ielts buddy 2 Flashcards
someone involved in a skilled job or activity
- uygulayan kimse; 2. doktor; 3. avukat;
She’s training to be a medical practitioner at St George’s University.
more important or noticeable, or greater in number,
than others
1. baskın/üstün; 2. en nüfuzlu; 3. en etkili;
The predominant part of my job is making sure that sales targets have been reached at the end of each month.
the possibility that something good might happen in the future / the possibility of being successful, particularly at work
- umut; 2. beklenen şey ümit; 3. olasılık;
. I was listening to the weather forecast this morning and there is not much praspect of having a good summer this year. It’s mostly going to be rainy.
to make something stronger, either something physical or an idea or opinion
- pekiştirmek; 2. sağlamlaştırmak; 3. takviye etmek;
The doctor reinforced the importance of eating healthily by explaining to the patient the damage they are causing to their body by eating so much junk food.
to return something to its previous condition or bring something back into use that has been absent for a time
- eski haline getirmek; 2. geri vermek; 3. iade etmek; 4. eski durumuna veya ilk biçimine getirilmiş; 5. onarıp eski durumuna getirmek;
The Treasury Department has restored the 20% in the pound tax rate. They changed it back because when they increased it to 30% there were huge street protests.
to look at again and improve an idea, piece of writing, plan etc / to study for an exam
- gözden geçirmek; 2. yeniden incelemek; 3. tekrarlamak (ders);
After having a meeting with some employees, I revised my opinion on keeping fixed 9am-5pm working hours. I think it will be better for the company if we introduce flexible working hours.
- eksiklik; 2. yokluk; 3. kıtlık;
The headmaster found it very difficult to arrange the class schedules this term because there is a shortage of teachers.
- tema; 2. theme song bir dans orkestrasının kendisini belirtmek için kullandığı müzik parçası; 3. mevzu;
All of his plays tend to be based around the theme of love and loss.
- dolayısıyle; 2. onunla ilgili: thereby hangs a tale. onunla ilgili bir hikâye var; 3. dolayısıyla;
Brazil failed to score a goal, thereby ending their fans’ hopes of seeing them in the final.
. üzerinden; 2. vasıtasıyla, … aracılığıyla; 3. yolu ile, -den geçerek, … üzerinden: we came via çanakkale. çanakkale yoluyla geldik; 4. geçit, geçme, yol, gidiş, seyahat, yöntem, usul, yoluyla; 5. damar; 6. (c.: eviye) kap, içinde bir şey konulabilen zarf;
. I found out that I had got band 7 in IELTS via the internet. You can check your results online.
- gerçekte etkili olan; 2. asıl; 3. sanal; neredeyse
At the end of the holiday I had virtually no money left. I just had a few dollars in my wallet.
- yaygın; 2. genel; 3. alabildiğine açılmış;
The disease is now widespread. Cases have been reported in almost every city in the country.
- kalacak yer vermek; 2. yaşayacak yer temin etmek; 3. uygun hale getirmek;
All schools should try to adapt their policies and curriculums in order to accommodate those of different religious and ethnic backgrounds.
Analogy (analoci)
- benzerlik; 2. örnekseme; 3. paralellik
He likened her bad attitude to being as annoying as nails on a chalkboard, which was a good analogy
- beklemek; 2. ummak; 3. tahmin etmek;
She never anticipated doing so well in the IELTS test. She can now go to a much better university than she had thought.
- garanti etmek; 2. ikna etmek; 3. inandırmak;
His manager assured him that his job was safe and he was not going to be made redundant. He didn’t have any concerns after that.
- erişmek; 2. elde etmek; 3. kazanmak;
She was often the one that attained the highest scores in the exams at the end of the year, but she always studied hard so it is not suprising.
- on behalf of namına; 2. şahıs; 3. taraf;
She thanked everybody on my behalf as unfortunately I was unable to go and do it personally.
