House Microbiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Iseoluwa Ojo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (94)

Inro To Virology
A virus is an infectious agent th...,
A genome of a virus consists of e...,
A capsid is a ___ containing stru...
117  cards
Parasites may be simple unicellul...,
Branches of parasitology protozoo...,
Important definitions 3
160  cards
Mycology refers to the study of _...,
Mycoses are ______ 2,
Fungi are a diverse group of ___ ...
100  cards
Bacteria are __karyotes 1,
Bacteria cells possess nuclei and...,
Bacteria range in size from about...
81  cards
Cell wall acts as a ______ to pro...,
Cell wall determines reactivity t...,
Gram positive cell wall 3
64  cards
Medical Entomology
Medical entomology science that d...,
Mosquitoes their bites can produc...,
Quality of life can be reduced in...
136  cards
Viral Reolication
When a virus infects a cell _____...,
Attachment of a virus 2,
Some complex viruses hsv may have...
50  cards
Bacterial Classification
Prokaryotic dna is associated wit...,
Domain archaea evolved from earli...,
Cocci pairs division in one plane...
16  cards
Aetiology Of Tumor
Some viruses can lead to cancer 1,
If you re infected with a virus t...,
Hepatitis b virus hbv and hepatit...
84  cards
Pathogenesis Of Microbes
Infection ____________ of an infe...,
Multiplication of the bacteria th...,
On the other hand multiplication ...
58  cards
Diagnosis Of Parasitic Infections
Human parasites are organisms tha...,
Stool specimen should be _____ __...,
Collection method of stool specim...
29  cards
Bacterial Genetics
Some bacteria have multiple circu...,
Some bacteria have linear chromos...,
A change in the sequence of templ...
85  cards
Herpes virus the herpesviridae ar...,
Herpes virus following infection ...,
Herpes virus in the latent state ...
93  cards
Anti-fungal Agents
Mode of action of some antifungal...,
Mode of action of some anti funga...,
Drugs for systemic fungal infecti...
57  cards
Enterobacteriales gram positive o...,
Enterobacteriales form endospores...,
Enterobacteriales are not acid fa...
104  cards
Orthomyxo,paramyxovirus, rubella
Picornavirus virion _______ symme...,
Polio virus polio poliomyelitis m...,
As long as a single child remains...
67  cards
Laboratory Diagnosis Of Fungi
Collection of specimens 1,
Preparation of specimens for tran...,
Packaging of specimens must meet ...
52  cards
Anaerobic bacteriology
Concepts in anaerobic bacteriology 1,
Obligate anaerobes they undergo n...,
Obligate anaerobes grow only in t...
123  cards
Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Infections
The diagnosis of a microbial infe...,
Laboratory diagnostic methods 2,
Site of sampling blood sterile or...
50  cards
Specimen Collection Transport
Transport medium allows organisms...,
Non nutritive transport medium 2,
Blood for smears collection make ...
30  cards
Prevention Of Viral Vaccine
Two types of immunization 1,
Passive immunization methods of a...,
Active immunization methods of ac...
28  cards
Laboratory diagnosis of viral infection
Virus isolation culture 1,
Egg inoculation _______ are among...,
Animal inoculation in 1909 landst...
51  cards
Corona , picorna, Adeno
Coronaviruses virion _______ 120 ...,
Coronaviruses proteins ___ glycop...,
Coronaviruses genome _____ strand...
65  cards
Gram Positiv Bacilli
6 medically important genera of g...,
Out of the 5 medically important ...,
Based on their tolerance for oxyg...
109  cards
Disinfection And Sterilization
Disinfection a process that elimi...,
Sterilisation ____ elimination or...,
Cleaning removal of _______ from ...
70  cards
Helminths do not as a rule ___ in...,
Helminths nature severity of path...,
Helminths which are more common a...
77  cards
Ascariasis it is a _________ infe...,
Ascariasis transmission ________ ...,
Ascariasis aetiological agents __...
52  cards
Gram Positive Cocci
Staphylococci a u r e u s 1,
Staphylococci a u r e u s 2,
Streptococci pyogenes 3
34  cards
Filarial Worms
Filariasis is the common name of ...,
List the pathogenic filaria worms 2,
List the non pathogenic filaria w...
69  cards
Cutaneous mycosis
Morbidity and mortality of cutane...,
Morbidity and mortality of cutane...,
Dermatophytoses three genera ____...
45  cards
Growth and isolation
All fungi require several specifi...,
The requirements for growth of fu...,
Constituents of media agar 3
19  cards
Viral Genomics
Examples of double stranded dna g...,
Blank 2,
Types of viral genome or ________...
