Viral infections of the lower respiratory tract Flashcards
Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in (children or adults?)
_________ account for a significant proportion of LRTI especially in children
Types of lower respiratory tract infection
Mention 3
Acute Broncholitis
Acute Bronchitis
Types of lower respiratory tract infection
Infection of the ________ .
Symptoms include fever, respiratory distress and _______.
Often not much clinical “_________”.
RSV, Adenovirus, Influenza
lung tissue itself
Types of lower respiratory tract infection
Acute Broncholitis
___________ and _______ of ____________
Complete plugging of ———— with ___________ leads to _________
fever and coryzal symptoms, respiratory distress and wheezing.
Can be life-threatening in______ and _______
Respiratory Syncitial virus, Parainfluenza viruses
Inflammation and narrowing of terminal bronchioles
bronchioles; air resorption ; patchy collapse
babies and small children.
Bronchiole diameter is (smaller or larger?) during inspiration than during expiration and this leads to _____________ (proximal or distal?) to bronchiole.
hyperinflation of air sacs
Types of lower respiratory tract infection
Acute Bronchitis
Inflammation of _____, accompanied by fever, cough, wheezing and “________ “.
RSV, Para-influenza viruses, Adenovirus
noisy chest
_______ account for the largest proportion of childhood pneumonia.
______ is the most frequent cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infants and children
The ______ viruses are the most common viral cause of pneumonia in adults
___________ is second in importance only to RSV as a cause of lower respiratory tract disease in children and pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infants younger than 6 months
Parainfluenza virus (PIV)
Host defence
Mechanical barriers are _____ from the nostrils that filter particles larger than _______, and ______ clearance,
_______ branching of the central airways that helps the ______-micron particles to become impacted in the mucosa.
Humoral immunity is represented by mucosal immunoglobulin _______
Phagocytic cells consist of polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells;
hairs; 10 microns; mucociliary
Sharp-angle; 5- to 10
A (IgA),
Host defence
Phagocytic cells consist of polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells;
Alveolar, interstitial, and intravascular _______; and respiratory ________ cells.
_____________ provide the first defense involved in internalizing and degrading the viral pathogens.
They act as _________ and ________ cells.
macrophages; dendritic
Alveolar macrophages
antigen-presenting and opsonin-producing
Transmission is by _________ nuclei during _____,________
Touching _______ which are contaminated with the virus
droplet; coughing, sneezing
Viral multiplication in the ________ of the upper airway
Secondarily infect the lung by means of ________ or _______ spread.
airway secretions or hematogenous
Severe pneumonias may result in extensive ________ of the lungs with varying degrees of _________
Some patients developing _________ and diffuse _____________
consolidation; hemorrhage
bloody pleural effusions
alveolar damage
Respiratory viruses damage the respiratory tract and stimulate the host to release multiple __________ such as:
histamine, leukotriene C4, and virus-specific _____ in RSV infection and bradykinin, interleukin (IL)–1, IL-6, and IL-8 in _________ infections.
humoral factors
RSV infections can also alter __________ _____ease bacterial adherence to respiratory epithelium, reduce ___________, and alter bacterial phagocytosis by host cells
bacterial colonization patterns,
mucociliary clearance
Influenza virus ___,___,__
_______, pleomorphic, 80–120 nm in diameter (______ nucleocapsid, 9 nm)
______ stranded segmented (___)
______ sense RNA, 13.6 kb overall size
A, B, C
Spherical; helical
Single; 8
______ structural proteins, ____ nonstructural
Envelope contains viral _______, and _________ proteins
Nine; one
hemagglutinin and neuraminidase
The 2 glycoproteins are the important antigens that determine _________ of influenza viruses and _______
antigenic variation
host immunity
Influenza virus
Influenza A virus consist of _____ and ______ strains
The ______ and ______ proteins, are used to divide influenza viruses into types A, B, and C.
_________ in HA and NA, are used to subtype the viruses.
human and animal
nucleocapsid (NP) and matrix (M)
Antigenic variations
Influenza virus
Only type ___ has designated subtypes.
_____ subtypes of HA (_______) and ___ subtypes of NA (_______), in different combinations.
15; H1–H15
9; N1–N9
Influenza virus
_______ HA ( _________ ) and ___ NA (_______) subtypes have been recovered from humans.
H1–H3, H5
two; N1, N2
Influenza virus
Influenza A(_____) and A(______) subtypes are currently circulating among humans
H1N1; H3N2
Influenza virus
Antigenic drift
Accumulation of _______ in the gene, resulting in _________ in the protein.
Sequence changes can alter __________ on the molecule such that a virion can escape _______ by the host’s immune system
point mutations; amino acid changes
antigenic sites ; recognition
Influenza virus
Antigenic shift
_______ changes in the sequence of a viral surface protein, changes
That are ______ to ____________
The ________ genomes of influenza viruses reassort readily in ______________ cells.
Drastic; too extreme; be explained by mutation.
doubly infected
Influenza virus
Antigenic shift
The mechanism for shift is ________ between ______ and _____ influenza viruses.
Can result in a _________
genetic reassortment
human and avian
Influenza B and C viruses exhibit antigenic shift
Influenza B and C viruses do not exhibit antigenic shift
Is a/an (acute or chronic ?) viral infection that spreads easily from person to person.
Viruses circulate ______ and can affect ____ age group.
Annual epidemics peak during ______ in ________ regions.
Acute ; worldwide; any
winter; temperate
Serious public health problem that causes severe illness and death in high risk populations.
children younger than age ____ years,
adults aged _____ years or older
_________ women,
certain medical conditions, such as chronic heart, lung, kidney, liver, blood or metabolic diseases (such as diabetes), or ————- immune systems.
2; 65
Influenza virus spreads from person to person by ____________ or by _______ with contaminated hands or surfaces
airborne droplets
Epidemiology of influenza
Influenza occurs ______ with an annual attack rate estimated at __%–__% in adults and __%–__% in children.
globally; 5–10; 20-30
Epidemiology of influenza
Illnesses can result in hospitalization and death mainly among high-risk groups (the very young, elderly or chronically ill).
Epidemiology of influenza.
Worldwide, these annual epidemics are estimated to result in about ___________ cases of severe illness, and about __________ to ________ deaths.
3 to 5 million
250 000 to 500 000
Clinical features of Upper respiratory tract infection
chills, headache, and dry cough followed closely by high fever, generalized muscular aches, malaise, and anorexia.
Clinical features of Pneumonia
May be complicated by secondary bacterial infection
Eg ________ and _______
S. aureus, H. influenzae
Treatment of influenza
May reduce severe complications and deaths.
Ideally they need to be administered early (within ______ of onset of symptoms)
48 hours
Treatment of influenza
Neuraminidase inhibitor
oselta_____ and zana_____ , pera_____ and lanina____
aman______ and riman_____
mivir; mivir; mivir; mivir
tadine; tadine
Prevention and control
___________ viral vaccines
Prevention and control
Vaccine composition ———- that targets the _________ most representative virus types in circulation
_____ subtypes of influenza A viruses and ——- B virus.
Hand hygiene
3 (trivalent)
two; one