A1 - Bones of the base of neurocranium Flashcards
Bones of the base of neurocranium
Define neurocranium
Holds the brain and contains cranial cavity
Name the bones of the base of neurocranium
Os sphenoidale
- Preshenidale
- Basis sphenoidale
- Os occipitale, pars basalis

Give the division of the base of the neurocranium
Fossa cranii rostralis
- Between laminae cribosa → alae ossis presphenoidalis
Fossa cranii media
- From the caudal borders of the alae ossis presphenoidalis → crista sphenooccipitalis and crista partis petrosae
Fossa cranii caudalis
- From crisa sphenooccipitalis and cristae partis petrosae → for. magnum
Structures of the base of neurocranium
Fossa cranii rostralis:
- Formed by corpus ossis prespheniodalis and ala orbitalis (wing of spenoid bone)
- Opens rostrally into nasal cavity
Sulcus chiasmatis in the caudal part of presphenoid
- Opens to right/left optic channels
- Canalis opticus → orbit
Fossa cranii media:
- Depression on the basis sphenoid
- Extends caudally to crista spenooccipitalis
- In the middle of the middle fossa, the basisphenoid forms sella turica → fossa hypophysalsis
- On either side the ala temporalis forms grooves: 2-3, on the medial-dorsal surface of the wings
- The caudal border ends in incisurae, opens into foramen lacerum
- Medial: Sulcus caroticus→ inc. carotica
- Middle: Sulcus n. opthalmichi → inc. ovalis
- Lateral: Sulcus n. maxillaris → inc. spinosa
- Fossa piriformis foud lateral of sulcus nervi maxillaris → spina ossis sphenoidale separate the fossa and sulcus
- The caudal border ends in incisurae, opens into foramen lacerum
Fossa cranii caudalis:
- Os occipitalis, pars basilaris
- Leads caudally to for. magnum
- The meidan region of pars basilaris is divided in two:
- Rostrally: Impressio pontina
- Caudally: Impressio medullaris
For. jugulare
- Lateral to impressio medullaris
- Eq, Sus: Incisura at the caudal end of for. lacerum
- Ca, ru: separate foramen

Interspecies, foramen

Basis cranii interna
Fossa cranii rostralis
- Corpus + ala presphenoidale
- Lamina criboforma → crista orbisphenoidale
- Sulcus chiasmatis
- Chiasma opticum → Canalis oprticum (ala prespeniodale) → For. opticum
Fossa cranii media
- Crista orbisphenoidale
- Crista sphenoidale
- Sella turica (rostral)
- Fossa hypophysialis
- Dorsum sellae turica (caudal) (Eq)
- Ala basisphenoidale
- Sulcus n. opthalmichi → fissura orbitalis → inc. ovalis
- Sulcus n. maxillaris → for. alare rostrale / for. rotundum → inc. spinosa
- Sulcus carotica
- Ca: For. caroticum
- Eq: Inc. caroticum
- Eq, sus: opens into for. lacerum
- Fossa piriformis (for the piriform lobe)
- Lateral to the most lateral groove (sulcus n. maxillaris)
Fossa cranii caudalis
- Os occipitale
- Crista sphenooccipitale
- For magnum
- Impressio pontina
- Impressio medullaris