Prototype Drug Unit 3 & 4- Succinycholine Flashcards
What is the therapeutic classification?
Skeletal muscle relaxant
What is the pharmacologic classification?
Neuromuscular blocker (depolarizing type)
What are the therapeutic effects or uses?
Creates paralysis in patients. Is often used for surgical anesthesia and for insertion of an end otra heal tube to assist in meh animal ventilation.
What is the mechanism of action?
It binds to cholinergic receptor sites at neuromuscular junctions. The skeletal muscle membranes are unable to depolarize as long as the drug stays on the receptor.
What are the routes?
How is it absorbed?
Well-absorbed IM
How is it distributed?
Completely absorbed, including crossing the placenta
How is it primarily metabolized?
Plasma by pseudocholinesterase
How is it primarily excreted?
What are the adverse effects?
Paralysis of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, trachycardia, hypotension, and urinary retention. Rapid onset of extremely high fever with muscle rigidity may occur, a serious condition called malignant hyperthermia.
What are the contraindications/precautions?
They are contraindicated inpatients with glaucoma and people who have a family history of malignant hyperthermia
Use cautiously with patients who have electrolyte imbalances, heart failure, pulmonary or metabolic disorders, and kidney disease.
What are the drug interactions?
Additive skeletal muscle inhibition if given with clindamycon, phenothiazine, aminoglycosides, furosemide, lithium, quinidine, or lidocaine. Malignant hypothermia, dysthymia, sinus arrest, and apnea risks are increased if given with anesthesics halothane or nitrous oxide. Digoxin increases risk of dysthymia. Opioid analgesics increase risk of bradycardia and sinus arrest.
What are the herbal food interactions?
Melatonin may increase the neuromuscular blocking action of succinylcholine
What is the pregnancy category?
What is the treatment of overdose
Drug is discontinued and assisted ventilation is provided until the effects of the drug wear off.
What are the nursing responsibilities?
1) monitor vital signs and keep airway clear
2) obtain baseline lab tests
3) monitor for transient apnea
4) prepare for emergency endotracheal intubation, artificial respiration, and assisted or controlled respiration with oxygen
5) monitor temp
6) provide emotional support and pain relief when needed.