- esas kısım; 2. yığın; 3. döküm yük (bulk cargo);
I want to take my new yoga mat on holiday with me but is is much too bulky to fit into my luggage. I thought it would fold up much smaller.
- dinmek; 2. son vermek; 3. durdurmak;
Tax relief on owning a second home will cease once the new budget comes into effect in April. The ending of this will impact on many people.
- uyumlu; 2. mantıklı; 3. yapışık;
He ended up doing quite badly in his IELTS essay and he thinks it may be to do with his coherency.
- with ile rastlaşmak, aynı zamana rastlamak, çatışmak; 2. mat. çakışmak; 3. örtüşmek;
Fortunately the Easter school holidays coincided with the time that I was able to take off work, so I took the family on holiday to Spain.
- edinme; 2. edin; 3. edinerek;
Tax relief on owning a second home will cease once the new budget comes into effect in April. The ending of this will impact on many people.
Tax relief
- vergi indirimi;
Tax relief on owning a second home will cease once the new budget comes into effect in April. The ending of this will impact on many people.
- gereksiz; 2. lüzumsuz; 3. gereğinden fazla;
His manager assured him that his job was safe and he was not going to be made redundant. He didn’t have any concerns after that.
He likened her bad attitude to being as annoying as nails on a chalkboard, which was a good analogy
to begin something
- başlamak; 2. başlatmak; 3. dava açmak;
Building work commenced in October last year. It should be finished by December of this year.
existing, living together, or working successfully with something or someone else
- uyumlu; 2. (with) (ile) uyumlu, (ile) bağdaşan; 3. bağdaşık;
The software that I bought was not compatible with Windows 8. It will only operate with earlier versions of Windows.
happening or existing at the same time
- eşzamanlı olan; 2. kesişen; 3. aynı olan;
At the conference there will be 4 sessions running concurrently, so you will have to choose which one you wish to attend.
to limit a person, activity, or problem in some way
- sınırlamak; 2. to -e hapsetmek, -e kapatmak; 3. hapsetmek, hasretmek, sinirlamak:bir suçluyu bir yere veya bir cezaevine kapatmak;
They closed ward 9 in the hospital. Someone had a contagious disease and they wanted to confine it to that part of the hospital so it would not spread.
disagreements or arguments about something that is important to or affects many people
- ihtilaf; 2. tartışma; 3. çekişme;
Banning the Russian team from the 2016 Olympics was a controversial decision. It caused significant friction between Russia and some other countries.
the opposite
- zıt; 2. tersinmek; 3. karşıt anlamlı sözcük;
In the UK, you drive on the left-hand side of the road, but in the US the converse applies.
to give a large amount of your effort or time doing something, or to a person or something you believe in
- adamak; 2. to -e adamak, -e vakfetmek; -e ayırmak, -e hasretmek: he has devoted himself to serving the poor. kendini yoksulların hizmetine adadı. he; 3. tahsis etmek;
He has always enjoyed helping people. He devoted his life to helping several charities.
to reduce or be reduced in importance or size
- azalmak; 2. eksiltmek; 3. azaltmak;
The actor’s popularity has diminished over the years. Everybody used to know him, but few people do now.
to change something from its original, usual, natural, or intended condition, meaning, or shape
- saptırmak; 2. gerçek anlamından saptırmak; 3. eğrilmek;
I gave an interview to the newspaper but they distorted everything I said. The message that comes across is completely different to what I meant.
- uygulanır; 2. uygulamak; 3. başvurmak;
In the UK, you drive on the left-hand side of the road, but in the US the converse applies.
