Gender Introduction to Sex and Gender Biological Influences on Sex and Gender Flashcards
Gender meaning
. And the word “gender” refers to whether a person is a man or a woman, based on their appearance , behaviour and psychological tra
Sex meaning
The word “sex” refers to whether a person’s body is male or female, based on their biology or anatomy and anatomy or biology
Gender identity
Gender identity is someone’s personal, internal sense of gender .
Gender stereotype
Gender stereotypes, or sex-role stereotypes, are rigid and overly simplified beliefs about men and women .
People used to believe that it was impossible to be both caring and powerful, or both sensitive and aggressive. In other words, people used to believe that…
you can’t display both masculine and feminine personality traits.
Sandra bem 1970 did what?
In the 1970s, Sandra Bem described people with high levels of both masculine or male or feminine or female and feminine or female or masculine or male traits as androgynous .
What did flahety and dusek do?
Flaherty and Dusek conducted a study showing that people who are androgynous , according to the BSRI , tend to have higher emotional well-being or emotional wellbeing or wellbeing or well-being than those who are not androgynous.
More recent studies of has shown what about flahety and dusek?
Taht masculine traits tend to be happier this challenges flashy and dusek because it could be because of the masculine traits that Androgynous people have emotional well being
BSRI method
100 students from her university questionnaire
What does the BSRI measure
How much people conform to sex roles streolytypes
How Androgynous people are
We can test the internal reliability of a questionnaire using…
Split-half, split half.
We can test the external; validity using?
Test retest
Inter rater
Three strengths of the BSRI are…
Eit has high internal reliability
Cit has low gender bias
Ait has high external reliability
Two limitations of the BSRI are…
Eit may lack temporal validity
Cpeople may interpret the scale in different ways
We’ve now seen how sex glands develop…
GIf a person has XX chromosomes, their sex glands develop into ovaries.
DThe Y chromosome contains the SRY gene.
EIf a person has XY chromosomes, their sex glands develop into testes.
AThere is a gene called the SRY gene which causes sex glands to develop into testes.
Select all the correct statements about oxytocin.
HOxytocin helps females give birth by stimulating the muscles around the uterus.
IOxytocin stimulates the production of milk from a woman’s breasts.
EFemales produce more oxytocin than males.
AOxytocin is a hormone.
BOxytocin is produced by the pituitary gland.
Oxytocin decribition on gender
Oxytocin is associated with empathetic or empathy , sensitive and caring behaviour.
Females produce more oxytocin than males.
Females are often seen as more empathetic, sensitive or caring than males.
So oxytocin may influence behavioural differences, or in other words: oxytocin may influence gender .
What hav e studies found between restore and aggression
Studies have found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and aggression or competitiveness.
How does testornone influence brain development
Testosterone may influence brain development in two ways:
firstly, testosterone increases the size of the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the hypothalamus , a brain region that controls sexual behaviour.
Secondly, testosterone may increase brain lateralisation , which might cause differences between how males and females behave.
Two limitations of studies into the effects of hormones on gender are:
Firstly, some of the studies are correlational and can’t therefore establish cause and effect.
Secondly, many studies are animals studies which may not generalise to humans.
We have seen one limitation of hormone studies which directly investigate cause and effect in humans.
We have seen one limitation of hormone studies which directly investigate cause and effect in humans.
Expectations about the effects of hormones can act as confounding variables .
For example, when Eisenegger deceived women by telling them they were taking testosterone , they behaved more competitively and unfairly.
So, to sum up, we have seen two limitations of brain imaging studies which show differences between male and female brains.
Firstly, these differences are not always replicated by other studies.
For example, a meta-analysis undertaken by Janet hyde found very little difference between the brains of males and females.
Secondly, other studies have found bigger differences within the sexes than between them.
David reimer
David Reimer was born biologically male but underwent a sex change in which his genitalia or sexual organs or penis and testes or genitals were removed.
His parents tried to raise him as a girl or woman or female but failed, which suggests that gender is greatly influenced by biological factors like having XY chromosomes and high testosterone levels before birth.
But there are also sometimes psychological differences, such as: knlifender
You needed to say any of the following: Language, speaking.
You also needed to say any of the following: Difficulties, difficulty, learning disabilities, special educational needs.
What is the BSRI
The BSRI is a questionnaire that measures a participant’s masculine and feminine traits. It classifies people as masculine, feminine, androgynous or undifferentiated.
What are the strengths of the BSI
The first strength of the BSRI is that it produces consistent results each time an individual takes the test - this method of evaluating a questionnaire is called the test-retest method. It shows that the BSRI has high external reliability .
The second strength of the BSRI is that it has high internal reliability , which has been tested by using the split-half or split half method.
The third strength of the BSRI is that it uses traits which were selected by both men and women. This means it is unlikely to have any gender bias .
Why do tests develop ?
Testes develop as a result of the SRY gene which is located on the Y sex chromosome
Turner’s syndrome causes some physical differences, such as:
You needed to say any of the following: Shorter, height, short, less tall, not as tall.
You also needed to say the following: Webbed neck.
You also needed to say any of the following: Underdeveloped ovaries, less developed ovaries.
You also needed to say any of the following: Infertility, infertile, sterile, sterility.
You also needed to say any of the following: Not getting periods, no periods, lack of periods, no menstruation, lack of menstruation.
But there are also sometimes psychological differences, such as:
List the three psychological differences we covered in this video.But there are also sometimes psychological differences, such as:
Difficulties, difficulty, learning disabilities, special educational needs, difficulty making friends.
Klinefelter’s syndrome causes some physical differences, such as:
List the five physical differences we covered.
Klinefelter’s syndrome causes some physical differences, such as less muscle and body hair, increased height, infertility and breast tissue development.