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> behaviourism and cupboard of love > Flashcards
behaviourism and cupboard of love Flashcards
Study These Flashcards
Study These Flashcards
(317 decks)
key terms
social influence
key terms idmw
the working model of memory
experiment with people
Asch research
zimbardo study
milgrams study
resistance to conformity
research methods
behaviourism and cupboard of love
approaches 2/ flash the same
research methods
section A review approaches in psychology
nureons and stuff
free will and determinism
brain scans
social sensitivity
social influence 2
social influences dates of studies
exam style questions psychopathy and social influence
attachment dates and study
pscyopathesy dates and study
memory studies and dates
exam review paper 1
content analysis
rm2 bless up
test week 9 revision
gender bless up
The Role of Chromosomes and Hormones in Sex and Gender
Atypical Sex Chromosome Patterns
Cognitive Explanations for Gender
the pscyodynmaic approach lessons
organs of psychology approaches
Behaviourism approaches
social learning theory
social learning theory identification includes a study
cognitive approach
biological approach approaches
The Nervous System and the Endocrine System
Approaches in Psychology: Psychodynamic
Humanistic Approach
Attachment - start of
Attachment staffers stages of attachment
Attachment: Animal Studies of Attachment
Attachment: Explanations for Attachment; Learning Theory
Attachment: Explanations for Attachment: Bowlby
the role of the father
Ainsworth (1969): Strange Situation
Attachment: Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation
Attachment: Institutionalisation: Romanian Orphan Studies
Attachment: The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
short term long term / types of long term memory
Working Model of Memory
Retrieval failure theory
Eyewitness Testimony
cognitive interview focus therys
Etic and Emic Approaches in Human Behaviour
Gender bias
Free Will and Determinism
Issues and Debates: Nature vs Nurture
Issues and Debates: Holism vs Reductionism
Issues and Debates: Idiographic vs. Nomothetic
Issues and Debates: Ethical Implications
Review of the Debates
Origin of psychology book questions
social Leary theory book
cognitive approach book qurstipmns
biological approach questions from book
humanistic approach questions from the book
pscodyamic approach questions from the book
comparison of approaches table book
comparison of approaches book questions
neurons form the book
infradion rhythms
circadian rhythms
Ultraradian rhythms
Endogenous pacemakers
exogenous zeitgebeters
biological rhythms questions from the book
Scanning techniques
localisation of functions in the brain
evaluation of localisation of functions in the brain
Hemisphereric lateralisation
eval hemispheric lateralisation
plasticity and recovery
eval plastcity
exam review mocks revision
rm2 revsions mockx
rm content anywise shit
types of experiments
types of design plus datas
exam mock revison 2
exam mock revision past paper bit of everything
The Psychological Explanation for Schizophrenia
Cognitive Explanations of Schizophrenia
The Biological Explanation for Schizophrenia
treatments for schizophrenia
Evaluation of Drug Therapy
Definition of Mental Disorders by Symptom:
Evaluation Definition of Mental Disorders by Symptom:
Psychological Therapies for Schizophrenia
Evaluation for CBT
Family Therapy
The Interactionist Approach
Evaluation Schizophrenia: Interactionist Approach
Gender Scheme Theory
eval gender theory
Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
eval Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
Social Learning Theory (As Applied to Gender Development)
The Influence of Culture and Media on Gender Roles
The Influence of Culture and Media on Gender Roles Eval 2
Atypical Gender Development
Social explanations gender development
pboias adis notes
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
The Two-Process Model phobias
The Biological Approach to Explaining OCD
The Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias
The Biological Approach to Treating OCD
Cognitive Explanation for Depression
Ellis ABC Model
Cognitive Approach to treating Depression
functions and stuff pscycopathy
suffers stages of development eval and questions with infant synchronise
memory 1
memory 2
memory 3
memory 4
memory 5
memory 6
memory 7
memory 8
start of aggression
Genetic Factors in Aggression
Ethological/Evolutionary Explanation for Aggression
Evolutionary Explanation for Aggression
Social-Psychological Explanations for Aggression: Frustration-Agression Hypothesis
Social Learning Theory and Aggression
Institutional Aggression in Prisons
Institutional Aggression in Prisons situational model
Desensitisation, Disinhibition and Cognitive priming
unlearn biological schrizopherian explanation
Gender Introduction to Sex and Gender Biological Influences on Sex and Gender
Social Explanations of Gender The Influence of Culture and Media on Gender Roles
Cognitive Explanations of Gender
Psychodynamic Explanation of Gender Atypical Gender Development
Biological Explanations of Aggression Evolutionary Explanations of Aggression Ethological Explanations of Aggression
Evolutionary Explanations of Aggression
eval Neural and hormal mechanism aggression eval?
genetic factors aggression eval
The ethological explanation of aggression?