- bulaşıcı 2 (hastalık) temasla geçen;
They closed ward 9 in the hospital. Someone had a contagious disease and they wanted to confine it to that part of the hospital so it would not spread.
the length of time that something lasts
- devam süresi; 2. süre; 3. sürek; 4. yellenme;
The total duration of the English course is 10 weeks so it doesn’t go on for too long.
to slowly reduce or destroy something / to rub or be rubbed away gradually
- aşındırmak; 2. f., jeol. aşındırmak; aşınmak; 3. yıpranmak;
The cliffs that make up the coastline of Great Britain are being rapidly eroded by the sea.
a system of accepted beliefs that control behaviour, especially such a system based on morals
- ahlâk; 2. ahlâk kuralları; 3. ahlaki değerler;
Refusing to provide medical attention to someone who is sick because they do not have enough money is simply not ethical. Everybody should have a right to be treated.
to bring something into existence
- kurmak; 2. inşa etmek; 3. yaptırmak; 4. dağ burnu;
The university was founded in 1873. It was the first to be established in the country.
existing as a natural or basic part of something
doğasında olan; 2. in (bir şeye/birine) özgü/has; 3. ana ve babadan edinilmiş vasıflara (hususiyetlere) ait;
I think people who commit murders are inherently evil. I don’t believe it is to do with the way they are brought up or nutured.
having a deep, clear, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated situation or problem
- içyüzünü anlama; 2. sezme; 3. kavrama;
Living in China for 3 years gave me a real insight into their culture. I know much more about it now.
necessary and important as a part of a whole
- bir bütünün ayrılmaz bir parçası olan; 2. bütünü oluşturan; 3. tümleşik; 4. matematikte türevi bilinen fonksiyona verilen ad;
Having a good manager is integral to the success of any football team.
to talk to two groups who are in disagreement or dispute in order to try and find a solution
- aracılık etmek; 2. vasıta olmak; 3. yöneltmek;
They arranged for a negotiator to come in and try and mediate between the two leaders as they could not find any common ground
- en düşük; 2. asgari; 3. kısa; 4. sade; 5. newyork’ta 1960’larda ortaya çıkan ve biçimindeki aşırı sadelikle ayırt edilen sanat akımına verilen ad; 6. minimum;
The compensation he received for the injury was . He couldn’t afford to go to court so he didn’t get much, just what the company offered.
Mutual (müçıl)
doing the same thing for each other or feeling the same way
- karşılıklı; 2. ortak; 3. müşterek;
He disliked me a lot, but the feeling was mutual . We just didn’t get along together.
to cover part of the same space or activities that cover part of the same area
- çakışmak çakışmak /; 2. örtüşme; 3. örtüşüm;
We need to change the English curriculum because some of the modules overlap. We can’t have students studying the same thing in different classes.
a share or part of something larger / the amount of food served to someone in a restaurant
- parça; 2. porsiyon; 3. bölüm;
The company reinvests quite a small portion of their profits back into the business. Most goes to the shareholders.
- pasif; 2. edilgen; 3. hareketsiz;
He tends to be very passive in the relationship. She makes most of the decisions.
- tekrar yatırım yapmak; 2. (parayı/geliri) yeniden yatırmak; 3. yeniden yatırmak;
The company reinvests quite a small portion of their profits back into the business. Most goes to the shareholders.
get along
- birbiriyle geçinmek; 2. ayrılıp gitmek; 3. iyi geçinmek;
He disliked me a lot, but the feeling was mutual . We just didn’t get along together.
coming before a more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it
- ön hazırlık; 2. ilk; 3. başlangıç şeklinde, öncü, ön;
relating to, measuring, or measured by the quality of something rather than its quantity
- kalitatif; 2. niteleyici; 3. nitel;
to make something pure or improve something
arıtmak; 2. saflaştırmak; 3. rötuş etmek;
It took me a few months to refine my PhD thesis proposal into something that my supervisors would accept.
. to control the behaviour or actions of someone by force, especially to prevent them doing something
- dizginlemek; 2. engellemek; 3. alıkoymak;
He had attacked his wife several times so she went to the police and got a restraining order imposed on him. Now he can’t go near her without getting arrested.
not flexible; unable to bend or be forced out of shape / Not able to be changed or adapted
- sert; 2. eğilmez; 3. esnemez;
Their implementation of the rules was very rigid. They did not allow us to deviate from them in any way.
