dsger W. Dijkstra Flashcards
Who was Edsger W. Dijkstra?
A Dutch computer scientist known for his foundational contributions to computer science, such as Dijkstra’s Algorithm and structured programming.
When was Edsger W. Dijkstra born?
May 11, 1930.
Where was Edsger W. Dijkstra born?
Rotterdam, Netherlands.
What field did Dijkstra initially study before switching to computer science?
Theoretical physics.
What is Dijkstra’s most famous algorithm?
Dijkstra’s Algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph.
What is the significance of Dijkstra’s Algorithm?
It is widely used in routing and navigation systems to find the shortest path between nodes in a graph.
What concept did Dijkstra advocate for to improve programming practices?
Structured programming, which emphasizes the use of clear and logical control structures without ‘goto’ statements.
What programming statement did Dijkstra consider harmful?
The ‘goto’ statement.
What is Dijkstra’s contribution to concurrency and synchronization?
He developed the concept of semaphores to manage mutual exclusion and control access to shared resources.
What was Dijkstra’s contribution to operating systems?
He created the ‘THE’ multiprogramming system, which influenced modern operating system design.
When did Dijkstra win the Turing Award?
In 1972.
What was Dijkstra awarded the Turing Award for?
For his contributions to programming languages and system design.
How did Dijkstra’s work change the software development process?
He promoted structured programming, which improved the readability, reliability, and efficiency of software.
What was the general historical context during Dijkstra’s career?
The mid-20th century, a time of rapid advances in technology, during the Cold War and space race.
What concept related to concurrency did Dijkstra pioneer?
Semaphores for controlling access to shared resources in multi-threaded programs.