9.4 - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Flashcards
what is the result of COPD on:
- FEV: depressed
- FVC: very depressed
- FEV : FVC: depressed
- TLC: increased (air trapping)
what is the reid index?
- measure of chronic bronchitis
- thickness of mucus glands relative to bronchial wall thickness (over 0.5 is abnormal)
what are the PaCO2 and PaO2 levels in chronic bronchitis?
- PaCO2 elevated
- PaO2 decreased
smoking results in what type of emphysema? where is it most severe?
centriacinar - most severe in upper lobes
A1AT deficiency results in what type of emphysema? where is it most severe?
panacinar - most severe in lower lobes
where does mutant A1AT protein accumulate within hepatocytes?
how is the FRC affected by emphysema?
in asthma, allergens induce what type of immune response?
- allergens induce Th2 phenotype in CD4 T cells
- Th2 cells secrete IL-4 (class switch to IgE), IL-5 (attract esosinophils), and IL-10 (stimulates Th2, inhibits Th1)
what curschmann spirals? when / where are they seen?
- spiral shaped mucus plugs
- asthma
what are charcot-leyden crystals? when / where are they seen?
- eosinophil-derived crystals
- asthma
what are causes of bronchiectasis?
- CF
- kartagener syndrome
- tumor, foreign body
- necrotizing infection
- allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
what are complications of bronchiectasis?
- hypoxemia
- cor pulmonale
- secondary amyloidosis