three stuff Flashcards
Desensitisation is…
when a person’s emotional response to a stimulus gets smaller with repeated exposure to the stimulus.
Violence in the media can lead to aggression through desensitisation, because
Violence in the media can lead to aggression through desensitisation, because with repeated exposure to violence in the media, people become less shocked by violence.
And this makes them feel more comfortable being violent themselves.
Since Timmy’s mum is concerned about these social norms, and about being judged by her friends, these concerns stop, or ___, her from behaving aggressively.
Disinhibition is…
when people become less concerned about social norms that tell them not to behave aggressively.
Disinhibition can contribute to aggression because
when people are exposed to violent media, they begin to feel like violence is more socially acceptable.
Cognitive priming is when…
exposure to a stimulus makes thoughts and ideas related to that stimulus more accessible in our mind.
Study for desnsitition
A labour study which highlthed these desensitisation effects was conducted by Monica Weisz and Christopher Earls. They showed their participants the feature film straw dogs which contains a prolong and graphic scene of rape. Participants then watched a re enactment of a rape trail. Compared with those who watched a non sexual violent film, take views of Straw Dogs showed greater accpeatce of rape myths and sexual aggression. They also expressed less sympathy towards the rape victims in the train and were less likely to find the defendant guilty. There was no such effect of film type on female participants
Study for cognitive priming
Peter Fischer and Tobias Greitemeyer illustrates the priming of aggressive scripts. They investigated a neglected form of media violence - song lyrics. Men listened to sings featuring aggressively derogatory lyrics about women. Compared with when they listened to neutral lyrics, participants subsequently recalled more negative qualities about women and behaved more aggressively towards a confederate who was a woman. This procedure was replicated with woman as participants using men hating song lyrics with similar results.