- fırsat; 2. vesile; 3. ortam;
- (o.ver.threw, –n) (hükümet v.b.’ni) devirmek, yıkmak, düşürmek; 2. altüst etmek; 3. iktidardan düşmek;
You think these HoIIywood inteIIectuaIs pIan to overthrow the government?
in favour of
- lehinde; 2. taraftar olmak; 3. lehine;
- uygulamaya koyma; 2. yerine getirme; 3. uygulama;
Their implementation of the rules was very rigid. They did not allow us to deviate from them in any way.
imposed on
- çıkar sağlanmış; 2. faydalanılmış; 3. yararlanılmış
He had attacked his wife several times so she went to the police and got a restraining order imposed on him. Now he can’t go near her without getting arrested.
an area of activity, interest, or expertise / an object shaped like a round ball
- küre; 2. gökkubbe; 3. küreler arasına koymak;
The company’s sphere of influence has expanded from Europe to the Middle East
being lower in rank or position
- ast; 2. başkasının emrinde olan; 3. ast:kıdem ve derece itibarıyla, daha üst derecenin altında olmak ve altında olan;
The manager treats his subordinates very badly but he treats those above him with great respect.
a thing added to something else in order to complete or enhance it
- ek; 2. ilave; 3. supleman,v.ilave et:n.ilave;
I suplement my main income from my 9-5 job by working as a waitress at the weekends. That makes my monthly income much better.
to stop something from being active temporarily or permanently
- askıda, muallata; 2. askıda; 3. askıda duran;
I’ve been suspended from work as a policeman for 8 weeks while my senior officers investigate a complaint against me.
an event or situation, etc. that causes something to start
- tetik; 2. başlatmak; 3. deklanşör;
The triggered for my anxiety was the loss of my job last year.
to bring together; combine
- birleştirilmiş; 2. birleşik; 3. s birleştirilmiş;
The Prime Minister has ensured that her party has a unified position on immigration, the economy, and social welfare.
to break or fail to comply with a formal agreement, law, principal, or rule, that should be respected
- ihlal etmek; 2. -in ırzına geçmek, -i kirletmek, -e tecavüz etmek: violate; 3. ihlal etmek, bozmak, çiğnemek: violate an agreement bir anlaşmayı bozmak;
The wilful killing, torture or inhumane treatment of other human beings all violate the Geneva Conventions.
comply with
- uymak; 2. -e razı olmak , boyun eğmek , uymak; 3. uygun olmak;
- bildiğini okuyan; 2. direngen; 3. kafasının dikine giden;
The wilful killing, torture or inhumane treatment of other human beings all violate the Geneva Conventions.
- insanlık dışı; 2. acımasız; 3. zalim;
The wilful killing, torture or inhumane treatment of other human beings all violate the Geneva Conventions.
sphere of influence
- etki alanı;
The company’s sphere of influence has expanded from Europe to the Middle East
Comprised or made up of
- -den meydana gelmek; 2. of -den meydana gelmek, -den oluşmak, -den ibaret olmak; 3. bağlı olmak;
America consist of fifty states.
the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it
- bağlam; 2. şartlar; 3. bir söz veya davranışa anlam kazandıran içinde vuku bulduğu şartlar;
It is important to see all the fighting and bloodshed in his plays in historical context
easily seen or understood; obvious
- belli; 2. apaçık; 3. aşikâr;
From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days.
to show
- işaret etmek; 2. göstermek; 3. bildirmek
Please indicate which free gift you would like to receive. We will then send it to you in the post.
farklılık göstermek
the temperature of the house varies between eighteen and twenty degrees. evin sıcaklığı on sekiz ile yirmi derece
Salary scales vary between states. They are never the same.
