comparison of approaches table book Flashcards
Method of research Behaviorism
scientific controlled lab experiments use of animals for example pavlov dogs nd skinners rats
Method of research social learning theory
scientific controlled lab experiments with humans usually children for example bandoras bobo doll experiments
Nature or nurture behaviourism
nurture all behaviour is learnt through stimuli-response connection and/or reinforcement contingencies
Nature or nurture social learning theory
nurture behaviour is a learnt in social context by overseeing the consequences of others actions
Determinism behaviourism
enviormental/external determinism behaviour is controlled entirely by the environment - free will is an illusion
Determinism social leanring theory
reciprocal determinism the human actor exerts some influence on the environment as well as being influenced by it, an aggressive child may select an aggressive peer group and in turn make that group more aggressive
Reductionism behaviourism
experimental reductionism reduces learning to basic stimulus response units for ease of testing within the lab
Reductionism social learning theory
interactionist learning is an interaction of social factors and medicinal cognitive process
Pratical application behaviourism
token economy as a treatment for offenders. Explaining and treating phobias, explaining addiction for example gambling
Social learning theory prtical application
cross cultural differences on behaviour for example gender role development explkaing the influence of media on behaviour
Cognitive approach research method
scientific controlled lab experiments with humans where mental process are inferred
Biological approach research method
scientific lab experiments for example to test drugs brain scans for eamx pet family and twin studies use of animals
Cognitive approach nature or nuture
nature + nurture interactionist position: innate schemas develop further through interaction with the environment
Biological approach nature or nurture
nature behaviour controlled by biological structs and process such as genes biochemistry evolutionary adaptation
Cognitive approach determinism
soft determinism behaviour is determined by limits of cognitive process but people are seen to have mental control over how they act
Biological approach determinism
biological determinism behaviour and thought is determined by biological structures and processes
Reductionsm cognitive approach
machine reductionism reduces thought and behaviour to the level of information processing the computer analogy
Biological reductionism
reduces thoughts and behvaiour to the actions ion biological structures and processs for example genes neurochemistry
Research method pscyodynmiac
dream analysis, self anyalis, case studies and projective tests