Genital Herpes Flashcards
The herpesviridae
are a large family of (naked or enveloped?) ,_______ stranded DNA viruses.
Molecular weight ______ – ______kD
Following infection of natural host, the viruses establish a ______ infection .
They persist in the life of the host.
In the latent state _____________ of the viral genes are expressed.
enveloped ; double
80,000 – 150,00kD
only a small subse
Herpes viruses
_________, with expression of viral proteins and production of progeny virus may occur at intervals to produce _________ infections.
This allows virus transmission to new susceptible hosts.
Reactivation ; recurrent
Herpes virus
Some of the viruses are associated with cancer
•Epstein Barr virus with _________ carcinoma and _______________
•Human herpes virus 8 with ___________
nasopharyngeal carcinoma ; Burkitt’s lymphoma
Kaposi sarcoma
Human herpes virus 1 – Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
Human herpesvirus 2 – Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
Human herpesvirus 3 – ____________ virus
Human herpesvirus 4 – ____________ virus
Human herpesvirus 5 – __________________
Human herpesvirus 6 – Human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6)
Human herpesvirus 7 – Human herpes virus 7 (HHV – 7)
Human herpesvirus 8 – __________________________ virus
Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
Human cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Kaposi sarcoma associated herpes virus (KSHV)
Herpes Simplex virus
HSV-1 and HSV-2 are distinct ________,_________ and by __________
In most developing countries, _____% of the population have HSV-1 antibody by the age of _____.
Detection of HSV-2 antibody before puberty is (usual or unusual?)
Prevalence of HSV-2 antibody is about ______% in Africa and more common in (men or women?).
Several copies of the HSV viral genomes are in each latently infected neuronal cell.`
epidemiologically, antigenically and by DNA homology
90% ; 30.
51-68% ; women.
Primary infection
Transmission: contact with mucosal surface or broken skin
HSV – 1: _________, direct contact with infected _______, ________
HSV – 2 : _______ transmission
Viraemia is more common in HSV-___ than HSV-___ infection.
Usually occurs in immuno_______ host
Kissing, direct contact with infected saliva, respiratory droplets
HSV – 2 : Sexual transmission
Clinical features
Usually (asymptomatic or Symptomatic?) or (mild or severe ?) infection
Pain——- blistering ____, _____ days post exposure
asymptomatic ; mild
Painful ; rash
1 – 3 days
Virus resides in latently infected ganglia in a (replicating or non replicating?) state
HSV – 1 in the ______ ganglion
HSV – 2 in the ______ ganglion
non replicating
Stimuli for reactivation
• ______,________,_______,________
•Mostly reactivation are (asymptomatic or symptomatic?)
•Reactivated lesions are (more or less?) severe
Fever, stress, sunlight, immunosuppression
asymptomatic; less
Genital herpes
Very common sexually transmitted infection (____________________)
HSV-____ causes the majority of cases of recurrent genital herpes in the U.S.
Efficiency of sexual transmission is greater from ____ to _____ than from ______ to _______
Both HSV – 1 and HSV – 2
men to women
women to men
Genital herpes
Majority of genital herpes infections are transmitted by persons who are
____________ when transmission occurs
unaware they are infected with HSV-2
Genital herpes Primary infection
First infection ever with ___________
Incubation period –____ days; last _________ days
Multiple pain___ __________ lesions, ___lateral and extensive
____lateral enlarged tender _______ lymph nodes
papules ______ _______ ________ ________ ________
Disease is (more or less?) severe than recurrent disease
either HSV-1 or HSV-2
5; 11 – 12
ful; vesicopustular; bi
Bi; inguinal
vesicles pustules ulcers crusts healed
Genital herpes
Recurrent symptomatic infection
•Disease usually (mild or severe?) and (short or long?) in duration
Asymptomatic viral shedding (HSV –____»_space;>HSV – ___)
Mild; short
2; 1
Viral culture: Highly specific
Polymerase chain reaction
Antigen detection
Type specific serological test
HSV – 2 denotes ________ infection
HSV – 1 does not distinguish between _________ and _______ infection
anogenital and orolabial
(Sensitive or Insensitive?) and (specific or nonspecific?) and should _________ on for HSV diagnosis
intra________ inclusions or multinucleated ______ cells typical of herpes
Insensitive ; nonspecific
should not be relied
intranuclear ; giant cells
_______ and ________ treatment regimens are available
(Does or Does not?) eradicate latent virus
Suppressive therapy
Reduces ______________
By 70%-80% in patients with > ____ recurrences per year
Also effective in those with (more or less?) frequent recurrences
Episodic and suppressive
Does not
frequency of recurrences
6 ; less
Treatment of genital herpes
_______ 400 mg orally tds for 7-10 days
__________ 1 g orally bd for 7-10 days