Practical topic 34 Flashcards
Liver, spleen, stomach and their suspension
Give the margins of the liver
Margo obtusus
- Rounded part (dorsal)
- Crossed by esophageus and vena cava caudalis
Margo acutus
- Pointed part (ventrally)
- Can be divided into:
- Margo sinister
- Margo ventralis
- Margo dexter
Give the facies of the liver
Facies diaphragmatica
- Lie against the concavity of the diaphragm
Fascies visceralis
- In contact with the stomach
Porta hepatis
- The depression on facies visceralis
- V. portae, v. hepatica and ductus hepaticus pass there
How many lobes does the dog have
6 lobes
Give the lobes of the dog
Lobus hepatis dexter
- Lateralis (located next to lobus caudatus)
- Medialis (contains fossa of the gall bladder)
Lobus hepatis sinister
- Lateralis (separated by a fissure from the left medial lobe and is frequently notched. Contains stomach on visceral, concave surface)
- Medialis
- Lobus quadratus
Lobus caudatus
- Processus papillaris
- Processus caudatus
Give the impressions of the liver
Impressio esophagea
- On margo dorsalis/obtusus
Impressio gastrica
- On left lobe (lateral)
Impressio duodenalis
- Ventral and to the right of porta hepatis
- Impressio pancreaticus
Impressio renalis
- From the right kidney, on processus caudatus
Impressio vesicae fellae
- On quadrate lobe and right medial lobe
Give the ligaments
- Lig. hepatogastrica et lig. hepatoduodenalis
- Lig. hepatorenale
- Lig. triangulare dextru et sinistrum
- Lig. coronarium hepatis
- Lig. falciforme hepatis
What is the latin name for gall bladder?
Vesica fellae
Where is the gall bladder situated?
Between right medial lobe and quadrate lobe on fascies visceralis
Where does the bile enter and leaves the gall bladder?
Ductus cysticus
Give the pathway of the bile from the gall bladder
- Ductus hepatici (from each lobe)
- Ductus hepaticus sinistra/dextra (from left/right lobe)
- Ductus hepaticus communis
- Ductus cysticus
Ductus choledochus (blie duct)
- Uinon of hepatic ducts and cystic ducts
Give the arterial blood supply of the liver
A. hepatica
→ Ex. a. coeliaca → Ex. a. aocta abdominalis
Give the venous blood system of the liver
Vena portae
Transports venous blood from the intestines to the liver
It continues as hepatic veins, emptying into vena cava caudalis
Where is the spleen situated?
- Superficial layer of omentum major
- On top of curvatura major of the stomach on the left side
Give the compartments of the spleen (and linked to the spleen)
Facies parietalis
- Lateral surface
Facies visceralis
- Against the stomach
- Extremitas dorsalis
- Extremitas ventralis
- Margo cranialis
- Margo caudalis
Hilus lienis
- Site where the vessels connect to
- Divides spleen into cranial and caudal surface
- Recessus lienalis
Velum omentale
- Attachment (suspension) between mesocolon and spleen
Give the arterial blood supply of the spleen
A. lienalis
→ Ex. a. coeliaca → ex. a. aorta abdominalis
Give the latin name for the spleen
Give the latin name for the stomach
Give the compartmenst of the stomach
Facies parietalis
- Cranial surface, in contact with diaphragm
Facies visceralis
- Caudal surface, in contact with other abdominal viscera
Curvatura ventriculi major
- Gives attachment to omentum major
Curvatura ventriculi minor
- Marked by incisura angularis
- Proximal to this flexure = corpus ventriculi
- Connected to liver by omentum minor
Fundus ventriculi
- Part of the stomach that bulges above the level of the cardia
- Separated from the cardia by incisura cardia
- Corpus ventriculi
Pars pylorica
- Antrum pyloricum
- Canalis pylorica
- M. sphincter pylori
What kind of hindgut does the dog have?
Totally glandular
Give the blood supply of the stomach
Aorta abdominalis
A. coeliaca (pull on the spleen)
A. lienalis
- A. gastroepiploica sinistra
- A. gastrica sinistra
A. hepatica
- A. gastrica dextra
A. gastroduodenalis
- A. gastroepiploica dextra
- A. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis
A. lienalis
A. coeliaca (pull on the spleen)