Evolutionary flash cards eval
the social learning theory explanation for aggression
frustration aggression
three stuff
eval De-individuation
institutional aggression in the context of prisoners
Social leanring tehory evals
Frustration eval
Media influences on aggresiopm eval
Evaluation institutional
Eval of the tree
review one of paper 3
synaptic trnasmisioons
social sensitivity
Reliability and Validity in Schizophrenia Diagnosis
upload cognitive schophernia
uplearn family dysfunction
Unlearn paper 3 first one
Token economies schizophrenia
interaction approach unlearn
The role of the fathers eval
Animal studies eval
Explanations of attachment learning theory eval
Bowlbys theory of attachment
Types of attachment eval
Cultural variations eval
Bowly theory of maternal deprivation eval
Romanian Orphan studies: institustiltion eval
Influence of early attachment on later relationship eval
Coding capacity and duration of memory
The multi store model of memory
Types of long term memory eval
The working model of memory eval
inference eval
Retrieval failure eval
Misleading information
Anxiety eval memory
Cognitive interview eval
Definition of abnomilkity eval
institutionalised .
The role of chromosomes and hormones sex and gender
book aaa genetic aggression notes
pshycoical treatments for schizophrenia eval apply it
psychological explanations to schizophrenia
start of social influence
social roles
Milgrams research
agentic state and
dispositional factor
resistance to social influence.
The role of the fathers eval
Animal studies attachment eval
Explanations of attachment learning theory
Bowlbys theory of attachment
Types of attachment
Cultural variations
Bowly theory of maternal deprivation
Romanian Orphan studies: institustiltion
Influence of early attachment on later relationship
Coding capacity and duration of memory
The multi store model of memory
Types of long term memory
The working model of memory
Retrieval failure eval
Misleading information eval
Anxiety eval
Cognitive interview eval
Definition of abnomilkity eval
Failure to function may not be abnormal
The behavioural approach to explaining phobias
The behavioural approach to treating phobias
The cognitive approach to treating depression
The biological approach to explaining OCD
The biological approach to treating ocd
the continuity hypothesis
review paper 1 exam week 3
instistionlised unlearn
eval circadian rhythms
eval infradian rhthyms
eval ultraraidna
eval pacemakers
eval extrudes ziberters
neural explanations to curing ocd
Conformity types and explanations eval
Conformity to social roles eval
Obedience eval
Situational variables eval
Situational explanations eval
Dispotional explanation eval
Resistance to social influence eval
Power of minority influence
social influence and social change eval
Aschs eval
caregiver interaction eval
sensory register
little Albert
staffer and Emerson eval
culteral vairtaiomn that spread
inverted U theory
Attachment exam questions the lot of them
memory exam question the lot of them
psych the genetic explanation to ocd flash
reasrach methods part 2 exam mocks
minority social influence
Moscovici’s study
social influence a lot of exam questions
OCD loads of questions
eval cognitive approach to explaining depression
Maguire et al study
rhythms questions unlearn
approaches questions last set exam
biological questions last set before exam
RM2 exam paper 2
cognitive approach reveal last
biological approach last eval
pscyco dynamic last eval
functional recovery
unlearn William Wundt
spilt brain research
Tuck et al
three defence mechanisms you need to know
bias unlearn
cultural stuff unlearn
determinism vs free will
nature vs nurture
reductionism vs holism
nonmothtci and idiographic
eval biological schizs
eval token economy
eval integrationist model
research into the influence of culture and or media on gender roles
biological and social e-xlantion for gender dyspohira Eval
freud theory on gender
issues and debates paper 3 quo
gender paper 3 quo
aggression paper 3 quo
media influences on aggression
gender bias 16v markers
universally 16 markers
nature vs nature 16 marker