1.10: Social change Flashcards
Social change
Social change is the process by which society changes: 1. Beliefs 2. Attitudes 3. Behaviour to create new social norms
Social norms
Social norms are expected ways of:
- Thinking
- Behaviour
Social change involves the way in which society develops, through big shifts in people’s what?
Social change involves the way in which society develops, through big shifts in people’s:
- Beliefs
- Attitudes
- Behaviour
Social change involves the way in which society develops, through big shifts in people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviour.
How does this process occur?
This process occurs continually
Social change involves the way in which society develops, through big shifts in people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviour.
This process occurs continually, but at a what pace?
This process occurs continually, but at a gradual pace
Social change involves the way in which society develops, through big shifts in people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviour.
This process occurs continually, but at a gradual pace, with what being the main driving force for social change?
This process occurs continually, but at a gradual pace, with minority influence being the main driving force for social change
Social change involves the way in which society develops, through big shifts in people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviour.
This process occurs continually, but at a gradual pace, with minority influence being the main driving force for social change through what?
This process occurs continually, but at a gradual pace, with minority influence being the main driving force for social change through minority viewpoints slowly winning the majority over
Social change involves the way in which society develops, through big shifts in people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviour.
This process occurs continually, but at a gradual pace, with minority influence being the main driving force for social change through minority viewpoints slowly winning the majority over to what?
This process occurs continually, but at a gradual pace, with minority influence being the main driving force for social change through minority viewpoints slowly winning the majority over to what will become new social norms
Social change can be positive, for example what?
Social change can be positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s
Social change can be positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s, but social change can also be negative, for example what?
Social change can be:
1. Positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s
,but social change can also be:
2. Negative, for example the adoption of eugenic beliefs by society
Social change can be positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s, but social change can also be negative, for example the adoption of eugenic beliefs by society, which saw what?
Social change can be:
1. Positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s
,but social change can also be:
2. Negative, for example the adoption of eugenic beliefs by society, which saw people of different races as genetically inferior
Social change can be positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s, but social change can also be negative, for example the adoption of eugenic beliefs by society, which saw people of different races as genetically inferior, leading to what?
Social change can be:
1. Positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s
,but social change can also be:
2. Negative, for example the adoption of eugenic beliefs by society, which saw people of different races as genetically inferior, leading to mass extermination of whole groups of people
Social change can be positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s, but social change can also be negative, for example the adoption of eugenic beliefs by society, which saw people of different races as genetically inferior, leading to mass extermination of whole groups of people, such as that performed by who?
Social change can be:
1. Positive, for example the increased rights for women that developed in western cultures through the 1900s
,but social change can also be:
2. Negative, for example the adoption of eugenic beliefs by society, which saw people of different races as genetically inferior, leading to mass extermination of whole groups of people, such as that performed by the Nazis
What is majority influence’s main role?
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order, to keep things what?
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order, to keep things the way they are
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order, to keep things the way they are.
Majority influence can therefore be seen as a what?
Majority influence can therefore be seen as a ‘police officer’ overseeing society
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order, to keep things the way they are.
Majority influence can therefore be seen as a ‘police officer’ overseeing society, so that people know what and then do what?
Majority influence can therefore be seen as a ‘police officer’ overseeing society, so that people:
- Know what behaviour and attitudes are expected of them
- Then stick to them
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order, to keep things the way they are.
Majority influence can therefore be seen as a ‘police officer’ overseeing society, so that people know what behaviour and attitudes are expected of them and then stick to them.
Majority influence is also more of a what process?
Majority influence is also more of an:
1. Immediate
2. Unthinking
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order, to keep things the way they are.
Majority influence can therefore be seen as a ‘police officer’ overseeing society, so that people know what behaviour and attitudes are expected of them and then stick to them.
Majority influence is also more of an immediate, unthinking process and so can be what over time?
Majority influence:
- Is also more of an immediate, unthinking process
- So can be broken down over time
Majority influence’s main role is to help maintain social order, to keep things the way they are.
Majority influence can therefore be seen as a ‘police officer’ overseeing society, so that people know what behaviour and attitudes are expected of them and then stick to them.
