what are the types?
coal workers pneumoconoisis silicosis asbestos-related diseases -asbestosis -malignant mesothelioma
development of pneumoconiosis depends on?
amount of dust retained in the lungs and airways***
size, shape, and buoyancy of particles
what are the lung findings of coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP)?
major cause?
simple CWP
complicated CWP
coal dust
what is the difference of simple vs complicated CWP?
simple-no fibrosis and progresses to complicated CWP
complicated-extensive fibrosis, progressive massive fibrosis, blackened scars***
morphology of CWP?
simple CWP
complicated CWP
caplan syndrome
this morphology of CWP is the coexistance of RA with pneumoconiosis leading to development of distinctive nodular pulmonary lesions
caplan syndrome (UC)
clinical s/s of CWP?
increased pulmonary dysfunction
pulmonary hypertension
cor pulmonale
this is the most prevalent chronic occupational disease in the world
common in sandblasters and mine workers
occurs after decades of exposure
what forms of silica is more fibrogenic?
crystalline forms
describe the morphology of silicosis, from acute progression to chronic?
early-tiny discrete nodules in upper zones of lung
as disease progresses, nodules coalesce into collagenous scars (cavitation and calcification)
signs and symptoms of silicosis?
upper lobes
cor pulmonale
slow to kill
susceptibility to TB and lung cancer
this is present in insulation, construction materials and can be brought home on workers clothes
localized fibrous pleural plaques
pleural effusions
parenchymal interstitial fibrosis
bronchogenic carcinoma
all associated with what disease?
2 major geometric forms?
*which form has been linked to mesothelioma?
-curly and flexible, common
-straight, stiff, more pathogenic
form of asbestos is related to asbetosis?
characterized by?
asbestos bodies
- golden brown, fusiform or bearded rods, fiber like
- if fiber not ID, look for ferruginous body
what is this asbesto related disease?
visceral or parietal pleural diffuse lesion 2 types -mesenchymal stromal cell -epithelial like cells
s/s indistinguishable dypsnea productive cough cor pulmonale
malignant mesothelioma
what are the 2 cell types of malignant mesothelioma?
mesenchymal stromal cells
-sarcomatoid type B
epithelial like cells
-epithelial type A