C6 - Organ of olfaction, rhinencephalon, limbic system Flashcards
Which terms should be included in rhinencephalon?
- Rhinencephalon:
- Lateral rhinal sulcus
- Rostral comissure
- Septal region (septum)
- Lobus piriformis
- Amugdaloid nucleus (amygdala)
- Hippocampus
- Fimbra
- Fornx
- Paleocortex
- Septum
- Lobus piriformis
- Archicortex
- Hippocampus
- Paleocortex
Olfactory pathway:
- Olfactory nerves
- Bulbus olfactorius
- Pedunculus olfactorius
- Tractus olfactorius lateralis (to lobus piriformis & hippocampus)
- Tractus olfactorius medialis (to septal region)
- Tractus olfactorius intermedium (to rostral commissure)
Which terms should be included in limbic system?
Outer cortical rim:
- Septal region
- Cingulate gyrus
- Parahippocampal gyrus
- Lobus piriformis
Deep telencephalic structures:
- Amygdaloid nucleus (amygdala)
- Accumbens nucleus
- Hippocampus
- Fimbra
- Fornix
Diencephalic structures:
Habenular nucleus
- Stria habenularis
- Thalamus (rostral thalamus)
- Hypothalamus
- Mamillary nucleus (body)
Habenular nucleus
Mesencephalic structures:
- Interpeduncular nucleus
- Midbrain reticular formation
Pons structures:
- Ventral tegmental nucleus
- Locus ceruleus
Organ of olfaction
- Location: in the nose
- Consists of a large area of olfactory mucosa in animals with a well developed sense of smell
Olfactory pathway:
- The pathway begins with primary afferent neurons that are the olfactory receptor cells
- Cell bodies of the olfactory neurons are located in the olfactory epithelium of mucosa covering ethmoturbinates (ethmoconchae) in the nasal cavity
- Axons of these receptor cells (neurons) collect into bundles that pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone as olfactory nerves
- The nerves enter the bulbus olfactorius
- In the bulbus olfactorius, axons of olfactory nerves synapse in glomeruli (spherical ramifications) formed by dendrites of mitral cells (projection neurons)
- Axons of mitral cells form three olfactory tracts:
Tractus olfactorius lateralis:
- Goes to lobus piriformis and hippocamus
Tractus olfactorius intermedia:
- Deep tract
- COveys axost to bulbus olfactorius via the rostral commissura (commissre of the rhinencephalon)
Tractus olfactorius medialis:
- Coveys fibers to septal region → limbic system
Tractus olfactorius lateralis:

- Also called the small brain or olfactory brain
Olfactory pathway
- The olfactory pathway begins with special afferent neurons in the olfactory mucosa
- Bundels of neuros constitute the n. olfactorius (I) and passes through the cribiform plate of os temporale in the olfactory bulb
Bulbus olfactorius forms the most rostral part of the rhinencephalon
- Location: fossa ethmoidalis
- Continues caudally to pedunculus olfactorius which bifucates into:
- Tractus olfactorius lateralis
- Tractus olfactoriusm medialis
- The tractus olfactorius medialis et lateralis borders trigonum olfactorium
- Olfactory area = trigonum olfactorium + substantia perforata rostralis
- Larger tractus olfactorius lateralis continues caudally to join the lobus piriformis
- Medially, it is continued with hippocampus
- Detatches fibers to amygdala
Limbic system
- A collection of brain structures involved in emotional behavior
- Consists of:
Cortical components
Forms ring at medial surface of cerebral hemisphere:
- Cingulate gyri
- Piriform lobe
- Hippocampus
Forms ring at medial surface of cerebral hemisphere:
Subcortical components
Includes components of:
- Habenula
- Hypothalamus
- Thalamus
- Interpeduncular nuclei
- Tegmental nuclei
- Amygdala body
Includes components of:
Cortical components
- It receives olfactory input from the lobus piriformis which triggers emotions such as fear, aggression and apparent pleasure. It also efffects thirst, hunger and sexual behavior
- Closely related to formatio reticularis (interconnected nuclei of brainstem)
Septum telencephali (pellucidum)
- Thin septum between fornix and corpus callosum
- Forms part of medial wall of the lateral ventricle