Majority influence is also more of an immediate, unthinking process and so can be broken down over time through what?
Majority influence is also more of an immediate, unthinking process and so can be broken down over time through minority influence affecting people’s:
1. Thought processes
2. Belief systems
to bring about social change
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over what?
Minority influence changes:
1. Attitudes
2. Behaviour
over time
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring what?
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a:
1. Strong
2. Long-lasting
form of conformity
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a strong, long-lasting form of conformity, involving what?
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a:
1. Strong
2. Long-lasting
form of conformity, involving fundamental changes in belief systems
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a strong, long-lasting form of conformity, involving fundamental changes in belief systems.
This occurs by individuals directing their thinking at what?
This occurs by individuals directing their thinking at understanding why the minority hold a particular viewpoint
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a strong, long-lasting form of conformity, involving fundamental changes in belief systems.
This occurs by individuals directing their thinking at understanding why the minority hold a particular viewpoint.
Conversion to the minority viewpoint then takes place, because individuals start to look at the issue how?
Conversion to the minority viewpoint then takes place, because individuals start to look at the issue in the same way as the minority
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a strong, long-lasting form of conformity, involving fundamental changes in belief systems.
This occurs by individuals directing their thinking at understanding why the minority hold a particular viewpoint.
Conversion to the minority viewpoint then takes place, because individuals start to look at the issue in the same way as the minority.
In this way, what occurs?
In this way, innovation occurs
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a strong, long-lasting form of conformity, involving fundamental changes in belief systems.
This occurs by individuals directing their thinking at understanding why the minority hold a particular viewpoint.
Conversion to the minority viewpoint then takes place, because individuals start to look at the issue in the same way as the minority.
In this way, innovation occurs and new ideas and behaviours become what?
In this way, innovation occurs and new:
1. Ideas
2. Behaviours
become adopted as mainstream practices
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a strong, long-lasting form of conformity, involving fundamental changes in belief systems.
This occurs by individuals directing their thinking at understanding why the minority hold a particular viewpoint.
Conversion to the minority viewpoint then takes place, because individuals start to look at the issue in the same way as the minority.
In this way, innovation occurs and new ideas and behaviours become adopted as mainstream practices.
There comes during this process a moment of what?
There comes during this process a moment of critical mass
Minority influence changes attitudes and behaviour over time, incurring a strong, long-lasting form of conformity, involving fundamental changes in belief systems.
This occurs by individuals directing their thinking at understanding why the minority hold a particular viewpoint.
Conversion to the minority viewpoint then takes place, because individuals start to look at the issue in the same way as the minority.
In this way, innovation occurs and new ideas and behaviours become adopted as mainstream practices.
There comes during this process a moment of critical mass, where what?
There comes during this process a moment of critical mass, where the:
- Minority viewpoint becomes that of the mainstream
- Majority will begin to conform to this new viewpoint through compliance
There comes during this process a moment of critical mass, where the minority viewpoint becomes that of the mainstream and the majority will begin to conform to this new viewpoint through compliance.
However, as this is only a public, but not private, form of majority influence, people may still privately hold what?
As this is only a public, but not private, form of majority influence, people may still privately hold their original beliefs
There comes during this process a moment of critical mass, where the minority viewpoint becomes that of the mainstream and the majority will begin to conform to this new viewpoint through compliance.
However, as this is only a public, but not private, form of majority influence, people may still privately hold their original beliefs.
For example, still privately holding: 1. Sexist Or, 2. Racist beliefs, but not publicly demonstrating them
There comes during this process a moment of critical mass, where the minority viewpoint becomes that of the mainstream and the majority will begin to conform to this new viewpoint through compliance.
However, as this is only a public, but not private, form of majority influence, people may still privately hold their original beliefs.
For more permanent social change to occur, more people will need to conform to the new viewpoint through what, involving a change in their belief systems?
For more permanent social change to occur, more people will need to conform to the new viewpoint through identification, involving a change in their belief systems
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of what, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too what?
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of social cryptoamnesia, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too disruptive to social order
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of social cryptoamnesia, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too disruptive to social order.
Rapid change would cause what within society?
Rapid change would cause conflict within society
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of social cryptoamnesia, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too disruptive to social order.
