: digits 2-5
- Action: To flex the carpus and affected joints of digits II-V
- Its insertion tendon divides for the major digits:
- Dog: Into 4
- Cat: Into five
- Eq: Undivided
- Ru. sus: Into two
M. flexor digitorum profundus
- Three heads of origin:
- Caput humerale: epicondylus medialis of the humerus
- Caput radiale: proximo-medially from radius
- Caput ulnare: proximo-caudally from ulna
Insertion: Ca: Ph3 of digits 1-5, palmar surface
- Ph3, tuberculum flexorium
- Action: Ca: flexes carpus and joints of digits 1-5
- Vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorium: around the flexor tendons, at the level of the carpus
Mm. interflexorii
Ø eq
Small muscular or tendinous bundles which binds the bellies or tendons of the superficial and deep flexors together
M. interossei
- Origin: Proximal part of the metacarpals
- Insertion: On the sesamoid bones of the first digital joint
- Action: To flex the metacarpalphalangeal joint of the supporting digits in ca and sus
Mm. lumbricales
- Action: To flex the first digital joint
M. flexor digitalis brevis
- Origin: M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- Insertion: Ca: digit 5
- Action: To assist in flexing the digit(s)
Give the special short muscles
- Activates the movement of the induvidual digits
- Mainly in carnivores