are used to establish relationships among
preexisting conditions behaviors and can be used to predict one set
of behaviors from others.
Correlational designs
means “seeming like.”
resemble experiments but lack their required manipulation of
antecedent conditions and/or random assignment to conditions.
Subjects are selected and placed into groups based on the characteristics
or circumstance that the experimenter wants to investigate; thus, the
treatments are either selected life events or preexisting characteristics of
We should use _____when we cannot or should not
manipulate antecedent conditions.
is one that is designed to determine the
correlation, or degree of relationship, between two traits, behaviors or
Like for instance, you want to study What are the long term effects of
TV violence on aggressiveness?
To find the answer experimentally, it would be necessary for
researchers to manipulate children’s exposure to TV violence for
many years.
Correlational study
The degree of relationship, or correlation, between the two measures
would then be evaluated through statistical procedures.
Relationships between pairs of scores from each subject are known
as _____
simple correlations.
The ____ is the most
used procedure for calculating simple correlations.
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r)
A ____ is used to calculate simple
correlations (between two variables) and may be expressed as: r
(50) = +.70, p = .001.
Pearson correlation coefficient
indicates a weak positive or negative relationship
indicates a moderate positive or negative relationship
indicates a strong positive or negative relationship
0 – 0.29
0.3 – 0.69
0.70 – 1.0
are a graphic display of pairs of data points on the x
and y axes.
llustrates the linearity, sign, magnitude, and probability
(indirectly) of a correlation.
The lines drawn on the scatterplots are called ____ . They illustrate the mathematical equation that best
describes the linear relationship between the two measured scores.
The direction of the line corresponds to the direction of the
Regression line, or
lines of best fit
___ means how the relationship between x and y can be
plotted as a line (linear relationship) or a curve (curvilinear
refers to whether the correlation coefficient is positive or
is the strength of the correlation coefficient, ranging from -
1 to +1.
is the likelihood of obtaining a correlation coefficient of this
magnitude due to chance.
Since correlations are symmetrical, A could cause B just as readily
as B could cause A.
Does insomnia cause depression or does depression cause
Causal direction
Two variables—insomnia and depression—may affect each other.
Bidirectional causation
A third variable—family conflict—may create the appearance that
insomnia and depression are related to each other.
Third variable problem
Researchers use ___- when they want to know
whether there is a relationship among three or more variables.
We could measure age, television watching, and vocabulary and find
that R = +.61.
multiple correlation (R)
We should compute a ____ when we want to hold one
variable (age) constant to measure its influence on a correlation
between two other variables (television watching and vocabulary).
Researchers use ____ to predict behavior measured
by one variable based on scores on two or more other variables.
We could estimate vocabulary size using age and television watching
as predictor variables.
partial correlation
is the creation and testing of models that suggest
cause-and-effect relationships between behaviors.
Causal modeling
are two forms of
causal modeling.
Path analysis and cross-lagged panel designs
a researcher creates and tests models of possible
causal sequences using multiple regression analysis where two or
more variables are used to predict behavior on a third variable.
path analysis,
In____, a researcher measures relationships
over time and these are used to suggest a causal path.
Subjects are measured at two separate points in time on the same
pair of related behaviors or characteristics.
Then the scores from these measurements are correlated in a
particular way, and the pattern of correlations is used to infer the
causal path.
cross-lagged panel design
In ____, we are looking for relationships or
associations between variables, whereas in ____ we
are comparing different groups of subjects looking for difference
between them, or we are looking for changes over time in the same
group of subjects.
correlational studies
quasi experiments
A ____compares the effects of treatments
on preexisting groups of subjects.
A researcher could install fluorescent lighting in Company A and
incandescent lighting in Company B and then assess productivity.
After 3 months, productivity was measured, and the researcher found
that workers with incandescent lighting were more productive.
nonequivalent groups design
In_____, the same group of subjects is measured at
different points of time to determine the effect of time on behavior.
In _______ subjects at different developmental
stages (classes) are compared at the same point in time.
longitudinal designs
cross-sectional studies,