Rapid change would cause conflict within society that could be what in the short term?
Rapid change would cause conflict within society that could be very harmful in the short term
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of social cryptoamnesia, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too disruptive to social order.
Rapid change would cause conflict within society that could be very harmful in the short term.
The slowness of the process also allows for what?
The slowness of the process also allows for new ideas to be ‘road-tested’
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of social cryptoamnesia, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too disruptive to social order.
Rapid change would cause conflict within society that could be very harmful in the short term.
The slowness of the process also allows for new ideas to be ‘road-tested,’ to check what?
The slowness of the process also allows for new ideas to be ‘road-tested,’ to check their suitability for mainstream society
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of social cryptoamnesia, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too disruptive to social order.
Rapid change would cause conflict within society that could be very harmful in the short term.
The slowness of the process also allows for new ideas to be ‘road-tested,’ to check their suitability for mainstream society.
Once social change has occurred, conformity will serve to do what?
Once social change has occurred, conformity will serve to:
1. Consolidate
2. Maintain
the new beliefs and behaviour
As social change is generally a slow, gradual process of social cryptoamnesia, it allows for change to occur in a manner that is not too disruptive to social order.
Rapid change would cause conflict within society that could be very harmful in the short term.
The slowness of the process also allows for new ideas to be ‘road-tested,’ to check their suitability for mainstream society.
Once social change has occurred, conformity will serve to consolidate and maintain the new beliefs and behaviour, as part of a new what?
Once social change has occurred, conformity will serve to:
1. Consolidate
2. Maintain
the new beliefs and behaviour, as part of a new social order
Like conformity, obedience generally serves to maintain the existing what?
Like conformity, obedience generally serves to maintain the existing social order
Like conformity, obedience generally serves to maintain the existing social order.
Therefore, as social change occurs, obedience (like conformity) will serve to do what?
Therefore, as social change occurs, obedience (like conformity) will serve to:
1. Oversee
2. Uphold
the new social order
There is always the possibility that people who show resistance to conformity and obedience may become what for social change?
There is always the possibility that people who show resistance to:
1. Conformity
2. Obedience
may become agents for social change
There is always the possibility that people who show resistance to conformity and obedience may become agents for social change, because they model what?
There is always the possibility that people who show resistance to conformity and obedience may become agents for social change, because they model the:
1. Attitudes
2. Behaviour
necessary for such change to occur
A good example of how social influence processes bring about social change would be that of what?
A good example of how social influence processes bring about social change would be that of the environmental group Greenpeace
A good example of how social influence processes bring about social change would be that of the environmental group Greenpeace, which started where when?
A good example of how social influence processes bring about social change would be that of the environmental group Greenpeace, which started in Canada in the early 1970s
A good example of how social influence processes bring about social change would be that of the environmental group Greenpeace, which started in Canada in the early 1970s.
Originally regarded as what, they slowly over time, through minority influence, changed more and more people’s belief systems?
Originally regarded as a bunch of cranks attracting:
1. Ridicule
2. Legal action
,Greenpeace slowly over time, through minority influence, changed more and more people’s belief systems
A good example of how social influence processes bring about social change would be that of the environmental group Greenpeace, which started in Canada in the early 1970s.
Originally regarded as a bunch of cranks attracting ridicule and legal action, Greenpeace slowly over time, through minority influence, changed more and more people’s belief systems and so attracted what?
Originally regarded as a bunch of cranks attracting ridicule and legal action, Greenpeace slowly over time, through minority influence, changed more and more people’s belief systems and so attracted:
- More members
- Popular support
A good example of how social influence processes bring about social change would be that of the environmental group Greenpeace, which started in Canada in the early 1970s.
Originally regarded as a bunch of cranks attracting ridicule and legal action, Greenpeace slowly over time, through minority influence, changed more and more people’s belief systems and so attracted more members and popular support, until finally becoming what?
Originally regarded as a bunch of cranks attracting ridicule and legal action, Greenpeace slowly over time, through minority influence:
1. Changed more and more people’s belief systems
2. So attracted more members and popular support
,until finally becoming the mainstream, accepted, legitimate voice for environmental issues