Practical topic 15 Flashcards
Carpal and digital extensors of the forelimb, its nerves; superficial venous system and its relationship to the deep system in the forelimb and to the v. jugularis externa
Give the carpal extensors of the forelimb
- M. Extensor carpi radialis
- M. Extensor carpi ulnaris (ulnaris lateralis)
- M. Extensor digitorum communis
- M. Abductor digiti 1 longus
- M. Extensor digitorum lateralis
Give the digital extensors of the forelimb
- Extensor digitorum communis
- Extensor digitorum lateralis
- Extensor digiti 1 et 2
- Abductor digiti 1 (policis) longus
M. Extensor carpi radialis
Origin: Crista epicondylus lateralis of humerus
Insertion: Tuberositas ossis metacarpalis 2-3 (dorsal surface of metacarpals base)
Action: Strongest extensor of the carpal joint
Innervation:N. radialis
Blood supply:
- A. interossea cranialis
- A. brachialis
- A. medianus
M. Extensor digitorum communis
Origin: Epicondylus lateralis of humerus.
Insertion: Processus extensorius of distal phalanx of digits 2-5.
Action: Extends carpus and joints of digits 2-5.
Innervation: N. radialis
Blood supply:
- A. interossea cranialis
- A. medialis
- A. brachialis
M. Extensor digitorum lateralis
- Epicondylus lateralis of humerus
- Ligamentum collaterale laterale
- Goes to digits 3-5. At the level of the first digit it unites with tendons from m. Extensor digitorum communis and interosseus muscles.
- Inserts on proximal ends of all the distal phalanges of digits 3-5, mainly on processus extensorius of the distal phalanges
Action: Extends the carpal joint and digits 3-5.
Innervation: N. radialis
Blood supply
- A. interossea cranialis
- A. mediana
- A. brachialis
M. Abductor digiti 1 (pollicis) longus
Origin: Adjacent lateral surface of radius and ulna, and from the interosseus membrane.
Insertion: Mc 1 base medially
- Abducts the first digit (pollex)
- Extends the carpal joint.
Innervation: N. Radialis
Blood supply: A. brachialis superficialis
M. extensor carpi ulnaris
Origin: Epicondylus lateralis (behind collateral ligament)
- Lateral aspect of mc 5 base.
- Attaches with a short and strong tendon to accessory carpal bone.
- Supports carpus when extended to bear weight.
- Helps in flexion
- Abducts and lateral rotation of carpal joint since its attachemnt to os carpi accessorium.
Innervation: N. radialis
Blood supply:
- A. interossea cranialis
- A. brachialis
- A. medianus
M. Extensor digiti 1 et 2 (pollicis et indicis)
Middle third of ulna, laterally. (Adjacent to m. Abductor to m. Abductor digiti 1 longus).
- Pollicis:
- Head of Mc 1
- Indicis:
- Unites with m. Extensor digitorum communis.
Together inserts on distal phalanx of digit 2.
- Extends digits 1-2.
- Indicis adducts dew claw (which is not in contact with the ground)
Innervation: N. radialis
Blood supply:
- A. interossea cranialis
- A. medialis
- A. brachialis
Give the brances of n. radialis
- N. radialis superficialis
- Runs along with v. cephalica
- N. radialis profundus
Where does n. radialis arise from?
C7-T1(2) spinal nerves
What type of nerve is n. radialis
Motor nerve
Where does the n. radialis run?
Caudally to a. brachialis (along with n. mediana and n. ulnaris)
→ enters space between m. triceps brachii and humerus (distal to m. teres major)
Runs on m. brachialis (follows sulcus brachialis), goes over lateral side
Which muscles in innervated by n. radialis?
- All extensors of the elbow (m. triceps brachii)
- Carpal and phalageal extensors (the extensors in the topic)
Which vessels belong to the superficial venous system?
- V. cephalica
- V. axillobrachialis
- V. mediana cubiti
- V. cephalica accessoria
Which vessel anastomoses with v. axillborachialis
V. circumflexa humerale caudale
Which vessel anastomoses with v. mediana cubiti
V. brachialis superficialis → v. brachialis
V. cephalica accessoria
- Arise from
- Becomes
- V. cephalica
- V. digitalis dorsalis communis 3

- M. extensor carpi radialis
- M. extensor digitorum communis
- M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- M. ulnaris lateralis
- M. brachioradialis
- M. abductor pollicis longus
- Extensor retinaculum

- M. extensor digitorum communis
- M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- M. extensor carpi radialis
- M. ulnaris lateralis
- M. anconeus
- * Lateral epicondyle of humerus

- V. cephalica
- V. jugularis externa
- V. axillobrachialis
- M. deltoideus
- Reflected
- V. omobrachialis
- From v. omobrachialis
- * M. cleidobrachialis
Lateral view of the brachium and antebrachium

- N. radialis
- M. triceps brachii
- Innervated by n. radialis
- N. radialis divides into deep and superficial branches
N. radialis profundus
- Innervating craniolateral antebrachial muscles
- N. radialis, medial branch
- Supply skin of the cranial antebrachium and dorsal manus
- N. radialis, latral branch
- Supply skin of the cranial antebrachium and dorsal manus
- A. brachialis superficialis
- * M. brachialis