an asset or object bought or obtained
- kazanç; 2. edinme; 3. şirket alımı;
His acquisition of the rival company was successfully completed. He was happy the sale proceeded so smoothly.
a particular part or feature of something
- yön; 2. görünüş; 3. açı;
. He was satisfied with every aspect of his life.
a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
- sonuçlar; 2. sonuçları; 3. netice;
If he suddenly stops taking his medicine, this could have serious consequences
a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal / a difficult problem which can only be understood if all the different influences are considered
- denklem; 2. eşitlik; 3. ekuasyon;
Managing the economy is a complex equation of reducing the deficit and controlling inflation.
something which is part of a list or group of things
- kalem; 2. madde; 3. madde/adet;
We are running out of time so we should move onto the last Item on the agenda.
to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less
- bakım yapmak; 2. sürdürmek; 3. devam ettirmek;
Despite being in opposing political parties, the two leaders have maintained a good working relationship over the years.
a set of similar things / the amount, number or type of something between an upper and a lower limit
- menzil; 2. silsile; 3. çeşitlilik;
He buys a wide renge of goods when he goes shopping.
a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority
- düzenleme; 2. kural; 3. düzen;
The school has a strict regulation that pupils must wear the school uniform at all times
To get people together in order to have a meeting
- (toplantıya çağırarak) toplamak; 2. toplantıya çağırmak; 3. (toplantı) yapılmak; toplanmak;
The headmaster convened a meeting with all the teachers to discuss a change to the curriculum.
Relating to a large company
- tüzel; 2. şirkete ait; 3. kurumsal;
Corporate responsibility is very important these days. Businesses must think about the environment and their effects on society, not just profit.
Matching or to be similar or equal to
- mektuplaşmak; 2. haberleşmek; 3. uyuşmak; 4 karşılık
The story he told the police does not correspond to the account given by the witness to the accident. They were different.
To reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts
- sonuç çıkarmak; 2. sonuca varmak; 3. görüşüne varmak;
By a process of careful deduction, the officer worked out who was guilty of the crime.
the difference between two or more things
- karşılaştırmak; 2. tezat; 3. karşıtlık;
The two women have very contrasting styles of management. One is hands-on the other is very hands-off.
to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something / to come to the end of a difficult period or experience
- ortaya çıkmak; 2. doğmak; 3. zuhur;
. Despite the criticisms he faced in the newpapers over his early performance he is emerging as a strong contender to win the elections.
to put a decision, plan or agreement into effect
- uygulamak; 2. yerine getirmek (plan vb’ni); 3. sağlamak;
Even though legislation has been passed to increase disability benefits payments, the change will not be implemented until next year.
to show that someone is involved in something bad, usually a crime
- bulaştırmak; 2. karıştırmak; 3. (birini) (olumsuz bir şeye) karıştırmak;
Several people have been implicated in the murder of the politician, but they are still not certain who was responsible.
to force something, such as a decision, on someone else
- (vergi) koymak; 2. yük olmak; 3. dayatmak;
Sanctions have been imposed on the country for a number of years and it is causing great hardship for many people. But they have no choice.
to mix with another society or group, often changing to adapt to this / combining things to become more effective
- birleştirmek; 2. integralini almak; 3. kaynaştırmak;
When you immigrate to another country you need to Integrate as much as you can by learning their customs and habits.
a set of limits about how something must happen or be done
- değişken; 2. koşullu sabit; 3. katsayı;
The human resources department establishes the parameters within which the sales staff can operate.
happening before something else
- önceki; 2. önsel; 3. önceden;
The US gave no Prior warning that it was going to attack the country.
happening after something else
- sonraki, sonra gelen, (belirli bir olayı) takip eden; 2. daha sonraki; 3. sonraki;
His sudden illness and Subsequent death were a surprise to everyone.
to get advice or information from a person or book with specialist knowledge on something
- başvurmak; 2. danışmak; 3. baş vurmak;
I decided to Consult my doctor as my symptoms were getting worse.