21  cards
Aspergillus And Candidiasis
Aspergilli ubiquitous in environm...,
Aspergilli requires ______ for gr...,
Aspergilli hyphae are ________ and 3
78  cards
Antibiotic Therapy
Types of antibiotic therapy 1,
Types of antibiotic therapy 2,
Types of antibiotic therapy 3
33  cards
Bacterial Flora
Normal flora these are mixture of...,
Estimation of the normal flora 2,
Importance of the normal flora 3
32  cards
For Love
Helminths practically comprise a ...,
Helminths of medical importance 2,
Nature severity of pathology ____...
23  cards
Malaria is a disease caused by ob...,
Plaasmodium infection is the ____...,
History disease probably originat...
140  cards
Viral infections of the upper respiratory tract
Picornavirus small or large famil...,
Picornavirus genome single or dou...,
Picornavirus protein _____ major ...
50  cards
Prevalence rate of hiv in adults ...,
Virology genus ______ genome ___ ...,
Virology proteins _______________...
49  cards
Viral infections of the lower respiratory tract
Lower respiratory tract infection...,
_________ account for a significa...,
Types of lower respiratory tract ...
41  cards
Candida species account for _____...,
Approximately 30 35 of all episod...,
Candidemia highly lethal infectio...
53  cards
Trypanosomes they are ___________...,
There are two distinct types of h...,
Types there are two distinct type...
43  cards
Parasitic infections of the Lungs
Parasitic infections of the lung ...,
Parasitic infections of the lung 2,
Paragonimiasis aetiologic agent _...
38  cards
Babesiosis is an infectious disea...,
Babesiosis transmitted by infecte...,
Babesiosis incubation period typi...
8  cards
Agents of systemic mycosis 1,
Agents of systemic mycosis 2,
The primary focus of infection fo...
54  cards
Brucellosis, Meloidisis, Whooping Cough, Legionnaires
Brucellosis is a bacterial diseas...,
Brucellosis humans generally acqu...,
Brucellosis the majority of cases...
88  cards
Plague is caused by the bacteria ...,
People infected with y pestis oft...,
Plague there are two main clinica...
45  cards
Tularemia is a bacterial _____ di...,
Tularemia the bacterium _______ i...,
Tularemia it may cause epidemics ...
48  cards
Sepsis as defined by who is a ___...,
Sepsis happens when ____________ ...,
Sepsis is a serious medical condi...
49  cards
Viral Gastroenteritis
The family reoviridae is divided ...,
The family reoviridae 2,
The family reoviridae 3
52  cards
Bacterial Pneumoniae
Typical symptoms of pneumonia 1,
Causative bacteria most bacteria ...,
Causative organisms gram ________...
55  cards
Bacterial URTI
Urtis are caused mostly by ______ 1,
Urtis are self limiting in immuno...,
Bacteria that cause urti 3
26  cards
Introduction to Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
What is viral hemorrhagic fever 1,
Viral hemorrhagic fever 2,
Viral hemorrhagic fever 3
42  cards
Infective Endocarditis
Infective endocarditis definition 1,
Agents of infective endocarditis 2,
Agents of infective endocarditis 3
15  cards
Diphtheria is a bacterial urti 1,
Diphtheria aetiological agent ___...,
Diphtheria characteristics gram _...
44  cards
Genus bacillus gram ______ bacill...,
Genus bacillus most species cause...,
Genus bacillus only a few species...
28  cards
Bacterial infections of the lower GIT
The intestinal microflora 1,
The intestinal microflora 2,
The intestinal microflora 3
92  cards
Immunoprophylaxis & Immunotherapy
Vaccines vaccines induce protecti...,
What characteristics would an ide...,
Types of vaccines whole organism ...
35  cards
Immunological Responses to Infections
Defense mechanisms of the human h...,
Defense mechanisms of the human h...,
Defense mechanisms of the human h...
19  cards
Hepatitis viridae viral hepatitis...,
___ known types of hepatitis virus 2,
Hepatitis viridae hav hev are tra...
32  cards
Cell mediated immunity
Adaptive immunity arises as a con...,
Adaptive immunity arises after a ...,
Adaptive immunity is potent 3
33  cards
Humoral Immunity
Humoral immunity mediated by ____...,
Antibodies generally are found in...,
Antibodies are active against age...
50  cards
Opportunistic protozoan infections of the GIT
Opportunistic protozoan infection...,
Cryptosporidium species 2,
Cryptosporidium species epidemiol...
45  cards
Pseudomembranous Colitis and other Clostridiodes difficile Infections and Cholera
Cholera and clostridiodes diffici...,
Cholera is caused by ________ 2,
Clostridoides difficile causes a ...
