Thème 6 Flashcards
un parking
a car park
que cette chambre est laide
what an ugly room
There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.
Pierre Trudeau
Criminal Law Amendment Act
The bill decriminalised homosexuality and allowed abortion under certain conditions. A related bill, introduced and passed at the same time, decriminalised the sale of contraceptives. The Act also regulated lotteries, tightened the rules for gun possession and introduced new offences relating to drinking and driving, harassing phone calls, misleading advertising and cruelty to animals. 1968-1969
Trudeaumania was the nickname given in early 1968 to the excitement generated by Pierre Trudeau’s entry into the leadership race of the Liberal Party of Canada. Trudeaumania continued during the subsequent federal election campaign and during Trudeau’s early years as Prime Minister of Canada. Decades later, Trudeau’s son, Justin Trudeau, drew a similar international reaction when he became Prime Minister himself in 2015
inhabituel, peu commun
une robe de chambre
a bathrobe
une insomnie
a sleepless night
une table de nuit
a bedside table
un album de famille
a family album
se déguiser
to dress up as
un abruti
a twit*
flegmatique, impassible
to mimic
imiter qn
to impersonate sbdy, to do an impersonation
to bear off
de nos jours
nowadays et pas nowdays
On suppose qu’il y a des risques de tremblements de terre dans ce pays
There are supposed to be risks of earthquakes in that country
Quand avez vous acheté cette robe horrible?
When did you buy that horrible dress?
present perfect
- actions non précisées dans le temps
- rapporter une événement qui s’est répété
- et bien sur pour une action qui dure dans le temps…
une étoile filante
a shooting star
je voudrais savoir
I would like to know
on boit le thé dans des tasses en porcelaine
Tea is drunk out of china cups
quitter la bar à la hâte
to hurry out of he bar
Elle avançait dans l’obscurité en se cognant
She blundered about in the dark
Dans l’obscurité, il chercha à tâtons ses lunettes
He gropped for his glasses in the dark
Il n’y a pas que le travail dans la vie!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Son fils a eu des ennuis avec la police l’année dernière
His son got into trouble with the police last year
Un jour, en rentrant de l’école, il a eu la brillante idée
One day as he was coming back from school, he came up with the brilliant idea of
Il passa la tête par la fenêtre entrouverte
He popped out his head through the half open window
Cela s’est révélé être une bonne décision finalement
It turned out to be a good decision
Les voleurs ont échappée à la police
The thieves got away from the police
Il a succédé à son grand-père à la tête de l’entreprise
He took over from his grandfather as the head of the company
Elle a beaucoup souffert! Elle a besoin d’échapper à tout ça
She has gone through a lot! She really needs to get away from il all
Holiday au singulier
to go on Holiday, to take Holiday, a bank Holiday
school holidays, I’ll spend my holidays
look forward to +
Peux-tu trouver qqch de mieux?
Can you come up with something better?
le réveil
the alarm clock