Aleatório 2 Flashcards
Temporarily unable to speak
be struck dumb: She was struck dumb by what she had seen.
Te quero muito.
I want you bad.
to suddenly end a romantic relationship you have been having with someone:
If he’s so awful, why don’t you just dump him?
look quickly, typically in a furtive manner.
Peek: “faces peeked from behind the curtains”
Crop top
a woman’s casual garment or undergarment for the upper body, cut short so that it reveals the stomach.
to jump into something; to get into something.
Hop in: Hop into your car and drive over to my house. I hopped in and drove off.
a thick, strong cotton cloth, often blue in colour, used especially for making jeans:
Denim: a denim jacket and jeans.
an activity involving skill in making things by hand. And skill used in deceiving others.
Craft: “the craft of bookbinding”
“her cousin was not her equal in guile and evasive craft”
unusual, strange, and possibly exciting, especially in ways involving unusual sexual acts:
Do we really need to know he enjoys kinky sex?
The shop sold kinky underwear.
unusual, strange, and possibly exciting, especially in ways involving unusual sexual acts:
Do we really need to know he enjoys kinky sex?
The shop sold kinky underwear.
Pagar um boquete. Receber um boquete.
Give head. Get head.
Dar uma chupada na buceta.
Eat out.
leave hurriedly, especially in order to avoid duty or punishment.
Make off: The burglars made off before the police arrived.
to use something to discover if it works or if you like it:
Try out:
Don’t forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment.
Logo de cara.
right off the bat ou. Straight away
The clerk recognized her straight away. (O atendente a reconheceu logo de cara/imediatamente.)
to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child’s legal parent.
Encorajar, alimentar.
To foster
to end a romantic relationship with (someone)
often, informal : dump. My boyfriend dumped me. = I got dumped (by my boyfriend)
become unconscious
Pass out.
“he consumed enough alcohol to make him pass out”
Doar, revelar sem querer….
Give away