Misc 2 Flashcards
incomplete closure of the umbilical ring leads to ___
umbilical hernias are R and resolve ___
umbilical hernia
reducible, spontaneously
Down syndrome assc w D and U
duodenal atresia presents w __ and is usually __
look for __ on xray
uncomp umbilical hernias assc w D, B, hypo
duodenal atresia, umbilical hernia
vomiting, billious
double bubble
down syndrome, beckwith wideman, hypoThyroid
__ is midline herniation of ab contents w/in mesenteric sac
__ is full thickness ab defect w evisceration of ab contents at birth
Pigmented gallstones composed of u__ and C__
usually __/__ in color
secondary to __/__ infections
think E/A/C
injured hepatocytes release __ to inc amount of unconj bilirubin
MCC in East asia is
unconj bilirubin, Ca salts
bacterial, parasitic
e coli, ascaris, clonorchis
beta glucuronidase
pigmented stones can occur in absence of infection w H__ as beta glucuronidase __ bile
hemolytic anemia, deconjugates
distal gut atresias present w bowel __ rather than ___
intestinal atresias of J/I/proximal __ result from vasc occlusion
distal segment of ileum assumes __ config around ileocolic vessel
aka apple core with __ obs
dec intestinal perfusion then results in __ of bowel w S/O
distension, vomiting
jejunum, ileum, colon
ischemia, stenosis, obstruction
z gene beta galactosidase gene of lac operon responsible for __ of lactose
y gene permease response for __ to lactose
trxn/trsl of single mRNA molecule into multiple proteins called __
seen in P not E
prokaryotes, eukaryotes
annular panc results from abnromal migration of __ bud, resulting in it surrounding the __
pancreas is f__ derived, rotates around __ to fuse w __ bud
uncinate process of head, main panc duct is __ bud
panc tail, body, rest of head is __ bud
sx include O or P
ventral, distal duodenum
foregut, duodenum, dorsal
obs, pancreatitis
C5a recruits P/E/M/B
C3a recruits B/E
PMN, eosinophils, monocytes, basophils
baso, eosinophils
IL3 activated by T cells to stimulate growth/diff of stem cells in __
Leukotriene C4/D4/E4 triggers vaso__ and broncho__
bone marrow
constriction, spasm
mayo containing potato/macaroni salad may have __ toxin
S aureus releases exotoxin, resulting in T, S, G
starch/rice may have __ toxin
Staph aureus
TSS, SSS, gastroenteritis
B ceruleus
watery diarrhea seen w E/C produce exotoxin after ingestion
inflammatory diarrhea produce exotoxin after ingestion S/E
ETEC, cholera
shigella, EHEC
fatigue, FtT, vomiting seen in __ in newborns
__ accumulation responsivle for liver/kidney damage
due to def of ___ enzyme
pt is predisposed to __ sepsis
restrict __ and implement ___
gram neg rod
lactose, soymilk
spleen originates from M
F derived, supplied via __
foregut, celiac
D is mu opioid antidiarrheal
useful in slowing __
combine w __ to reduce dependence
may have ___ SE
use for __ not inflam diarrhea