11 - Obs - Abnormal Lie and Breech Presentation - Breech Presentation Flashcards
what is breech?
what are 3 types and % of cases? describe the types?
pres of buttocks
extended 70% - legs extended
flexed 15% legs flexed
footling 15% one/both feet presentating
Aetiology: No cause in most. Prev breech in 8%. ? is a common ass. Conditions prev mvmt eg fetal/? abnormalities or ?, or preventing ? eg PP, ?
and deformities, are more common
prematurity uterine twins engagement tumours
Perinatal and long-term morb and mort are ?. Fetal ? more common, even normal breech babies have higher rates ? ? ? handicap – indep of mode of delivery.
Labour has hazards: Poor ‘?’ of breech/feet -> incr rate ? ?. Head may get ?– not a prob if cephalic as just -> ? ?. May cause rapid ?
increasing abnorms long term neuro fit cord prolapse trapped c/s death
From ?wks, attempt to turn baby to ? presx. ?% success rate
Technique: ECV done w/o ?, improved by uterine relaxant (?) to mother if uterine ? is high or ? attempt failed. Done under ??? guidance and in ? to allow immed ? if compx. ??? done straight after and ? given to Rh?ve women.
37 cephalic 50 anaesthetic tocolytic tone initial USS hosp delivery CTG anti-D
Safety: V ? risk of fetal damage in expert hands, placental ?/uterine ? have been reported. Immed emergency c sec req in 0.5%.
Factors affecting success: Lower success in ? women, Caucasians, ? breech, head not ?, uterine ? high, ? women, and reduced ?.
Contraindications: Fetal ?, if vaginal deliv contraindicated anyway eg ??, twins, membranes ruptured or if recent ???. One prev ? ? not a contraindication.
nulliparous engaged palpable tone obese liquor
If ECV failed/?, or breech presx ?, safest method = c section. Reduces neonatal mort (1%) and ?-? morbidity, no effect on long term outcomes.
Counsel parents but allow them to decide.
Some still wish to deliver vaginally/only found late in labour/2nd ? breech – vaginal deliv still apprt – experience/knowledge required.
Vaginal Breech delivery - pt selection…
-more risk with fetus >?kg, if evidence of fetal ?, if the ? is extended or legs are ?
> 4
Vaginal Breech delivery - Intrapartum care - ? not encouraged if ? visible. ???advised. ? analgesia common. In 30% there is ? first stage or poor descent in 2nd. So ? w oxytocin is unwise and ? ? done.
pushing buttocks CTG epidural slow augmentation C/S
Breech delivery technique -
1 - as ? distend the perineum, perform an ?
2 - put a ? behind the ? to deliver the legs
3 - use a finger to hook each ? down
4 - ? delivering the ? once the arms are delivered
buttocks episiotomy finger knee arm forceps head