B3 - Pericardium, own vessels of the heart, impulse generation system of the heart, development of the heart Flashcards
- Surrounds the:
- Heart
- Initial portions of the aorta
- Truncus pulmonalis
- Terminal segment of the vv. cavae and vv. pulmonales
Liquor pericardi moistens the opposing surfaces of the heart and pericardium
- Thin film of serous fluid
- In mediastinum
- Consists of 3 layers:
- Pleura pericardia (covers)
- Pericardium fibrosum (outer fibrous part)
Pericardium serosum
- Lamina parietalis
- Lamina visceralis
- Dorsally the pericardium fibrosum continues onto the tunica externa of the blood vessels. Thus connected to the fascia endothoracica, which forms suspension of heart to vertebral column
- Ca, sus: Lig. phrenicopericardium (pericardium fibrosum → diaphragma)
- Eq: Lig. sternopericardium (pericardium fibrosum → sternum)
- Sinus transversus pericardii (Pericardial space between aorta, pulmonary trunk and atrial wall)
- Sinus obliquus pericardii (Pouch between left and right pulmonary veins and left atrium)
Own vessels of the heart
A. coronarius sinistrus
- Arises from aorta
- Reaches sulcus coronarius by passing between left auricle and pulmonary trunk
- R. paraconalis (left branch, follows sulcus paraconalis)
R. circumflexus (right branch, follows sulcus coronarius
- R. interventricularis subsinosus
A. coronarius dextrus
- Arises from aorta
- Ca, ru: (left type of coronary distribution)
- R. circumflexus → coronary groove to atrial surface → does not go down to subsinosal groove
Eq, sus: (right type of coronary distribution)
- R. circumflexus → coronary groove to atrial surface → go down to subsinosal groove as r. interventricularis subsinosus
- Blood is returned into the heart mainly by v. cardiaca major that opens into right atrium via coronary sinus
V. cordis
- Blood from the heart empties into the right atrium vis sinus coronarius
- V. cordia magna (left surface → sinus coronarius)
- V. obliqua atrii sinistra
- V. cordis media (right surface → sinus coronarius)
- Vv. cordis parvae (near the coronary groove of right ventricle)
- Vv. cordis minimae

Impulse generation system of the heart
- Nodus sinuatrialis (sulcus terminalis of right atrium and opening of v. cava cranialis)
- Nodus atrioventricularis (atrial septumI)
- Bundle of His
- Tr. fasciculi
- Crus dexter
- Crus sinister
- Purkinje fibers
- Trabecula septomarginalis??

Development of the heart
- When the embryo is no longer able to satisfy its nutritional requirments by diffusion alone, the vasuclar system takse over
- Initially 1 endothelial tube
- Cranial part of the tube will form tr. arteriosus and ventricles
- Caudal part of the tube will form atria and sinus venosus
- The enclosed part of the heart grows faster than the pericardial space and is forced in a flexure where the apex is directed ventrocaudally