Practical topic 2 Flashcards
n. auriculopalpebralis r. zygomaticus, n. zygomaticotemporalis, n. zygomaticofacialis, n. frontalis, gl. lacrimalis
N. auricopalpebralis r. zygomaticus
Ex. from
Ex. n. facialis (CN VII) which leaves through foramen stylomastoideus
N. auricopalpebralis r. zygomaticu
Which branches does the nerve give off?
R. auricularis rostralis → Plexus auricularis rostralis → R. zygomaticus
N. zygomaticotemporalis
ex. from
Ex. maxillaris (V2) ex. n. trigeminus (V)
N. zygomaticotemporalis
Type of nerve
Sensory nerve
N. frontalis
Ex. from
Ex. n. opthalmicus (V1) ex. n. trigeminus
N. frontalis
Type of nerve
Sensory nerve
Through which foramen does n. opthalmicus exit the skull?
Through fussura orbitalis
Gl. lacrimalis
Lies deep and caudal to the eye (underneath lig. orbitale)
Lateral view of the orbit following removal of the periorbita

- Extrinsic eye muscles
Gl. lacrimales
- Deep to lig. orbitalis
- Lig. orbitalis
- Processus zygomaticus
- Gl zygomatica
- Ventral to the orbit
- Fossa temporalis
- Temporal muscles is removed
- Orbit and vessels
- M. pterygoideus