6 - Opth - Retinal disease - AMD Flashcards
features of AMD
usually >70y
usually bilateral
progressive central vision loss
10% of over 65s
age, smoking, HTN, high cholesterol, UV exposure
Drusen - what? why? may lead to?
In BOTH types of AMD
yellow/white build up of extracellular material betwenn thickened Bruch’s membrane and RPE
Due to axonal degen and calcium deposition
may lead to irregular appearing edge of optic disc
Ix of AMD
VA reading speed Amsler grid to assess distortion Fundoscopy Flourescein angiogram - bl ves and neovasc visualisation Optical coherence tomography
Dry AMD - description + percentage of cases
geographic/atrophic - 90%
Features (non-fundoscopy) of dry AMD
central VA deteriorates - faces + reading difficulty
metamorphopsia (vision distortion)
central scotomas
Fundoscopic features of dry AMD
hard (small well defined) and soft (large, poor defined) drusen
Focal RPE hyperpigmentation
RPE atrophy in advanced AMD - hypopigmentation + visible choroidal vessels
MGMT of dry AMD
no Tx available, but slow progression
low visual aids
smoking cessation and vit supplements may slow progress
Wet AMD - description + percent
neovascular/exudative - 10%
3 main Features of Wet AMD
rapid loss of vision and development of scotomas
choroidal new vessels CNV - grow through Bruch’s to lie under retina
Consequences of Choroidal new vessels
leak fluid, lipids and blood under retina
-degeneration and localised detachment of RPE, fibrous scarring (end stage)
4 parts of MGMT for wet AMD
- intravitreal VEGF inhibitors
- photodynamic therapy
- laser photocoagulation
- surgery
Intravitreal VEGF i - line? examples? mechanism? combined with?
- first line
- bevacizumab (avastin, ranibizumab (lucentis)
- dec cell proliferation, vessel formation and vascular leaks
- -> improved VA in 1/3rd - most of the rest maintain current vision
- may be combo with PDT
Photodynamic therapy - what is used? mechanism? repeated when? combo?
- IV verteporfin + phototherapy slit lamp
- activvated verteporfin, causing thrombosis and occlusion of abnormal vessels
- 3 monthly intervals
- may be combo with anti-VEGF Tx
Laser photocoagulation- only if? how? high what rate?
- only if lesion away from fovea (risk of sight loss)
- destroys bl vessels and prevents further neovascularisation
- high relapse rate
Surgery - main part + one of these two options
vitrectomy + submacular excision of CNV
+ either of
- replacement of RPE, OR movement of fovea to overlie normal RPE