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A Level AQA Psychology COPY
> 7.2: Validity > Flashcards
7.2: Validity Flashcards
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A Level AQA Psychology COPY
(145 decks)
1.1: Conformity (majority influence)
1.2: Informational social influence (ISI)
1.2: Normative social influence (NSI)
1.2: Arthur Jenness (1932)
1.2: Solomon Asch (1955) + Mori and Arai (2010)
1.3: Situational variables
1.4: Conformity to social roles and Philip Zimbardo (1973)
1.5: Obedience
1.5: Stanley Milgram (1963)
1.5: Ethical considerations
1.5: Methodological criticisms
1.5: Jerry Burger (2009)
1.5: Charles Hofling et al. (1966)
1.6: The agentic state
1.7: The external explanation
1.7: The internal explanation
1.8: Social support
1.8: Locus of control
1.8: Other factors involved in the resistance of obedience
1.9: Behavioural style - Consistency and commitment
1.9: Serge Moscovici et al. (1969)
1.9: Flexibility
1.10: Social change
2.1: The MSM and the sensory register (SR)
2.1: Short-term memory (STM)
2.1: Alan Baddeley (1966)
2.1: Long-term memory (LTM)
2.2: The WMM and the central executive (CE)
2.2: The phonological loop (PL)
2.2: The visuo-spatial sketchpad (VSS)
2.2: The episodic buffer
2.3: Episodic LTM
2.3: Semantic LTM
2.3: Procedural LTM
2.4: Interference theory (IT)
2.4: Cue-dependent forgetting (CDF)
2.4: Repression
2.4: Eyewitness testimony (EWT)
2.5: Misleading information
2.5: Elizabeth Loftus and John Palmer (1974)
2.5: Anxiety
2.6: The cognitive interview (CI)
2.6: The enhanced cognitive interview (ECI)
3.1: Caregiver-infant interactions in humans
3.1: Stages of attachment development
3.1: Rudi Schaffer and Peggy Emerson (1964)
3.1: The role of the father
3.2: Animal studies of attachment
3.2: Konrad Lorenz (1935) - Imprinting
3.2: Harry Harlow (1959) - Even baby monkeys need comfort more than food
3.2: Other research
3.3: Learning theory
3.3: Bowlby's monotropic theory (1951, 1969, 1973)
3.4: Ainsworth et al's 1978 'Strange Situation'
3.4: Cultural variations in attachment
3.4: Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988)
3.5: Short-term separation
3.5: Long-term deprivation
3.5: Privation
3.5: Institutionalisation
3.5: Romanian orphan studies
3.6: Childhood relationships
3.6: Adult relationships
3.6: Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver (1987)
4.1: The deviation from social norms definition
4.1: The failure to function adequately definition
4.1: Deviation from the ideal mental health definition
4.1: The statistical infrequency definition
4.2: Phobias
4.2: Depression
4.2: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
4.2: The explanation and treatment of mental disorders
4.3: Explaining phobias
4.3: Treating phobias
4.4: Explaining depression
4.4: Treating depression
4.4: Contemporary research
4.5: Genetic explanations
4.5: Contemporary research
4.5: Neural explanations
4.5: The biological approach to treating OCD
4.5: Contemporary research COPY
4.5: Other treatments
5.1: Wundt
5.1: The emergence of psychology as a science
5.1: The approaches
5.2: Basic assumptions
5.2: The influence of genes on behaviour
5.2: Biological structures
5.2: Neurochemistry
5.3: The behaviourist approach
5.3: Social learning theory
5.3: Classic research
5.4: Mental processes
5.4: Classic research
6.1: The central nervous system (CNS)
6.1: The peripheral nervous system (PNS)
6.2: The process of synaptic transmission
6.3: The influence of neurochemistry on behaviour: The function of the endocrine system
6.4: The fight-or-flight response, including the role of adrenaline
6.5: Classic case study
6.5: Hemispheric lateralisation
6.5: Motor centres
6.5: Contemporary case study
6.5: Split-brain research
6.5: Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain after trauma
6.5: Contemporary case study COPY
6.5: Contemporary research
6.6: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
6.6: Electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs)
6.6: Post-mortem examinations
6.7: Circadian rhythms
6.7: Infradian rhythms
6.7: Ultradian rhythms
6.7: Classic research
7.1: The experimental method
7.1: Types of experiment
7.1: Observational techniques
7.1: Observational design
7.1: Self-report techniques
7.1: Correlational studies
7.1: Case studies
7.2: Aims
7.2: Hypotheses
7.2: Sampling
7.2: Pilot studies
7.2: Experimental designs
7.2: Ethical issues
7.2: The implications of psychological research for the economy
7.2: Reliability
7.2: Validity
7.2: Features of science
7.3: Quantitative and qualitative data
7.3: Primary and secondary data
7.3: Meta-analysis
7.3: Content analysis
7.3: Thematic analysis
7.3: Descriptive statistics
7.3: Presentation of quantitative data
7.3: Distributions
7.3: Introduction to statistical testing
7.3: Analysis and interpretation of correlation
7.4: Levels of measurement
7.4: Probability and significance
7.4: Statistical tests