oncology 3 Flashcards
SRS meaning
stereotactic radiosurgery
nivolumab mechanism
IMMUNOTHERAPY. human immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) monoclonal antibody that binds to the PD-1 receptor and blocks its interaction with PD-L1 and PD-L2, releasing PD-1 pathway-mediated inhibition of the immune response, including the anti-tumor immune response, resulting in decreased tumor growth.
SBRT meaning
stereotactic body radiation therapy
eligard generic name
iplimumab mechanism
**Immune checkpoint inhibitor. Monoclonal antibody that works to activate the immune system by targeting CTLA-4, a protein receptor that downregulates the immune system. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) can recognize and destroy cancer cells. However, an inhibitory mechanism interrupts this destruction.
ECOG ratings
0 Fully active, able to carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction
1 Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature, e.g., light house work, office work
2 Ambulatory and capable of all selfcare but unable to carry out any work activities; up and about more than 50% of waking hours
3 Capable of only limited selfcare; confined to bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours
4 Completely disabled; cannot carry on any selfcare; totally confined to bed or chair
5 Dead
leuprolid mechanism
GnRH agonist
toxicity of salvage XRT for PC
frequently increased mild to moderate urinary bother and incontinence
casodex generic name
bicalutamide mechanism
competitively binds androgen receptor
zytiga generic name
abiraterone toxicity profile
hypokalemia, hypertension, edema, hepatotoxicity
general idea of ADT
ADT can be accomplished by preventing androgen production (orchiectomy, GnRH agonists, GnRH antagonists) or by androgen receptor blockade with antiandrogens; these methods can be used alone or in combination
form of immunotherapy for PC, immunostimulant.
BiRADs scoring system for breast cancer + implications of each score
0: Mammogram uninterpretable/low quality.
1: Negative
2: Mammogram is normal, with no apparent cancer, but other findings (such as cysts).
3: Gray zone. A BI-RADS score of 3 means that your mammogram is probably normal but still approximately 2 percent chance of cancer. Need follow-up with a repeat mammogram in six months.
4: Findings suspicious. Need bx. More than 90 percent of women with a BI-RADS score of 4 can have a core biopsy performed without the need for general anesthesia or an incision in the breast.
5: Mammogram results are highly suspicious, with a 95 percent chance of breast cancer. Need biopsy.
6: Already been diagnosed with breast cancer and the pathologist has confirmed the diagnosis.
Type of biopsy typically done for breast cancer
most common inherited bleeding disorder
nivolumab mechanism
rare complications of radiation esophagitis
tracheoesophageal fistula, stricutre, ulceration, perforations
typical tie course of radiation esophagitis presentation
2-3 weeks
stereotactic radiation therapy vs. conventional radiation therapy
More precise, thus minimizes collateral damage. Use very high dose RT, but the total dose of radiation is divided into several smaller doses given over several days.
what to say when people decline flu shot
what killed more people last year – HIV/AIDS or influenza?
carboplatin vs cisplatin
carbo less nephrotoxic
what is merkel cell carcinoma
rare type of skin cancer that usually appears as a flesh-colored or bluish-red nodule, often on your face, head or neck. Merkel cell carcinoma is also called neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin.