frustration aggression Flashcards
When people behave aggressively, it’s always because they’re experiencing…
According to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, which of these are true?
CAll aggression is caused by frustration.
EAggression is caused by environmental factors.
According to the frustration-aggression hypothesis…
Afrustration is the negative feeling people experience when they are blocked from achieving their goals.
Call aggression is caused by feeling frustrated.
Gwhen a person behaves aggressively, they experience catharsis and their negative feelings go away.
Luke releases his frustration, which means he experiences…
When a person redirects their impulse towards something or someone else, we call it…
According to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, what happens when we can’t direct our aggression at the person or thing that caused frustration?
We direct our aggression towards someone or something else.
The closer we are to the goal
The closer we are to the goal, the more likely we are to behave aggressively if our goal is blocked.
The more effective aggression is for helping us reach a goal
The more effective aggression is for helping us reach a goal, the more likely we are to behave aggressively .
There are three factors that affect the likelihood of a person behaving aggressively when they feel frustrated:
First, the proximity of the goal .
Second, the effectiveness of aggression.
Third, whether the frustrating scenario is justifiable .
According to Dollard et al
According to Dollard et al., all aggression is caused by frustration and is followed by catharsis .
Outline the frustration-aggression hypothesis.
The frustration-aggression hypothesis was set out in 1939 by Dollard et al. According to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, all aggression is caused by frustration, the negative feeling people experience when they are blocked from achieving their goals. Furthermore, after a person behaves aggressively, they experience catharsis and their negative feelings are relieved. If, however, a person feels like they cannot direct their aggression at the person or thing which caused their frustration, then they displace it towards something or somebody else. Three factors determine the likelihood that frustration will result in aggression: firstly, the frustrated person’s proximity to their goal; secondly, the effectiveness of aggression; and thirdly, the justifiability of the frustrating scenario.
We’ve now seen that some psychologists have suggested that…
Aexposure to violent media might cause aggression.
Dmore realistic scenes of violence may have an effect on people’s everyday lives.
Ethere is a relationship between representation of violence in the media, and real-life behaviour.
In other words, they have suggested that there is a
In other words, they have suggested that there is a cause and effect relationship between violence in the media, and aggression.
Björkqvist found that children
Björkqvist found that children in the experimental group displayed more aggression than those in the control group.
Björkqvist found that children in the experimental group displayed more aggression than those in the control group.
This suggests that…
This suggests that watching violence in media causes people to behave more aggressively.
Björkqvist found that the children in the experimental group, who had watched a violent film, behaved more aggressively afterwards. This suggests that watching violent media had caused the children to behave more aggressively
One limitation of laboratory experiments is that…
Bthey can lack ecological validity.
Cparticipants are taken out of their usual real-life setting.
We’ve now seen Björkqvist’s laboratory study investigating aggression…
Ainvolved children watching either a violent or a non-violent film.
Dmeasured changes in levels of displayed aggression, such as shouting and hitting.
Ffound that children who watched violent films then behaved more aggressively than those who watched a non-violent film
A limitation of Björkqvist’s study is that…
Bit might lack ecological validity.
The white noise might not have been a good measure of actual aggression, meaning that it may lack
Anderson and Dill’s experiment investigating the role of media in aggression…
Dinvestigated the effects of violent video games on levels of aggression.
Einvolved participants rating their own level of aggression.
Cwas a laboratory experimen
Gfound that the participants who played violent video games reported higher levels of aggression afterwards.
The two limitations of this experiment are that Anderson and dill
Dthe researchers didn’t study the long-term effects of violent media on aggression.
Athe researchers didn’t measure actual aggression and so their test may lack validity as a measure of aggression.
We’ve now seen two longitudinal studies suggesting that violent media can increase aggression:
EHuesmann et al (2000)
AAnderson (2007)
In these longitudinal studies, aggression was measured through…
Aself-report surveys.
Two limitations of self-report are that…
Dparticipants might be influenced by social desirability bias.
Bthe answers might lack objectivity.
We’ve now seen some limitations of longitudinal studies into the role of media on aggression:
FMeta-analysis showed that there is no relationship between violent media and aggression once confounding variables are taken into account. Fergerson
CThe studies were correlational, and so couldn’t establish a cause and effect relationship between exposure to violent media and aggression.
AAggression was measured through self-report, and so any answers might lack objectivity, and the participants might have displayed social desirability bias.