the social learning theory explanation for aggression Flashcards
According to social learning theory, behaviour is…
learned through observation.
The way we learn through observation is by…
Dimitating the behaviour of a model.
Bwatching the behaviour of a model.
Cod is a 12-year-old boy. Yesterday, Cod’s maths teacher was annoyed with the class for getting bad grades in a maths test. He yelled at the class and threw their maths tests at them. Later, when Cod came home, his mum said he couldn’t have fish fingers and had to eat salad instead. Cod became annoyed so he yelled at his mum and threw the salad at her.
How would social learning theory explain Cod’s aggression?
Social learning theory states that aggression is learned through observation. People observe the behaviour of a model and then imitate it. Cod observed his maths teacher, the model, acting aggressively when he was annoyed. Cod then imitated the maths teacher’s behaviour, by also aggressively throwing things when he became annoyed with this mother.
The social learning theory of aggression says that aggression is learned through…
Cthe imitation of models.
Two factors that influence whether or not a person imitates aggressive behaviour are…
Dvicarious reinforcement
Outline the social learning theory explanation of aggression.
Social Learning Theory states that we learn aggressive behaviour through observing models who are acting aggressively, and then imitating them. Our aggressive behaviour is often reinforced through observing a model being rewarded for their own aggression. This is called vicarious reinforcement
Outline the method used by Bandura in his 1961 study of aggression
Bandura conducted a laboratory experiment to test whether children would imitate adults who modelled aggressive behaviour. Children were split into 3 groups. One group watched an adult display aggressive behaviour towards a Bobo doll, one group watched an adult display non-aggressive behaviour towards the doll, and the third group didn’t watch an adult at all. Some children watched a female model, and some watched a male model. He then put each child in a room with the Bobo doll and observed their behaviour.
Bandura et al. conducted a second study which found that…
children who saw the adult get rewarded for aggression were more likely to imitate aggression.
Which of the following statements are true? | Select all that apply.about bendura method 1977
CHis independent variable was the area the participants lived in.
DHis dependent variable was the amount of aggression displayed by the participants.
According to social learning theory, participants in the
According to social learning theory, participants in the high crime area should display higher levels of aggression.
Bandura was conducting a…1977
Cquasi experiment
Which of the following are limitations of Bandura’s study?(also quasi)
CBandura couldn’t randomly allocate participants to groups.
DA direct cause and effect relationship couldn’t be established between the independent variable and the participants’ aggressive behaviour.
AThere might have been confounding participant variables in the study. - lived in more stress and poverty
Which of the following support the social learning theory of aggression? | Select all that apply.
All of bendura
BBandura’s Bobo doll studies showed that children are more likely to imitate the aggressive behaviour of a model if they see the model being rewarded.
CBandura’s Bobo doll studies showed that children imitate the aggressive behaviour of a model.
DBandura’s 1977 quasi experiment showed that people living in high crime rate areas display more aggression than those living in low crime rate areas.
Since it was a quasi experiment, Bandura’s 1977 study had some limitations.
Bandura couldn’t randomly allocate participants into groups or directly manipulate his independent variable. First, this means that he couldn’t establish a cause and effect relationship; at best, his study shows that there is a correlation between the two variables. And second, there may have been confusing variables causing the higher aggression in the participants from high crime rate areas, such as their higher levels of poverty and stress.
How is social learning aggression difference from evolution and other
Evolution sees as it is innate doesn’t matter about your environment and stuff it is there because of biology whereas social sees it can be affected by surroundings
Which of the following are true about the !Kung society?
DAggression isn’t vicariously reinforced.
BThere is little opportunity for children to observe aggression.
According to social learning theory, we should expect children growing up in the !Kung society to be
Less aggressive than children in the Western world.
A second strength of the social learning theory of aggression is that…
Athere are cultural differences in aggression.
There are cultural differences in aggression. For instance, in the !Kung society…
Bchildren display less aggression than children in the Western world.
Cchildren observe less aggression than children in the Western world.
Daggression is not rewarded.
Christiansen conducted a twin study on criminal activity which found a concordance rate for criminal activity of…
55% for monozygotic twins, compared to
22% for dizygotic twins.
Hutchings and Mednick conducted an adoption study on criminal activity.
They found that children who displayed criminal behaviour were more likely to have biological parents who displayed criminal behaviour.
Summarise what Bandura found in his 1977 quasi experiment.
in his 1977 quasi experiment, Bandura found that people living in high crime rate areas displayed more aggression than those living in low crime rate areas.
One limitation of the social learning theory of aggression is that it ignores
biological factors that influence aggression, such as the MAOA gene.
Since both genetic and environmental factors seem to contribute to aggression, this suggests that aggression is actually caused by an
Since both genetic and environmental factors seem to contribute to aggression, this suggests that aggression is actually caused by an interactionist between both factors.
Describe bandoras first study
bandura conducted a study in 1961, to test whether children would imitate adults who modelled aggressive behaviour. The study was a lab experiment . Children were split into 3 groups. One group watched an adult display aggressive behaviour towards a bobo doll, one group watched an adult display non-aggressive behaviour towards the doll, and the third group didn’t watch an adult at all. The researchers then put each child in a room with the doll and observed their behaviour .
In their 1961 study, Bandura et al. found that…
Csome children imitated the aggressive behaviour of the models.
Dchildren who watched an aggressive adult were more likely to show aggression.
Bandora 1977
In 1977 , Bandura conducted a study where he compared the amount of aggression displayed by people in a high crime rate area and a low crime rate area. He found that people living in the high crime rate area were more aggressive. This study was a quasi experiment or correlational study , because Bandura couldn’t manipulate the independent variable or IV . This means he couldn’t establish a direct cause and effect relationship between living area and aggression.
Give an example of cultural differences in levels of aggression. Explain whether this example challenges or supports the social learning theory explanation of aggression, and why.\
The !Kung people live in the Kalahari desert. In their society, aggressive behaviour is frowned upon. Adults avoid displaying aggressive behaviour, or they will be judged by other people. !Kung children display less aggressive behaviour than children in Western cultures. This example supports the social learning theory explanation of aggression because !Kung children do not observe models behaving aggressively, and aggressive behaviour is not vicariously reinforced. And, as a result, they are less aggressive than children in other cultures.
Social learning theory says that we learn aggressive behaviour - it is not determined by genetics. However, some studies have challenged this view.
Social learning theory says that we learn aggressive behaviour - it is not determined by genetics. However, some studies have challenged this view. Christiansen conducted a/an twin study where he found concordance rates of 55 % for monozygotic twins, and 22% for dizygotic twins. Hutchings and Mednick conducted a/an adoption study which found that adopted children who displayed criminal or illegal behaviour were more likely to have biological parents who displayed the same behaviour.