57  cards
Amoebiasis and Giardiasis
Entamoeba species are taxonomical...,
Entamoeba histolytica is a an inv...,
Entamoeba ______ entamoeba _____ ...
69  cards
Salmonella , Shigella
Salmonella and shigella 1,
Antigenic structure o ______ anti...,
Salmonella salmonella typhi _____...
26  cards
Gastritis: Helicobacter pylori; Campylobacteriosis
Gastritis refers to inflammation ...,
Gastritis it is associated with n...,
Helicobacter pylori is seen on th...
56  cards
Presence of micro organisms in th...,
Clinical pathologic categories 2,
Clinical pathologic categories 3
20  cards
Major sth _______ list them 1,
Major sth account for a minor or ...,
Major sth _____ yr at highest ris...
52  cards
Enterobiasis aetiologic agent s _...,
Enterobiasis epidemiology risk fa...,
Most common worm infection in usa...
36  cards
Toxoplasmosis: Amoebic Meningitis
Aetiology toxoplasma gondii a ___...,
Toxoplasmosis significant disease...,
Epidemiology of toxoplasmosis 3
53  cards
Leprosy it is a an acute or chron...,
Leprosy it mainly affects the ___...,
Leprosy is caused by 3
26  cards
Fungal Meningitis- Cryptococcus
Cryptococcus ubiquitous unencapsu...,
Cryptococcus over ____ species of...,
Cryptococcus c neoformans has 2 d...
41  cards
Viral Meningitis
Meningitis is the ______ of the _...,
Meningitis is a medical emergency 2,
__________ are the most common ca...
20  cards
Viral Encephalitis and Poliomyelitis
Introduction encephalitis is a an...,
Causes herpesviruses list 6 flavi...,
Causes enteroviruses measles viru...
53  cards
Bacteria skin infections
Functions of the skin 1,
Wounds allow microbes to infect d...,
The skin has normal flora just li...
92  cards
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease pid i...,
Pid is a common condition 2,
Pid is often caused by one type o...
15  cards
Bartholin glands, vagina, uterus and fallopian tube infections
Bartholin glands the bartholin s ...,
The bartholin s glands secrete __...,
It s often not known why the bart...
11  cards
Bacterial STDs: Neisseria, Chlamydia
Stds sexually transmitted disease...,
Stds can be caused by _______ ___...,
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 3
20  cards
Vaginitis inflammation of the vag...,
Vaginitis symptoms abnormal _____...,
Introduction the three most commo...
26  cards
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sti infections that can be transm...,
You can have more than one sti at...,
You can get the same sti more tha...
34  cards
CSF Shunt infections, Brain abscess, Subdural empyema
Csf shunt infections complication...,
Csf shunt infections shunt infect...,
Csf shunt infections shunt infect...
19  cards
Viral infection of the skin
Viral infection of the skin 1,
Viral diseases associated with ma...,
Rubella aka ___________ erythema ...
30  cards
Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, pyomyositis
Osteomyelitis infection of the bo...,
Aetiology of osteomyelitis 2,
S aureus gram _______ cocci oblig...
15  cards
Other Parasitic Infections Of The CNS
Cerebral paragonimiasis 1,
Cerebral paragonimiasis 2,
Human african trypanosomiasis lat...
35  cards
Sepsis is one of the leading caus...,
Peuperal sepsis an infection of _...,
Peuperal sepsis according to the ...
30  cards
Laboratory diagnosis of STI
Gonococcal urethritis cervicitis 1,
Gonococcal urethritis cervicitis 2,
Non gonococcal urethritis cervici...
11  cards
Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome, chancroid
Tss is a an common or uncommon bu...,
Tss it is a common or rare life t...,
Risk factors of tss prolonged use...
19  cards
Sexually Transmitted Viral Diseases_HPV/HBV/HCV
The hepatitis b virus hbv 1,
The hepatitis b virus hbv 2,
Hbv the function of protein x is ...
9  cards
Genital Herpes
The herpesviridae are a large fam...,
Herpes viruses ________ with expr...,
Herpes virus some of the viruses ...
17  cards
T. vaginalis and sexually transmitted arthropods infections
T vaginalis infect only women 1,
Trichomonas vaginalis 2,
Trichomonas vaginalis 3
32  cards
Gas Gangrene, Tetanus and Actinomycoses
Clostridium species over a hundre...,
Clostridium species spore distend...,
Gas gangrene is a mildly or highl...
18  cards
Micro Practical
Aspergillus _____ on _____ agar 1,
Aspergillus infections caused 2,
Aspergillus sample diagnosis 3
158  cards
Paramyxoviruses, Mumps
Blank 1,
Paramyxoviridae ________ virus __...,
Paramyxoviridae paramyxovirus ___...
34  cards

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House Microbiology

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