11.1 - Exocrine pancreas Flashcards
annular pancreas leads to a risk of _________
duodenal obstruction
acute pancreatitis is due to premature activation of ________
acute pancreatitis leads to ________ necrosis of the pancreas and _________ necrosis of the peripancreatic fat
- liquefactive
- fat
why is hypocalcemia seen during acute pancreatitis?
calcium is consumed during saponification in fat necrosis
what are the complications of acute pancreatitis?
- shock
- pancreatic pseudocyst
- pancreatic abscess
what are the clinical features of chronic pancreatitis?
- epigastric ab pain radiating to back
- pancreatic insufficiency
- dystrophic calcification of parenchyma
- secondary DM
- increased risk for pancreatic carcinoma
“chain of lakes” pattern on pancreas contrast studies is due to what condition? why?
- chronic pancreatitis
- dilatation of pancreatic ducts
what are the risk factors for pancreatic carcinoma?
- smoking
- chronic pancreatitis
what is the serum marker for pancreatic carcinoma?
CA 19-9
trousseau syndrome is aka as ___________ and is associated with ______________
- migratory thrombophlebitis
- pancreatic carcinoma
how does migratory thrombophlebitis present?
- swelling
- erythema
- tenderness in extremities
what does the whipple procedure entail?
en bloc removal of:
- head of pancreas
- neck of pancreas
- proximal duodenum
- gall bladder