cognitive interview focus therys Flashcards
Weapon focus:
What it is
weapon focus is a situation where a weapon that creates anxiety attracts the attention and focus of eyewitnesses, leading to reduced recall of other details of the incident by eyewitnesses.
Weapon focus
The relationship between anxiety and EWT
: weapon focus shows that anxiety has a negative relationship with eyewitness testimony. It causes eyewitness testimony to be inaccurate
Tunnel theory:
What it is
: tunnel theory suggests that attention is narrowed to central events/one aspect of the scene (like tunnel vision), reducing the recall of other details
Tunnel theory: The relationship is shows between anxiety and EWT
again, this shows a negative relationship between anxiety and EWT.
Fight or flight response:
What it is
: psychological arousal in the body that can improve memory of the scenario as we are more likely to remember cues in the event
Fight or flight response:
What it is
: psychological arousal in the body that can improve memory of the scenario as we are more likely to remember cues in the event
The relationship it shows between anxiety and EWT
Fight or flight response
The relationship it shows between anxiety and EWT: shows a positive relationship.
What it is
the relationship between memory and anxiety is an inverted U shape. Moderate stress is associated with optimum performance, while high/low levels of stress are associated with poor performance.
The relationship it shows between anxiety and EWT
The relationship it shows between anxiety and EWT: it explains why some studies show a positive relationship and others show a negative relationship
Instead, we should these types of techniques:
- Extensive retrieval: witnesses are encouraged to report everything that they remember, regardless of perceived relevance.
- Event-interview similarity: by reinstating the context of the scene (sights, sounds, emotions etc.).
- Focused retrieval: make sure there are no interruptions.
- Witness-compatible questions: flexibility of technique to match needs of the witness.
- Chronological order and reverse order.
Cognitive interview: research
- Geiselman et al. (1985) found CI produced more accurate memories than standard police interview.
- Geiselman & Fisher (1997) found CI works best in a short time following a crime.
- Kohnken et al. (1999) found that the amount of detail declined the longer a CI was done after an event.
- Milne & Bull (2002) found the ‘report everything’ and context reinstatement of CI to be key to getting accurate recall.
Enhanced Cognitive Interview Improving the accuracy of EWT
ECI seeks to build a trusting relationship between interviewer and witness and improve quality of communication.
Evaluation: CI is time consuming
Police may be reluctant to use CI because it makes more time than the standard police interview.
CI required special training, and forces may not be able to fully train their officers (Kebbel and Wagstaff 1996)
- Extensive retrieval
witnesses are encouraged to report everything that they remember, regardless of perceived relevance.
- Event-interview similarity
by reinstating the context of the scene (sights, sounds, emotions etc.).
- Focused retrieval
: make sure there are no interruptions
- Witness-compatible questions
flexibility of technique to match needs of the witness.
- Chronological
- Chronological order and reverse order.