Chapter 11: Water and Electrolytes Flashcards
water accounts for _____ of the total body weight of an adult, making it the most abundant constituent of the body
sodium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, phosphate, and magnesium are all
water distribution
body water is found in 2 major compartments
intracellular and extracellular
water distribution
compartment with its intracellular fluid (ICF)
water distribution
compartment with its extracellular fluid (ECF)
water distribution
intracellular - approximately _____ L
30 L
major cation - intracellular
major anion - intracellular
water distribution
extracellular - approximately _____ L
15-17 L
major anion - extracellular
major cation - extracellular
extracellular (3)
all fluids within the blood vessel (around 3 L)
intravascular fluid compartment
extracellular (3)
fluids around and between the cells
intercellular, interstitial, or extravascular fluid
extracellular (3)
fluids in the eyeball (vitreous humor), around the joints (synovial fluid), and within digestive secretions
transcellular fluid compartment
is the maintenance of normal ECF or the external environment of the cells
water balance - maintenance
the body regulates both water _____ and _____
intake and excretion
water balance - maintenance
thirst and satiety govern our water intake, sensed by the _____ (3)
mouth, hypothalamus, and stomach
water balance - maintenance
the excretion of water, involves the brain cells (2) and _____
cells of hypothalamus and pituitary gland
water balance of fluid balance is achieved through the (2)
-control of fluid intake;
-control of rate of fluid lost through kidneys