A9 - Shoulder and elbow joints, and their muscles Flashcards
Shoulder and elbow joint, and their muscles
Shoulder joint (art. humeri)
- Classification:
- Spheoid joint (multiaxial) (but functions as a hinge joint)
- Articulatio simplex
- Eq, ru: only flexion - extension
- Ca: also rotation, abduction - adduction
- With cavum glenoidale → caput humeri
- One joint capsule with 3 cranial and 2 caudal pouches
Labrum glenoidale
Ligg. glenohumeralia (eq, ca)
- Thickened part of the capsule in:
- Ca: medial and lateral walls
- Eq: medial, lateral and cranial walls
- Thickened part of the capsule in:
Lig. coracohumerale (eq, ru)
- Capsular ligament between scapula → humerus
Ligg. glenohumeralia (eq, ca)
- No collateral ligament, instead:
- M. infraspinatus (lateral)
- M. subscapularis (medial)
- Ca: part of the joint capsule surrounds tendon of m. biceps brachii and forms vagina synovialis intertubercularis
- Eq, bo: bursa bicipitalis under tendon of m. biceps brachii
Shoulder joint (art. humeri)
List the flexors and extensors of the shoulder joint
Flexors of the shoulder (ca):
M. deltoideus
- Pars acromialis
- Pars scapularis
- M. infraspinatus
- M. teres minor
- M. teres major
- M. triseps brachii, caput longum
- M. subscapularis
Extensors of the shoulder (ca)
- M. supraspinatus
- M. biceps brachii
- M. coracobrachialis
- M. subscapularis
Give the lateral shoulder muscles

M. supraspinatus
- Origin: Fossa supraspinatus and the cranial border of the scapula
- Insertion: T**uerculum major of the humerus
- Extend shoulder joint
- Stabilize shoulder joint
M. infraspinatus
- Fossa infraspinatus
- Spina scapula
- Margo caudalis scapulae
- Insertion: Facies m. infraspinati of humerus
- Flexes shoulder joint
- Acts as a lateral collateral ligament for shoulder joint
- Ca: Assists in supination and abduction of the humerus
M. deltoideus
- In ca and ru it can be divided into:
- Pars acromialis
- Pars scapularis
- Pars scapularis: Caudal edge of spina scapulae
- Pars acromialis: Acromium of the scapula
- Eq, sus: Spina scapula (the two parts of the muscle are fused)
- Insertion: The tuberosita deltoidea of humerus
- Action: Flex shoulder joint
M. teres minor
- Tuberculum infraglenoidale
- Distal part of margo caudalis scapulae
- Insertion: Tuberculum teres minor of the humerus (laterally)
- Action: Flexes shoulder joint
Give the medial shoulder muscles

M. subscapularis
- Origin: F**ossa subscapularis
- Insertion: Tuberculum minus of humerus
- Extend shoulder joint (and helps with flexion)
- Act as a collateral ligament
- Adduct
- Stabilize the shoulder joint
M. teres major
- Margo caudalis scapulae
- Angulus caudalis scapulae
- Insertion: Tuberculum teres major of the humerus (same as latissimus dorsi)
- Flex the shoulder joint
- Rotates the limb inwards (medially)
M. coracobrachialis
- Origin: Processus coracoideus of the scapula
- Insertion: Crista tuberculi minor of humerus
- Extend shoulder joint
- Adduct
M. articularis humeri
Eq, and sometimes Sus
- Action: To tense the joint capsule
Give the other muscles that take part in the flexion/extension of the shoulder joint
- Lateral head of m. triceps brachii – Flexion
- M. latissimus dorsi - Flexion
- M. biceps brachii – Extension
Elbow joint (art. cubiti)
- Features
- Ligaments
- Draw art. cubiti
Hinge joint(monoaxial)
- Flexion - extension
- Composite joint
- Humerus (condyle)
- Radius (caput)
- Ulna (incisura trochlearis)
- Three joints:
- Art. circumferentia → art. radio ulna
- Art. humeroradialis
- Art. humeroulnaris
Capsula articularis
- Recessus cranialis
- Recessus caudalis (large)
- Epicondyles and olecranon is outside of the capsule
Lig. collaterale cubiti mediale
- E**picondylus medialis → radius (ca: and ulna)
Lig. collaterale cubiti laterale
- Epicondylus lateralis → radius (ca, ru: and ulna)
Lig. olecrani (Ca)
- Fossa olecrani of humerus → olecranon of ulna

Give the muscles of art. cubiti
- Mainly situated around humerus
- Origin: humerus and scapula
- Insertion: proximally on radius/ulna
- Action: mainly flexion/extension
Flexors of the elbow (ca):
- M. biceps brachii
- M. brachialis
Extensors of the elbow (ca):
M. triceps brachii
- Caput longum
- Caput laterale
- Caput mediale
- Caput accessorium (ø eq)
- M. anconeus
- M. tensor fasciae antebrachii

M. brachialis
- Origin: Caudally on collum humeri (then it will twist laterally, then cranio-medially in sulcus m. brachialis towards antebrachium)
Insertion: (same as m. biceps brachii)
- Tuberositas radii
- Tuberositas ulnae (proc. coronoideus medialis)
- Action: Flexes elbow joint
M. biceps brachii
Origin: Tuberculum supraglenoidale
- A retinaculum transversum fixes its tendon in the intertubercular groove (between tuberculum majus and minus)
Insertion: (same as m. brachialis)
- Tuberositas radii
- Tuberositas ulnae (proc. coronoideus medialis)
- Extends the shoulder
- Flexes the elbow joint
M. anconeus
- Crista supracondylaris lateralis
- L**ateral and medial epicondyles of the humerus
- Insertion: Laterally on olecranon
- Action: Extends elbow joint
M. tensor fascia antebrachii
- Origin: Detatching from m. latissimus dorsi
- Medially on tuber olecrani
- In the antebrachial fascia
- Extends elbow joint
- Tense the antebrachial fascia
M. triceps brachii, caput longum
- Origin: M**argo caudalis scapulae, distal 2/3
- Insertion:Tuber olecrani of the ulna
- Flexes shoulder joint
Extends elbow joint
- Flexes shoulder joint
M. triceps brachii, caput mediale
- Origin: The medial surface of the humerus
- Insertion: Tuber olecrani (medial side)
- Action: Extends elbow joint
M. triceps brachii, caput laterale
- Origin: Linea m. tricipitis of humerus
- Insertion: Tuber olecrani (lateral side)
- Action: Extends elbow joint
M. triceps brachii, caput accessorium
Ø eq
- Origin: Collum humeri (caudal)
- Insertion: Tuber olecranii
- Action: Extends elbow joint